When you're running a business every customer is important. The new ones who just purchased your product, the loyal ones who've stuck by your brand for years, even the fairweather ones that occasionally test the limits of your customer support team.

But, while you should certainly treat every customer as if they're your most valuable one, some buyers will be objectively worth more to your business than others. These high-value customers have outstanding客户寿命值(CLV) and their loyalty and advocacy attract new people to your brand. It's imperative to retain these customers because they have the greatest impact on your company's bottom line.

In fact, research shows that65%公司的业务bob全站app来自回头客,80%of its revenue is generated by 20% of the customer base. And, of those buyers, your top10%are likely spending three times more than your average customer. This means that for every high-value customer lost, your business is losing the financial equivalent of three customers.


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我们应该注意,高价值客户并不总是在您公司花费最多的客户。bob全站app一个很好的例子是来自NFL团队的超级粉丝,例如John Big Dog Thompson。



Thompson isn't just a season-ticket holder for the Cleveland Browns. He's been one of the team's biggest cheerleaders since the 1980s and served as a lobbyist for the team's return to Cleveland in 1995. What's more, Thompson even legally changed his middle name to his moniker, “Big Dog,” out of his enthusiasm for the Browns.

汤普森(Thompson)对克利夫兰布朗(Cleveland Browns)的价值不仅仅是他在门票上的钱。他改善了周围的粉丝体验,鼓励其他人参加游戏,并在他的个人时间倡导品牌。这种类型的忠诚度难以养育,如果布朗队以汤普森的身份失去汤普森,他们将损失不仅仅是一个赛季门票持有人。坐在他身边的球迷会想念他的滑稽动作,他的朋友们可能不会参加那么多的比赛,而布朗队的倡导者会为球队提供免费的宣传。

This is just one example of a high-value customer, but your company may also have to manage social-media influencers, big-name brands, and other types of buyers that can significantly impact your company's bottom line. If you want to create an effective strategy for engaging these individuals, read on to the next section for some tips that can help you help identify high-value customers at your business.

How to Identify a High-Value Customer

1. Compare key performance indicators (KPIs).

One of the most objective ways to identify high-value customers is to segment yourcustomer base并比较客户寿命的价值以及其他相关的KPI。



In this example, this retail company segmented its customer base by the products its customers purchased. The green boxes represent values that are above the company average and the red boxes indicate values that are below it. Using this chart, this company knows which customers have the highest lifetime value and which products they purchased the most.

而CLV是一种比较的方法customer value,还有很多其他kpi可以使用segment your customer base. For instance, you could use average recurring revenue (ARR) or purchase frequency to see how often customers are buying from you and how much they're spending on each purchase. Whichever metric you choose, KPIs provide an unbiased way for you to compare customer value and identify buyers who spend the most at your company.

2. Analyze your customer loyalty program.

另一个好地方是与您一起customer loyalty program。These individuals have already expressed their interest in your brand and are likely spending more at your company than other customers. For example,一份报告found that customers who are a part of a loyalty program spend 5 - 10% more than those who aren't.

The other benefit is that these customers are more likely to advocate on behalf of your business. After all, if they're taking the time to enroll in your loyalty program and work towards its rewards, then they're probably telling their friends about their benefits, too. Some loyalty programs even offer discounts to users who share the company's product with a friend — like the example below.




3. Create a customer journey map.

关于customer journey mapsis that businesses think they only need to create one map for all of their customers' journeys. In reality, one customer's experience with your company can be drastically different than another customer's.



Both customers are high-value, but each one had a very different journey with your business. If you only have one journey map to represent all of your customers, then you might overlook some high-value ones and improperly categorize them. The more you can track these experiences and map them for your team, the easier it will be to identify your most valuable customers.

4. Review website and social media engagement metrics.

As mentioned earlier, sometimes it's not about how much a customer is spending on your products, but who they're sharing their experiences with. Social media and third-party review sites are incredibly powerful channels for word-of-mouth marketing, and all it takes is one post to go viral to generate some serious attention for your brand.

我们今天可以看到的最相关的例子之一是社交媒体影响者Charli d'Melio和Dunkin'之间的合作伙伴关系。bob综合博彩下载

Recognizing D'melio's impressive 106 million followers on Tik Tok, the coffee brand, Dunkin', offered her a partnership to promote its products — which she does using videos like the one below.


got my own song and it just hits different. show me how you "do the charli" while you drink 'the charli' using#CharlirunSondunkin!!@dunkin#ad

♬ The Charli - Dunkin'


5. Survey your customers.


One survey that you can use is Net Promoter Score, orNPS®,问客户他们如何能够recommend your company to a friend. This survey asks participants to rank their likelihood to refer on a scale of 1-10 and it provides them with a comment box where they can justify their answer or provide additional context. With this survey, you can quickly identify who's most likely to recommend your brand and who's most likely to churn after interacting with your company.


Identifying high-value customers is only the first step. Once you know who is making the biggest impact on your company's bottom line, your next task is to maximize their value and develop long-lasting, mutually-beneficial relationships with them. Not only do you want your company to feel secure in your partnership with these customers, but you also want your customers to be so delighted with their experience that they're compelled to tell other people about your company.


Net Promoter, Net Promoter System, Net Promoter Score, NPS and the NPS-related emoticons are registered trademarks of Bain & Company, Inc., Fred Reichheld and Satmetrix Systems, Inc.



Originally published Feb 9, 2021 8:00:00 AM, updated June 15 2021


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