
This quote from Will Rogers is relevant for most things in life, but it is especially significant when introducing new products to a market — and to customers.

→ Download Now: 8 Free Customer Onboarding Templates [Free Kit]



客户成功经理assisting with new product introductions should understand customer onboarding so they help their clients refine their message, find the right target market, and ultimately, gain traction.


入职是有益的,因为它可以帮助客户比自己更快地掌握您的产品或服务。用户没有尝试自学,而是有一个可以对他们购买的产品进行教育的专家。这增加了customer satisfaction并防止流失,因为客户不会浪费时间试图找出产品。取而代之的是,他们可以专注于使用产品想要实现的目标。

User Onboarding In Practice

A good example of onboarding can be seen with the company,WashCard Systems。含水系统是一个SaaScompany that simplifies car wash payments for businesses. It's an easy-to-use service but still needs to be set up manually. However, since WashCard Systems' target audience is busy business owners, many customers don't have the time for a super involved setup process.

为了解决此问题,washcard系统使用HubSpot工作流程。Whenever a new customer is added to the workflow, a series of actions are initiated to quickly bring them up to speed. This way, customers don't have to put much effort into setup. Instead, they can respond to the company's questions.

含水系统是一个great example of effective user onboarding. Rather than requiring the customer to actively figure things out on their own, WashCard structures its onboarding so that customers can get the information they need exactly when they need it.

User Onboarding is a unique process for every business that uses this strategy. Check out this post for a wide range of用户入职示例



如果您的公司有bob全站appmobile product or app, then you'll need to adopt mobile user onboarding to create anomni-channel experience。While these users may not be the majority of your customer base, their experience should be just as positive as your traditional users.

当涉及到移动入职时,一个清晰的,分步的过程是customer success。使每个步骤简单易于实现,因为这将使用户能够使用户对自己的经验进行参与和满意。如果您的应用程序与桌面版本相称,请务必概述其独特功能,并说明其与原始产品的不同之处。


Mobile user onboarding example: Slack图像源

Below is a quick list of some of the best user onboarding software you can use if your product or service doesn't include it:


Price: Starts at $99/month


UserGuiding软件那是一个新员工培训bob电竞官方下载t requires little to no coding to install. Instead, the app runs off a Google Chrome extension that lets you create comprehensive walkthroughs and guides instantly.




价格:起价为$ 159/月

Best User Onboarding Platforms: AppCues

AppCues helps SaaS and tech companies build user onboarding processes, customer satisfaction surveys, and new feature announcements right into the product without needing to know how to code first.

Why we recommend AppCues:

Feedback is an integral part of user onboarding and AppCues makes that easy by integrating NPS & surveys directly into its software. Open-ended questions, multiple-choice options, and Likert scales are all available in the AppCues feedback feature.



Best User Onboarding Platforms: Intercom



Intercom is a multi-faceted tool that can be used not only for user onboarding, but personalization as well. Features like商业信使Customer Data Platform可以个性化用户从潜在客户生成到登机到客户成功的每个部分的体验。


Price: Starts at $300/month


Lessonly offers powerful, easy-to-use web-based training that allows you to create multiple lessons for particularly complicated product onboarding. This platform also provides badges that keep your customers motivated to get the most of their onboarding.

Why we recommend Lessonly:



Price: Starts at $99/month

Best User Onboarding Platforms: Nickelled




Below are 10 things to consider when setting up your user onboarding plan — keep reading to learn how to set your customers up for success before they even buy your product.



Each persona will likely need a different path to purchase, so creating multiple landing pages can help capture new traffic and increase conversions by tailoring the product to their specific needs. These pages also offer valuable testing opportunities to determine which onboarding elements are most effective.





3。Communicate the value proposition.


Those first five seconds are the product's first and only opportunity to provide users with an“啊!!”片刻,用户理解的成本和效益s of the product and wants to know more. That means you have one or two sentences to communicate the value proposition clearly to potential customers. The value proposition also introduces the tone and personality of the product, like whether it's playful and fun, serious and buttoned-down, or anything in between.



  • The landing pages are too long and complicated.
  • 存在认知失调,这意味着营销信息和着陆页不一致。
  • 该品牌未能向用户传达信任信号

Social login or email signup can seriously reduce the user friction of a signup, but many businesses will still want the data that comes with a full sign-up form. Here, it's important to carefully balance marketing needs with user flow design. Wherever possible, keep it simple.



6. Be a guide.


But, they won't have that golden moment if you can't help them. Steve Jobs learned this very early on at Apple, when he couldn't get other people to understand what a personal computer was or how it worked. That experience imbued Apple with the DNA to make the complex simple — from how the company communicates its products' value propositions to the ease in which users can interface with its products.



The person has to use the product to be a user. A signup that then disappears into the ether is of no value at all. The use of email is still the most effective way to convert a new user into a paying customer. Email is particularly important for SaaS onboarding, both as a means of engagement and new customer referral. Here are a few things to keep in mind when attempting to onboard users via email:

  • Email should support a well-defined onboarding process:The welcome or first email should be the first step on the road to conversions. Keep the message clear and eliminate confusion.
  • 包括一个清晰的电话:Each email should be focused on getting the user to do one specific thing.
  • 提供直接链接:单个CTA应直接带领该人到他在网站或应用程序上需要做的事情。

A robust email plan can extend onboarding education to help users grow from a newbie to a seasoned power user.

Using your personas as a guide, map both registered and non-registered user journeys through the product and identify the major milestones they need to accomplish to take full advantage of the product. Pair these steps with marketing automation workflows and phone call check-ins to ensure emails are delivered precisely when new users need them most.


If you want to provide users with timely advice, then it helps to know where they are in the customer journey. By monitoring their progress you'll know when to provide resources that are relevant to the user's problems. And, you can also utilize these opportunities to向上销售和交叉销售产品更新或附加组件。

如果您的公司有bob全站appcustomer success team,您可以通过创建与客户旅程保持一致的清单来监视入职。用户完成操作后,代表检查相应的步骤。或者,如果您是SaaS业务,则会触发自动工作流,并每次完成一步时发送通知。这样,代表确切知道客户在入职过程中的位置,并可以提醒他们潜在的障碍。


Gamification is a process that turns normal activities into games. For example, remember in school when your class would play "Jeopardy" to study for the upcoming exam? You were still preparing for a test, but the study format was fun and enjoyable. That same concept can be applied to your onboarding process.

Your onboarding experience shouldn't be dull. Rather, it should be eventful and excite the customer about using the product. Make the process interactive and reward the user when they complete certain benchmarks. If your onboarding is a fun activity then customers will be more interested in completing it. And, when customers finish onboarding your business increases its客户保留费率。


一旦创建了入职过程,就必须在揭开它之前对其进行测试。您要确保用户可以轻松完成每个步骤,并与您的客户的需求。The best way to do this is by running user experience (UX) tests and analyzing how customers react to your onboarding process.

One of the most fundamental UX tests you can run is a usability test.可用性测试确定使用产品或服务的容易性。这些测试提供了有用的客户反馈,可识别产品界面中的缺陷或客户的入门体验。



New customers are bound to have questions about your products. However, unless you provide 24/7 support, there's no way to guarantee that you'll always be there to help them. This is where自助服务支持选项可以扩展团队的带宽,并在不可用时提供解决方案。


User Onboarding Is Essential to Customer Success


Editor's note: This post was originally published in September 2019 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

customer onboarding templates


最初发布于2022年2月18日7:15:00 AM,更新2022年2月18日


客户入职 票务系统