
使人们共享和购买的广告可以用一个词来概括 - 情感。


作为道格拉斯·范·普拉特(Douglas Van Praet)的作者Unconscious Branding: How Neuroscience Can Empower (and Inspire) Marketing, wrote inFast Company,“最令人震惊的事实是,我们甚至都不考虑逻辑解决方案的方式。我们感觉到推理的方式。情绪是基板,即神经回路的基础层,甚至是理性的审议。情绪不会阻碍决策。它们构成了他们制造的基础!”

Unruly, which ranks the most viral ads each year, found that the2015年共享广告relied heavily on emotional content,特别是友谊,灵感,温暖和幸福。示例包括AndroidFriends Furever和Kleenex的不太可能的最好的朋友

This emotional awareness from brands hasn't always been the case though. In the 1990s and early 2000s, advertisers were more concerned with humor and sarcasm.

PJ Pereira,Pereira&O’Dell的首席创意官,said: "I think what’s happened is that the ad industry has spent the last decade celebrating bitterness and cynicism and being mean to people. For a while it was great because it was different from everyone else, and then it became a trend and people got sick of it. It wasn’t funny or interesting anymore. So when things started to pop with a totally opposite voice, the customers totally reacted."


Historically, people have recognized six core emotions: happy, surprised, afraid, disgusted, angry, and sad.




Brands want to be associated with smiling, laughing, happy customers, and positivity has been shown to increase sharing and engagement. A study in 2010 of the最多的纽约时报文章发现情感文章的共享频率更高,而积极的帖子比负面的文章更具分享。

The most-shared ad of last year -- and of all time -- was Android’sFriends Furever, showing clips of unlikely and undeniably cute animal friends.

When Coca-Cola recently changed its tagline from “Open Happiness” to “Taste the Feeling,” it maintained its focus on happy images of people connecting and engaging one another, such as the below ad showing the bond between siblings.

2) Sad

我看了很多广告 - 这是工作的要求。这些广告越来越多地使我变成了一个狂热,情感上的残骸。没有什么比定期工作的好哭声可以使您的桌子邻居质疑您的稳定性。


大都会人寿(Metlife Hong)制作了这个令人心碎的广告,其中一个女儿描述了她对父亲的所有爱,但故事也崩溃了,当她还描述了他对她的所有方式时。

For the Sochi Olympic Games in 2014, P&G continued its theme of recognizing mothers and their unwavering support.


恐惧是一种自然的本能 - 一种有助于我们对威胁增加生存机会的威胁做出适当反应的本能。

Fear creates urgency and prompts us to take action -- to change or more importantly for this story, buy something that will prevent terrible things from happening. As Don Draper said in a狂人情节:“广告是基于一件事:幸福。你知道幸福是什么?幸福是新车的气味。It's freedom from fear。这是道路侧面的广告牌,尖叫着放心,无论您做什么都可以。你没事。”

Alot of scarevertising tactics can be seen in commercials to prevent drunk driving and cigarette smoking. The World Wildlife Fund is one brand known for its controversial and fear-inducing imagery.


However, this approach is risky. In 2015, Nationwide released an ad during the Super Bowl to促进有关儿童安全和可预防伤害的对话in the home. The ad was disturbing to many viewers. The video features a young boy who talks about all the things he’ll never do, and ends with the line "I couldn't grow up because I died from an accident." While attention-grabbing, the ad was called depressing and insensitive by viewers and the CMO of Nationwide辞职just a few months later.

Surprise can also take a positive form as can be seen in one of the best ads of 2015.


Most people think that it is best to avoid anger -- it’s a negative emotion that will cause negative associations. But in some cases, anger can wake people up and spur action. We become angry when we see another person hurt or an injustice. Disgust and frustration can cause us to reconsider our perspective and ask important questions.

A研究最受欢迎的图像on imgur.com found that while negative emotions were less common in viral content than in positive, viral success happened when the negative images had an element of anticipation and surprise.






