
It's important to ensure you have a way of viewing, visualizing, and analyzing all of that data at once. This gives you a complete picture of the health of everything related to your business, from small projects to team projections to overall business success.

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Data ingestion is the process that can efficiently get all of your data in one place.


At a high level, data ingestion prepares your data for analysis. In this blog post, we’ll cover the definition of data ingestion in greater detail, describe its importance, review the data ingestion framework, and highlight a few tools that will make the process simple for your team. Let’s dive in.


Data ingestion prepares your data for analysis. It’s the process of transporting data from a variety of sources into a single location — often to a destination like a database, data processing system, or data warehouse — where it can be stored, accessed, organized, and analyzed.

这个过程可以让企业获得整体view of their data in order to leverage and apply resulting insights and findings in their strategies.


You may be wondering why data ingestion is so important and why your marketing team — and business as a whole — should leverage it.

As mentioned, data ingestion provides a single view of all of your data. Without the ability to access, review, and analyze all of your data at the same time — versus having to check multiple data sources which visualize your data in different formats — you wouldn’t have a clear or accurate picture of what’s doing well and what needs to be improved upon.

Data ingestion tools存在通过自动化从各种来源集成所有数据的过程来使此过程更容易。这样,您团队中的任何人都可以访问和通过您的组织中通用的工具访问和共享该数据。


数据摄入框架是数据摄入的方式 - 这是来自多个来源的数据实际运输到单个数据仓库/数据库/存储库中的方式。换句话说,数据摄入框架使您能够集成,组织和分析来自不同来源的数据。

Unless you have a professional create your framework for you, you’ll need data ingestion software to make the process happen. Then, the way that the tool ingests your data will be based on factors like your data architectures and models.


Before we define batch versus streaming data injection, let’s take a moment to decipher the difference between data ingestion and data integration.


数据集成将数据摄入进一步走进一步 - 而不是仅在将数据传输到其新位置/存储库后停止,数据集成还可以确保所有数据,无论其是什么类型或它来自哪种源,都可以彼此兼容以及它被运送到的存储库。这样,您可以轻松,准确地分析它。

1。Batch Data Ingestion

The batch data ingestion framework works by organizing data and transporting it into the desired location (whether that’s a repository, platform, tool etc.) in groups — or batches — periodically.


2。Streaming Data Ingestion

A streaming data ingestion framework transports data continuously and the moment it’s created/ the system identifies it. It’s a helpful framework if you have a lot of data that you need access to in real-time, but it is more expensive due to the capabilities that batch processing doesn’t have.


Data ingestion tools integrate all of your data for you — no matter the source or format — and house it in a single location.


1。Apache Gobblin

apache goblin data ingestion toolApache Gobblinis a distributed data integration framework and it's ideal for businesses working with big data. It streamlines much of the data integration process, including data ingestion, organization, and lifecycle management. Apache Gobblin can manage both batch and streaming data frameworks.

2。Google Cloud Data Fusion

google cloud data fusion data ingestion and integration software example

Google云数据融合是一个fully managed, cloud data integration service。您可以从多个来源摄入和集成数据,然后将其与其他数据源进行转换和融合。这是可能的,因为该工具带有许多与各种数据系统和格式一起使用的开源转换和连接器。





数据摄入是数据管理的关键方面 - 它确保您的所有数据都是准确,集成和组织的,因此您可以轻松地大规模分析并对业务健康的整体看法。



Originally published Sep 2, 2021 7:00:00 AM, updated November 12 2021

