如果您是WordPress开发人员或希望成为一个人,那么我们有一些好消息 - 您的技能需求很高。bob官网官方网站实际上,结束了400 million网站s are powered by WordPress which represents more than a third of all sites active on the internet.

WordPress开发是一个有利可图的行业,可吸引成长中的公司和独立的自由职业者。该领域涵盖了广泛的工作范围 - 包括前端和后端网站开发 - 以及WordPress开发人员vary between roles.

Because it’s such a diverse field, there is no prevailing market rate for a WordPress developer salary. But, there are multiple considerations you should account for to maximize your earnings. Grow Your Business With HubSpot's Tools for WordPress Websites

With that in mind, you may be wondering what the average salary is for a WordPress developer. And — perhaps more importantly — you may be curious how you can increase your earnings over time.



42% market share, WordPress is the world’s top content management system and a popular choice for those looking to build a site. That being said, building a website can be a tall order, and some people may not have the knowledge, time, or patience to build a site on their own.

That’s where the WordPress developer comes into play. People hire WordPress developers to:

  • 改进WordPress软件bob电竞官方下载
  • 创建新产品 - 通常主题和插件
  • Build, customize, and manage aWordPress网站


Why compare WordPress developer salaries?


“ WordPress开发人员”一词通常被用作在WordPress网站上工作的专业人员的关键短语。这包括从构建网站到日常管理的所有内容。由于这种差异,即使工作头衔相似,一个角色的薪水也可能与另一个角色大不相同。

Another reason to compare salaries is that many people find it uncomfortable to discuss salaries. According to a survey done by the compensation software management company,Beqom, 41% of employees were uncomfortable talking about pay. However, knowing the salary range for WordPress developer jobs can help you maximize your earning potential.

industry-standar的知识武装自己d compensation can help you negotiate during interviews, so you get paid a competitive rate.

WordPress Developer Salary


Average Salary

Minimum Salary



$ 70,167


$ 105,000


$ 67,837






$ 150,000


$ 64,308

$ 24,000






Simply Hired


$ 28,235



chart showing pay by experience for wordpress developer salary上表上指示的WordPress开发人员薪水涵盖了WordPress开发人员在职业生涯的各个阶段的基本工资估计。


根据Ziprecruiter和Payscale的数据,Junior WordPress开发商的薪水平均为40,000美元。具体来说,ziprecruitersays junior WordPress web developers get paid $40,574, whilePayscalesays they get paid $39,677 annually.

自由wordpress开发人员工资Average freelance wordpress salary chart




For this section ,we looked at data from various general freelance marketplaces such as Upwork, Fiverr, and People per Hour.

根据Upwork, the average U.S. freelance WordPress developer charges an hourly rate of $70, with rates ranging between $30 to $175/hour. When you include freelancers from other countries, the average goes down to $15-28/hour.


笔记:收集的数据来自来自世界各地的自由职业者的市场。没有审查过程;任何人都可以注册并称自己为“ WordPress开发人员”。



Specialized freelance marketplaces — such as Codementor or Codeable — require freelancers to take tests to prove their skills before they can be hired for a job. Because of the vetting process, you're guaranteed to hire freelancers with more expertise. Thus the rate is at par with standard and average freelance WordPress developer rates.


Freelancer wordpress salary hourly rates

另一方面,Codeablecharges $70-120/hour, depending on the project’s complexity, scope, and urgency.

如果您对自由职业感兴趣,请查看我们的complete guide here

How to Increase Your Salary as a WordPress Developer

Now that you know the market rates, how does your salary measure up?



If you want to earn more as a freelance developer, it’s as easy as increasing your rates.




其次,如果您担心收取较高的费率会驱使客户拖走,请记住,总会有人愿意为您的服务付费。这最好的客户are usually willing to pay more and are easier to work with.


  • Start raising your rates a bit for every new client that comes in.
  • Tell existing clients you’ll raise your rates and give them enough time to adjust. They may have already had their budgets approved long before you approached them with the rate increase. You can also provide long-term clients a lower increased rate to showcase appreciation for their continued business.
  • 继续提高价格,直到找到最佳位置为止。

如果您收取每小时费用,弗雷德·迈耶(Fred Meyer)wpshoutsuggests not taking anything less than $50/hour for U.S. WordPress developers. He suggests $50-60/hour as a good starting rate, but it should increase to $75/hour within a year and $100/hour within two years.

这re are different pricing models freelance WordPress developers can use. Whether you choose to charge hourly or per project, remember to highlight the value you bring to a project.

2. Specialize in a WordPress area.

As a WordPress developer, you will never have to worry about work because you can get into fields such as plugin or theme development, designing the website’s frontend, managing the backend, and more.


例如,您只能选择服务WooCommercebusiness owners.

WordPress开发人员have three choices to specialize in — core software, plugins, or themes. You may work on all of these areas, but you'd likely reap more benefits by becoming an expert in one.


  • 核心发展: WordPress developers involved in core development create, edit, and work with the WordPress core. While WordPress co-founder, Matt Mullenweg, leads an official WordPress core team, anyone can review and contribute code. Core developers are often responsible for new WordPress features and releases such as “Full Site Editing.”
  • 主题开发:WordPress开发人员engaged in theme development can create and release free themes for the WordPress theme directory. They can also create a customized theme for a client or sell it on a third-party marketplace.
  • Plugin Development:Plugin developers are similar to theme developers but create plugins instead of themes.


Besides niching down, improving your skill set can also help you earn a higher WordPress developer salary.

You can brush up on WordPress programming languages such as PHP, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. You canenroll in online coursesto learn additional skills and get certifications.

You can also read up onWordPress-specific resources, such as:

  • WordPress Developer resources,其中包括用于处理WordPress API,主题,插件和块编辑器的参考和手册。
  • WordPress法典,WordPress开发人员撰写的官方手册。它涵盖了从基础知识到WordPress最技术方面的所有内容。
  • WordPress堆栈交换, where you can ask and answer questions about WordPress development with fellow developers.


Besides beefing up your technical skills, you can also benefit from developing your soft skills. Also known as core skills, soft skills relate to how you conduct yourself in professional environments.


Some soft skills freelance developers should have are:

  • 沟通:Having good communication skills ensures that you and your client are on the same page. It helps set expectations and allows you to explain the project scope in terms the client can understand.
  • Negotiation:Negotiation is a crucial part of your communication skills. Everyone needs to learn how to negotiate. Negotiation sets the tone for a client relationship and formalizes deliverables, expectations, and rates. Negotiation is a skill that people rarely master, but it makes a world of difference once they do. According to aSalary.com study, failing to negotiate your WordPress developer salary can cost you upwards of $1 million over the lifetime of your career.
  • 时间管理:As a freelance WordPress developer, you are your own boss. You get to decide which projects to work on and when. No one will tell you when to work on them or how much time to allot to each of them. If you charge on a per-project basis, managing your time and finishing quickly would be more advantageous because it translates into a higher hourly rate.
  • Organization Skills:成功的自由职业者将其职业视为一项业务。他们为可重复的流程创建系统,以节省时间并确保一定的工作标准。客户喜欢有组织的自由职业者,因为他们是专业人士。





  • Accounting and invoicing
  • Contract creation
  • 沟通
  • 设计
  • 调度

You don't necessarily need to have all of these, nor should you choose the most expensive tools. Instead, choose自由职业者工具这使经营业务的不太理想方面自动化。



除Web托管外,建立网站通常还需要诸如Form Builders之类的产品,page builders,或备份和迁移解决方案。一些客户将拥有他们的首选解决方案,而另一些客户会要求您提出建议。

Since you’ll be suggesting solutions anyway, why not earn passive income from those recommendations?

This is calledaffiliate marketing,其中您将获得客户使用会员链接进行的每笔销售的百分比佣金。Check out HubSpot’saffiliate program举个例子。



If you want to get into WordPress development, knowing the average WordPress developer salary is a crucial step to helping you maximize your earnings. The next step is following the tips above to make the most out of a WordPress developer career path. Use HubSpot tools on your WordPress website and connect the two platforms  without dealing with code. Click here to learn more.

Use HubSpot tools on your WordPress website and connect the two platforms  without dealing with code. Click here to learn more.

最初于2022年1月17日上午7:00 am,2022年1月17日更新

