
What does it mean to do something “like a girl”?

这是在2014年授权中总是问的问题#LikeAGirl campaign,它试图利用并永远掩埋“ ...像女孩”。

Turning an insult into a bold movement of confidence not only brought revenue and popularity to the Always brand, but the 2014 campaign also won an Emmy, a Cannes Grand Prix award, and the Grand Clio award — a recognition practically unheard of in the advertising world.


This is only a glimpse of how effective emotional marketing can be — for both brands and consumers.

Today’s consumer base is better educated and better equipped toresearch他们还不知道的。他们也是充斥着广告以一天为周期。


Here’s how: By tapping into another major component of the consumer’s attention span and purchase decision — emotion.


Before diving into why emotional marketing is effective and how to incorporate it into your marketing efforts, let’s first talk about emotions.

Take a moment and think about what emotion you’re feeling right now. Remember, emotions aren’t exactly how your body is feeling. They’re more descriptive of your state of mind.

Right now, it’s 8:30 a.m. as I write this. I’m tempted to say my emotion is疲劳的…但是疲倦并不是一种情感。相反,我会说我有点生气,因为我很累,但我也很兴奋,因为我有美好的一天。

另外,您是否注意到我所选择的情绪并没有精确地属于四种基本情绪of happy, sad, afraid/surprised, and angry/disgusted?



Robert Plutchik’s “wheel of emotions” illustrates some of these emotional spectrums — using colors, no less.

情绪化marketing wheel of emotions


Depending on your product, industry, and audience, you can’t always target general “happiness.” Like with your marketing goals, you must dig deep and define precisely what feeling you’re aiming to elicit. This will influence the details of your marketing — your copywriting, media, graphics choices, etc. — and help it be as effective as possible.


People feel. As much as we wish we没有,说一部令人心碎或在恐怖电影中,我们不禁会体验情绪。这是我们的本性。

This is one of the reasons emotional marketing just作品。Here are a few others.

Emotional marketing makes great first impressions.

According to you, what makes for a great first impression? When you meet someone new, what stands out?

Now consider a new business. If it were between two advertisements — one that simply talked about products, and one that made you laugh or cry — which would “impress” you? The second one, right?



Think back to your last major purchase.

When it came down to the wire, how did you decide which option to buy? Better yet, what made you finally push "buy"? (Because, let’s be real, you probably bought something online.)


我猜想您感受到或想感受到的情绪有助于您朝着正确的方向推动。Dove的营销就是一个很好的例子。他们包容性的,脚踏实地的广告致力于确保每个女人都感到美丽,使他们的产品看起来像是许多情感的来源 - 接受,宁静,乐观,自爱。

Studies show人们依靠情绪而不是信息来做出决定。对市场营销的情感反应实际上会影响一个人的意图和购买更多的购买,而不是广告或营销材料的内容。

Out of 1,400 successful advertising campaigns, those with purely emotional content performed abouttwice as well(31% vs. 16%) as those with only rational content.

Emotional marketing helps people decide with their hearts, which actually has more influence on buying than their minds.

Emotional marketing inspires people to act.



  • 幸福使我们分享…分享导致品牌知名度提高。如果坏消息卖出bob官网官方网站,那么好消息就会快速传播。Studies showthat good news and positive content spreads faster on social media than any other type of content. This phenomenon isn’t unlike the “social smile在婴儿期,当婴儿回报微笑时。当有人快乐时,我们倾向于反映这种情感,这使我们首先分享任何使我们微笑的内容
  • Sadness makes us empathize and connect…同理心导致奉献增加。一项2007年的研究revealed that feelings of empathy lead to altruism and the motivation to act on behalf of others. It’s no surprise that organizations like the ASPCA feature sad photos and a moving song while asking for donations. Feelings of sadness inspire us to act and help people, which typically manifests in fiscal giving.
  • Surprise and fear make us cling to what’s comfortable…拥抱舒适的东西会导致品牌忠诚度提高。营销人员通常害怕在广告中利用恐惧,因为(从字面上看)消费者会将负面情绪与他们的品牌联系起来。但是,情况恰恰相反。Studies show引起的恐惧使您的品牌被视为one good thing在黑暗的世界中,这意味着您的消费者会依靠您更多的when things take a turn for the worse.
  • Anger and passion make us stubborn… and stubbornness leads to viral content and loyal followers. Think about that Facebook video about a local tragedy or political issue that has tons of likes and thousands more comments. Like happiness, strong emotions like anger and passion inspire people to share content.Studies show产生故意引起愤怒和焦虑的内容将导致病毒和增加观点

Now that you know why emotional marketing works, let’s talk about how you can incorporate it into your current efforts … or perhaps a new campaign.

Emotional Marketing Strategies




在确定要编织到营销的情绪之前,进行一些认真的target audience research。像任何营销工作一样,您想引起一种情感,与他们的痛苦点或一般的欲望和梦想产生共鸣。研究受众将更好地告知您的营销决策,并节省您宝贵的时间和资源。bob体育苹果系统下载安装




颜色实际上是专业的唤起情绪的角色。您是否曾经走进一个房间,立即(莫名其妙)感觉到sometype of way? This is called色心理学,以及各种各样的企业和组织使用它。治疗师为他们的办公室绘画以使他们的病人平静下来,足球队选择兴奋的球员和观众的球衣颜色,而电影制作人则为海报和拖车设计配色方案,这些海报和拖车会引起恐惧或惊喜。


On the other hand, the color green is often associated with harmony, balance, nature, growth, and health — all components of the Starbucks brand and “green” movement.

Here are some other emotions associated with colors:

情绪化marketing colors


3. Tell a story.


Proctor & Gamble’s commercial titled “Thank You Mom” aired before the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics. It features many famous Olympians and the stories of how their mothers supported them throughout their athletic careers. Since mothers are a large part of P&G’s target audience, the commercial is perfectly positioned to both tell a resonating story and market their products.

另一个令人心动的情感营销是MetLife’s commercial “My Father is a Liar”。它记录了一个年轻女孩和她的父亲的生活,她试图获得更好的生活来照顾他的家人。广告以“孩子的未来值得每一次牺牲”的标语结束,该广告将广告定位为与大都会人寿的目标受众建立联系:父母和家人做任何为孩子们供养的人。



TOMS does a great job of crafting this sense of community. When you purchase a pair of TOMS, you not only help someone in need, but you also join the TOMS community. You now belong. The marketers at TOMS enhance this community by promoting activities like “One Day Without Shoes” and encouraging their customers to use hashtags when sharing images.




Aspiration isn’t quite an emotion, but the process of feeling inspired definitely brings out many emotions: elation, joy, excitement, hope … just to name a few. Aspirational campaigns are powerful because they tap into a dream, goal, or vision that your audience longs to reach. To successfully target aspiration as a marketing approach, businesses should understand how their product helps their consumers reach those lofty dreams and desires.



虽然某些广告利用了我们目前的感受,但另一些广告引起了我们的情绪like感觉。这就是通过您的营销投影理想形象的目标。出色的营销解释了某个产品或服务如何解决紧迫问题。伟大的情绪化marketing uses emotion to convince consumers that your product is not only the right solution, but that you can also feel great using it.

Brands like Old Spice use the “ideal image” to their advantage when marketing their hygiene products. Their iconic “The Man Your Man Could Smell Like” uses humor to insinuate that you (or your man, ladies) could be as handsome, accomplished, and suave as the actor in the commercial … all by purchasing and using the Old Spice product.


Emotional marketing should be measured just like any other marketing effort … except for you’re measuring the emotional response itself. If you’re curious as to how your audience is responding to your advertisements (outside of a click-through, subscription, or purchase), you might need to do a little manual analysis.


To learn more about market research, read our guidehere

另一个方法来衡量你的听众的情绪esponse to your marketing is to decipher how their emotions manifest as actions. As I referenced earlier, happiness typically leads to sharing, sadness leads to giving, fear leads to loyalty, and anger leads to virality. Depending on the emotion elicited through your marketing, you might expect to see a bump in activity surrounding one (or more than one) of these activities.

For example, if you release a short promotional video that centers on happiness, joy, and excitement, keep an eye on how your social media followers respond. If they’re sharing the video with others, it’s likely doing its job putting a smile on someone’s face. On the other hand, a fear-centered approach might lead to greater email subscribers or social media follows as your audience establishes loyalty with your brand.




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Originally published Aug 20, 2018 6:30:00 AM, updated October 29 2021


Emotion in Marketing