Should you build your website from scratch or use a website building platform? The answer isn't always cut and dry.


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如果您不想花时间和金钱来使用HTML, CSS, and Javascript, you can build the website yourself using one of the hundreds ofpublishing platforms, website builders, and content management systemson the market.

在这些解决方案中CMSis the most popular. It allows you to easily customize the design of your site, add multimedia in your posts, organize content by tags and categories, manage multiple users, edit the underlying code, and much more.

CMSwebsites are pretty straightforward. They're easy to use, require little to no knowledge of code, and have several options for functionality. They're a tempting choice for first-time website builders, but what exactly is a static HTML website and how does it compare?

While static HTML sites are relatively simple to create (one HTML file = one web page), they’re inefficient to maintain since all personalized or dynamic content must be coded straight into the HTML file, and any site-wide changes must be made inside each HTML file. Therefore, maintaining a large static website would take a lot of time and effort.

The solution to this is a dynamic website. Instead of having a library of ready-to-ship HTML files, dynamic websites build web pages on the server side upon request. When you visit a page from a dynamic website, the webserver fields your browser’s request, constructs an HTML file from stored data using a scripting language like PHP, then sends that new HTML file back to your browser to display. This allows for much greater flexibility and a more personalized experience for individual visitors.

Dynamic websites can also be programmed from scratch, but they’re more commonly implemented with a website builder, platform, or CMS like WordPress.

Now, let's put it all together and compare WordPress with HTML.

HTML/CSS/Javascript vs. WordPress


WordPress是一个灵活的CMS,允许多个users to create and run a website. While this CMS uses the programming language PHP, most users can operate a WordPress site without coding.



Do content management systems like WordPress use HTML?

The short answer is yes. WordPress and other content management systems use HTML.

The long answer is that WordPress is not primarily written in HTML. Its core software — as well as WordPress plugins and themes — are primarily written withphp, a programming language that controls how a WordPress site interacts and connects with its database.

PHP是一种服务器端语言,这意味着它完全在托管网站的服务器上运行。因此,当网站访问者在网页的URL中键入键入时,服务器上的PHP代码会收到请求并从WordPress数据库中删除相关内容。然后,它将内容转换为HTML文件(以及随附的CSS文件),并将其发送回提出请求的访客。bob全站app由于WordPress Core是用PHP编写的,因此第三方开发人员还可以创建以自己的PHP文件运行的插件和主题。这些插件和主题通常是免费的或相对便宜的,可以自定义网站的外观,而无需自己编码。

So, while a WordPress site will look and function the same as a static HTML site to end-users, the process of how the content is sorted and delivered to those users is very different.



HTML vs. WordPress Speed

Online consumers don’t want to waste time waiting for a website to load. In fact, page speed is so important to the user experience that Google began including it as one of its桌面的排名因素and移动的. The main reason for including speed in its algorithm was because data showed visitors spent less time on slower sites. According to a2021研究by Website Builder Expert, 1 in 4 visitors abandon a site that takes more than 4 seconds to load.

To ensure youprovide a good user experienceandreduce bounce rateon your site, you have to consider speed when deciding how to build your site. Let’s compare the speed of WordPress and HTML sites below.

WordPress Speed


However, by selecting a fast hosting provider, purchasing aContent Delivery Network (CDN), optimizing and compressing your images, and takingother steps to speed up your WordPress site, you can work toward beating that 4 second load time that customers expect.



There are several steps you can take to optimize an HTML site to ensure it's fast-loading. These steps include eliminating unnecessary white space, omitting comment sections, regularly caching your site's content, reducing the number of inline scripts, minifying and compressing images, using lazy loading for images, and more. It's important to note that many of these steps are website maintenance best practices which means they will also help reduce the load time of a WordPress site.




WordPress Ease of Use


Adding and managing plugins in your WordPress dashboard

To leverage the platform's flexibility in these ways, you will find it necessary to allocate more resources to managing your site. Plugin, theme, and software updates will be essential management tasks for keeping your site safe and avoiding compatibility issues.

Ecommerce stores, small business sites, and other companies looking to grow their brand and customer base will prefer building with this open-source CMS because of its ease of use, even if it does require more day-to-day management.


在WordPress上简单的任务 - 例如添加和编辑内容,扩展网站的功能以及更改其外观 - 在构建HTML网站时会更加困难。那是因为您将没有带有内置功能和按钮,主题或插件的仪表板来自动执行这些任务。您必须自己写HTML和CSS,或者付钱去做。

There are ways to speed up the build process. You can use open-source toolkits likeBootstrapCSS, which comes with pre-designedbuttons,Navbars,forms,, and other components you won't have to build from scratch.


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If you don’t anticipate needing to update or change your site regularly, then you’re better off building (or hiring someone to build) an HTML site. This route will require fewer server resources making it easier to build. Once it's published, you won't have to worry about updating any software or third-party extensions to keep it secure.

Restaurants, gyms, boutiques, and other small businesses looking to establish a simple online presence will find this option appealing. While the up-front time and costs required to build an HTML site will be greater than a WordPress site, the day-to-day management will be much easier.

HTML vs. WordPress Price

建造一个网站的成本取决于主机of factors but the four major ones are your time, budget, technical knowledge, and design skills. If you have time but no technical knowledge, for example, then you could learn how to build an HTML site. If you lack both time and technical knowledge though, you can build a site using WordPress.

下面我们将查看costs of creating and managing a website on WordPressand one built from scratch.

WordPress Price

作为开源软件,WordPresbob电竞官方下载s可以免费下载和使用。但是,您将不得不支付custom domain nameandhosting启动您的网站。您可能还必须考虑要安装的任何高级插件或主题。

Although premium themes can cost up to $200 and plugins can range from one-time fees of $3.99 to annual fees of $250, these design options are most likely cheaper than hiring a web developer or designer to customize the appearance and functionality of your site.

Because domain registration, hosting,themes, and plugins vary in price, the costs of building and managing a WordPress site can range from a couple hundred to a few thousand dollars.

Breakdown of costs of building and managing site on WordPress

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The average costs are much more moderate than that range implies though. According toWebsite Builder Expert, building a WordPress site will cost you around $200 and managing it will cost $11 to $40 per month, on average.


Let’s first consider the cost of building an HTML site. Hiring an agency to build and design your site from scratch will be the priciest option, costing tens of thousands of dollars. Hiring a freelancer will be cheaper but range dramatically, depending on their hourly rate and the duration of the project.

According to a custom quote by WebFX, hiring a developer to build out a responsive site with one to ten pages that are moderately styled would cost between $7,000 and $10,000.


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That’s why WebFX estimates that the cost of maintaining an HTML site can range from每年$ 400至$ 60,000. However, a smaller site like the one mentioned above will range much more moderately from $400 to $1,200 per year.

Since you can add new content and perform most tasks without hiring aWordPress developer, managing an HTML website will likely end up costing much more than a WordPress website over time.

HTML vs. WordPress for SEO

If you’re investing this amount of time and money into building a site for your business, you probably want people to see it, right? To boost your site’s visibility, you'll want to rank on the first page of the major search engines for keywords that are relevant to your business.

To drive that organic traffic to your site, you need to optimize your on-page and technical SEO. Let’s compare the SEO friendliness of building a site on WordPress and building one from scratch.

WordPress for SEO

WordPress enables you to easily customize your image alt-text, meta descriptions, headings, and custom URLs right in your dashboard so you don’t need to edit a single line of code.

在WordPress仪表板中编辑URL SLUG o优化SEO

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You can also choose among thousands of responsive themes to design a mobile-friendly site. Installing and activating a responsive theme will take a few clicks and you won't need to worry about defining viewport meta tags, setting text in the viewport width unit, or adding media queries.

如果您缺乏SEO的经验或知识,则可以下载或购买一系列WordPress plugins帮助。插件喜欢Yoast SEO, WP Rocket, and Redirection let you control many aspects of your site’s technical and页面SEO.


有几种方法可以优化an HTML site for search engines — you just need to know how to do it.

Adding keywords in your posts and pages, linking to internal and external pages, and optimizing your URLs, heading tags, title tags, meta descriptions, andimage alt textare all familiar best practices.

image alt text example for html for seo


在优化您的同时页面SEOin the steps outlined above is relatively easy, optimizing your技术SEOwill be much more difficult. Adding breadcrumb menus and pagination to your site, for example, will require time and coding, whereas WordPress offers built-in functionality and plugins for adding these features.

从头开始建立响应迅速的网站将需要您定义视口元标签, resize your text and images,add media queries, 和更多。



WordPress for Blogging

Although WordPress has evolved into a multi-purpose CMS, it was originally built to be a blogging platform. Therefore, it has lots of built-in functionality to help you easily create blog content.

Using theGutenberg editor, you can drag and drop elements on the page to create an unlimited number of multi-media blog posts and pages. Once your article is drafted, you can schedule, publish, update, and delete these posts and pages as needed. You can also moderate comments, assign user roles and permissions, make your content public or private, and secure posts and pages with a password.

Setting WordPress post to password protected in editor interface


如果您是具有编码技能的更高级用户,则可以将代码添加到文件中style individual category pages,在其侧边栏中显示最新帖子的列表和扩展功能ionality of their site in other ways.

By offering these out-of-the-box features and access to its source code, WordPress combines ease of use and flexibility to advance your blogging efforts.

HTML for Blogging

Using HTML and CSS, you can create even more complex blog posts than you can on WordPress. You can insert images, format headlines, add bullet points, create tables, display posts in your sidebar, and anything else you can think of — you’ll just need to write the code to make it happen



  • 项目A

  • Item B

  • 项目C

While you’ll have total control over the structure and design of your content if you create an HTML site, you’ll need the time and in-depth knowledge of HTML, CSS, and Javascript to wield that control. Since most users will have to hire a developer to add this type of content to their site, those looking to regularly publish blog posts will be better off using WordPress.

Pros and Cons of WordPress and CSS & HTML


To help you make this decision, we’ll summarize the pros and cons of the two solutions below.

WordPress HTML&CSS
bob电竞官方下载 Open-source content management system No underlying software
Uses HTML Yes, but primarily written in PHP. When a user visits your website, PHP code on your hosting server queries the database for relevant content, then packages that into an HTML file to deliver to users. 是的。网页以各个HTML文件的完整形式存在。无需组装。
速度 开箱即用较慢,因为需要更多的服务器资源。bob体育苹果系统下载安装 Faster out-of-the-box because requires fewer server resources.
Ease of use Built-in dashboard, themes, and plugins make it easy to build, customize, and manage a WordPress site. Building and managing an HTML site will be difficult without coding experience or hiring a developer.
Price 免费使用该软件,但必须支付域名注bob电竞官方下载册,托管和高级插件和主题。除了一次性款额200美元外,平均每月成本从11美元到40美元不等。 雇用开发人员从头开始建造和设计一个响应迅速的小型网站,范围为7,000美元和10,000美元。维护此类网站的价格为每年400至1,200美元。
SEO In addition to being able to configure SEO settings in your dashboard, you can choose from hundreds of plugins that let you control your on-page and technical SEO. Optimize on-page SEO by including the right tags in source code or hiring a developer to do so.
Blogging Offers a drag-and-drop block editor and advanced built-in blogging functionality for managing users, controlling content visibility, and more so you can create and manage content right in your dashboard. More advanced users can edit the underlying code to make specific customizations if they want. Offers total control over the structure and design of content, but requires a significant time investment and in-depth coding knowledge to create.


WordPress websites have an underlying content management system software which makes this type of website flexible and easy to customize. On the other hand, HTML sites don't have any underlying software — it's all code which can be great if you're a developer, but difficult to manage if you're not.

Pros and Cons: Using HTML



HTML sites have the propensity to load faster than WordPress sites because they require fewer server resources, but that isn't always true. If best practices aren't followed, both types of websites can load slowly. However, using a CDN can help WordPress sites use fewer server resources by spreading out the workload across several different servers across the global. This can make these sites load at a comparable speed to HTML sites.


Something as simple as editing an image or a sidebar menu can be tedious and time consuming on an HTML site if you don't have a developer do it for you. WordPress sites are much more user friendly which means simple and complex edits can be made in a few simple clicks.

Pros and Cons: Price

There are two factors to consider when evaluating the pros and cons of HTML and WordPress websites: upfront costs and maintenance costs. Upfront, HTML sites are more expensive because they're built with custom code. Maintenance on these types of sites is usually minimal, so you won't have to pay a developer as often to make changes. WordPress sites are relatively inexpensive upfront, and in some cases completely free aside from the cost of the domain and hosting which are minimal. Maintaining a WordPress site is usually paid monthly for plugins, themes, and other enhancements. Although these might be just a few dollars a month, the costs can add up over time.


There's no magic plugin or shortcut to earning a top spot on the Google search results page, but there are tools available to WordPress site owners that make SEO a bit more accessible. Plugins and other configurations for SEO are built into the CMS which make the process of optimizing pages for the search engine straightforward. HTML sites are at the mercy of a developer and SEO specialist working together to create custom tags in the source code that will help the page gain more visibility within the search engines.

Pros and Cons: Blogging

The WordPress CMS was built for blogging, so you'll find building a blog this way to be faster and more accessible for a high volume of blog posts. HTML sites come with more customization options, but if you don't have a developer on hand, your publishing cadence could be inconsistent.


Throughout this post, we've talked about the differences between these two types of sites and the pros and cons that come along with them. To make the best decision, first decide what outcome you want to present to your users: a completely custom experience or a dynamic and flexible experience? Then, you'll need to determine how much knowledge, resources, and time you can dedicate to building and maintaining your website.

If you're running low on all three, WordPress is the way to go. If you have the time and resources to develop a one-of-a-kind site, HTML will be a stellar option. No matter what, as long as you put the needs of your end users first, your site will be a worthwhile asset for your business.


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最初于2021年9月21日上午7:00 am,更新于1月7日2022年

