
当营销人员几乎没有尊重时,唯一的营销人员就是自己。您可以抱怨您想要的销售部门不欣赏的一切all the leads you get for them,您的老板如何无知,不了解您的策略,或者财务不应该质疑您的直接邮件活动费用。我从事营销已有20多年了,每次我感到自己没有得到应有的尊重,我都知道这不是“他们”的错。真的是我的。

Reason #1 for Lack of Respect: Communication

Marketers are responsible for creating and communicating the positioning and messaging of their company. The problem is they do a bad job communicating internally to their bosses, the sales team, finance, customer service, operations, etc.

没有任何一个销售人员讨厌多seeing an ad the same time their prospect does. Executives don’t have time to read through a 30-page report, no matter how wonderful it is. And your CFO’s job is to challenge your expenditures and see竞选活动的投资回报率。By communicating your efforts in a timely and effective way, you can avoid many of the issues that give marketing a bad reputation. Internal PR is really a marketer’s best friend.


营销人员常常将自己视为市场部的一部分。从技术上讲,它们可能是正确的,但实际上,这是将自己与他人分开的最佳方法。当您单独采取行动时,您会为“我们”与“他们”的心态设定自己。根据莫妮克·里斯(Monique Reece)在她的书中的说法Real-Time Marketing for Business Growth



我认识的大多数好营销人员都是自以为是的 - 我的意思是很好。他们很聪明,对问题有很好的了解,并且不怕发表意见。当定位不正确时,这可能是自大或固执的。您可以很快被确定为“不是团队合作者”,一旦将其固定在您身上,就很难消失。


营销人员可以带来情报(即研究),以帮助销售更好地了解其客户和潜在客户。Marketers can position the products around the needs of the customers. Marketers can find new ways to reach new prospects. And they can do all of this by collaborating with everyone else in the process. When they collaborate, sales will get a better understanding of what marketers bring to the table. Your executives will appreciate your leadership skills, and finance will finally get a handle on the ROI that marketing can bring.


Image credit:Rodney Dangerfield专辑封面

最初发布于2011年6月20日11:39:00 AM,2013年7月3日更新

