Instagram不再只是与朋友建立联系 - 在2018年,它已成为找到您的声音和创建业务的强大平台。实际上,Instagram的估计移动广告收入有望达到2018年68亿美元,而18亿美元two years ago.

Nowadays, Instagram is capable of turning stay-at-home moms intosuccessful hat designers,或在公司财富管理工作的女人world traveler. So it's no surprise you want to become an Instagram influencer, and reach a large audience with your own personal brand. 立即下载:免费的Instagram for Business套件 +模板

Since I myself am not an Instagram influencer (I think an average 60 likes per post falls a little short of most brands' minimum for sponsorship opportunities), I set out to interview some real Instagram influencers in the industry, so you can get the full scoop.


Throughout my conversations with these influencers, one thing became abundantly clear -- the term "famous" makes most of them uncomfortable. Apparently, "famous" denotes something less substantial than what most of these people are chasing. As Emma Hoareau (@emmahoareau)是一个拥有近4万名追随者的美丽和旅行影响者,他告诉我:“不要打算成为Instagram著名的!创建美丽的作品,并将应用程序作为灵感的来源……而不是数字竞争。”

If you think about it, "fame" and "influence" are two drastically different measures of success. While fame is measured by a certain number, influence is measured by something a little less quantitative -- a deep, authentic connection with your audience.

Here, we've compiled some critical tips from fourteen Instagram influencers, so you can get one step closer to sharing your brand with the world and influencing your own audience.


如何像艾米丽·罗伯茨(Emily Roberts)一样成为Instagram
Creating authentic Instagram content can help you on the road to becoming a social influencer whom businesses want to work with, but doing it right is just as important. Here's how to make your mark in Instagram, step-by-step.

1. Make sure your content is genuine and authentic.

Across the board, all the influencers in this list insisted on one tried-and-true practice -- authentic content.

Emily Roberts (@thelipstickfever), pictured above, is a fashion and beauty influencer with over 57k followers. She told me, "Focus on quality over quantity when it comes to your content. It's better to post top notch images less frequently, than to post something subpar very frequently."

To me, this makes sense -- the same is true for any type of content creation. An audience would rather read one high-quality Facebook status than a hundred less interesting ones. At HubSpot, we'd prefer to publish a few exceptional pieces of content per day, rather than laboring away to produce hundreds of barely average pieces.

Emma Hoareau (@emmahoareau) concurred: "Make sure the content you're sharing is true to yourself, and try not to compare yourself to others."


Nic和Nat (@偷偷摸摸), two women who create kid-friendly, healthy recipes on their Instagram account and have over 6,000 followers, say you should "stay authentic and always be you. This means being truthful and honest about who you are both online and offline and staying true to your personal brand."


摩根·拉斐尔(@bun_undone)近15K关注者的健康,健康和灵感影响者,在是否需要找到利基市场方面提供了一些建议。“我听到了很多建议,以找到您的利基市场以及让您脱颖而出的原因,但是说实话,如果您分享您的realself, people will relate and therefore respond by continuing to follow you and engage with your content."

Finally, Chelsea Martin (@Passporttofriday), a travel blogger and influencer with over 17k followers, says commitment to your brand is critical -- "don't take just any collaboration offer that comes through the door. Stay loyal to your personal brand and your followers will stay loyal to you."

While it can be tempting to take the first sponsorship offer you receive, long-term growth is about remaining committed to partnering with brands that can offer meaningful value to your audience, as well.

2.Remain flexible and authentic as your brand shifts.

When you follow Instagram influencers, you might feel like they joined the app with an inherent and instant understanding of their brand -- at least, that's how I've always felt. To verify this, I asked Nicole Loher (@nicoleloher), a health and fitness influencer with over 14k followers, whether she knew what she wanted her brand to be when she first created her Instagram account.

妮可告诉我:“我一直有一个非常纯粹的目标,可以分享我的生活 - 无论好坏 - 因为我最终搬到纽约不认识任何人……并'制造它'这是从来没有,仍然并不容易。我认为,随着我的关注开始积累,我意识到我有一个真正的平台来成为项目,社区和品牌的拥护者,我对此充满热情 - 最值得注意的是白血病和淋巴瘤协会。也就是说,大约三年前,我的品牌开始转变。我从一个从事时尚和美丽工作的女孩转变为竞争激烈的铁人三项运动员。这不是我打算做的 - 只是随着我的生活发生变化,转移了!”



We've discussed remaining authentic and flexible as you create a brand identity on Instagram. Now, let's consider why this is important -- audience loyalty.

An influencer doesn't become an influencer without creating a strong community, and developing a connection, to her audience. Emily Roberts (@thelipstickfever)说:“始终确保您专注于向观众驾驶价值,并磨练什么使您真正独特。”


Ultimately, becoming an Instagram influencer is a professional role like anything else, so it's important you consider what you can offer your audience. Lauren Caruso (@laurencaruso_), a fashion influencer who boasts nearly 35k followers, advises, "Step one is definitely finding your niche, then figure out how to offer some sort of a service to the audience. It can be anything from outfit ideas, creative direction ideas, or helping them discover new brands -- just make sure you stay true to your aesthetic, rather than trying to be everything to everyone."

Finally, Nic & Nat (@偷偷摸摸) told me, "People will want to connect with you if they view you as being relatable (human!), so being honest and sharing the good and the bad is what they want to see."

There's a reason the hashtag #nofilter has been used over2.35亿次#赞助相比,几乎没有通过the 400,000 mark. Ultimately, Instagram is a platform meant to connect real people with true experiences. Make your audience feel like they're getting a glimpse into your challenges, and they're more likely to cheer on your successes.

4. Find micro-brands to work with.

Once you've created a brand and grown a loyal following, you might feel ready to reach out and get endorsed by certain brands. But direct messaging Nike or L'Oréal might not be your best initial strategy.

相反,puno(@punodostres), a micro-influencer and business founder with over 14k followers, emphasizes the importance of micro-brands: "Micro-brands on Instagram are awesome, mostly because they are small businesses that are open to trade. Similar to you, they're looking to build their following. If you're an influencer with under 10k followers, product for trade is a great place to start creating content you want to get paid for, especially if you can find brands you love and are in the same boat (socially). Plus, they are more likely to mention and regram you."

为了找到微品牌,Puno建议您使用, a micro-influencer tool she created (the tool is used by clients like Refinery29 and Etsy). You can also find micro-brands by searching for hashtags related to your expertise. For instance, #healthyeating might connect you with brands, or other influencers, in a similar industry. Once you find brands you're interested in working with, you can either direct message or email them.

brothers-buoyAdditionally, Jackson and Graham Buoy (@兄弟会)两名具有超过11K追随者的食品影响者告诉我:“我们绝对喜欢的事情之一是与较小的品牌或新餐馆合作,他们仍在寻找自己的声音并帮助他们视觉上的故事。我们只在我们的故事上讲述他们的故事。我们真正关心或使用的饲料……我们只是看不到内容背后的观点,这些内容显然是为了付出的代价,并且与某人的个人品牌不符,因为它确实打败了“影响力”的整个想法。”

For more information on sponsorships, check out, "如何在Instagram上赞助(即使您当前有0个关注者)".


Oftentimes, it's easy to feel like your iPhone and Instagram filters are enough -- and, sometimes, they are. But to set yourself apart as an influencer, versus just an Instagram user, it might be worthwhile to invest in better photography and editing equipment.


Chelsea Martin (@Passporttofriday)说:“专业的相机和出色的镜头可以使一张好照片和一张惊人的照片之间有所不同 - 该照片具有更大的潜力,即受到其他帐户的重新发布,从而增加观众。”





As with any profession, one of the most critical components to becoming successful on Instagram is persistence.

摩根·拉斐尔(@bun_undone) says, "I preach patience and self-love. Don’t give up, continue to write or post consistently and in time it will flourish. The comparison game can easily get in your head if you’re focused on numbers, so instead, focus on the meaningful content you’re sharing, remain proud of your work and keep going."

Becoming an influencer isn't easy, and while it can be incredibly rewarding, it's only possible if you're willing to put in the time. Being passionate about your content will help you push through the challenging times.

Christina, Jeannie & Eli (@fitcityblonde), three fitness influencers with over 8,000 followers, advise, "Post content that you're passionate about, build genuine and authentic connections, and GRIND. Don't be afraid to reach out to people to build your network, especially in person. Instagrammers often hide behind their pages, so it's unique when you're willing to establish actual human connections. All in all, keep it real, and work your tail off."

我认为我们都可以同意,无论您是影响力还是成名,值得努力都不是一件容易的事 - 但是,希望这些有影响力的技巧使您的体验变得更加轻松。




最初发布于2019年11月7日7:00:00 AM,更新于10月7日2021

