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I’m not alone in this admiration.根据eMarketer,2011年,美国将有7330万智能手机用户。这一数字只是在上升。据估计,到2012年将有超过8400万,到2014年将有超过1亿。

But here’s the number that really gets me. According to Michael Tasner in his book “Marketing in the Moment,”只有6%的企业正在从事任何类型的移动营销。对于每年不到10,000美元收入的公司(我们在HubSpot认为小型企业),只有0.5%的移动市场。这本书是在一年前出版的,因此这些数字可能有些增加,但没有太多。这使我成为理由#1mobile marketing

原因#1 - 调度


Reason #2 – Consumers

According to Google's latest独立研究, 74% of smartphone users have made a purchase as a result of using a smartphone. When it comes to search, 53% of smartphone users purchase something as a result of their smartphone search. That’s 53% of 73 million. That’s a lot of purchasing power. What’s interesting is how this group actually buys. After searching, 40% use their smartphones to buy something in a store. In the world of ecommerce, 35% of them take their information, go online on a computer and buy, or 20% of them use their smartphones to complete their purchase. What this tells me is that these consumers are not picky about where they shop, and the smartphone gives them the options they need. It’s all about accessibility and urgency, which brings me to reason #3.

Reason # 3 – Urgency


原因#4 - 集成

智能手机用户不会在智能手机上完成所有操作 - 感谢您。它们受到许多其他事物的影响,无论是口碑,在线或电视广告还是架子上的产品。但是对于他们来说,智能手机现在已成为他们生活中不可或缺的一部分。如果您是一家将时间和精力投bob全站app入在线营销中的公司,社交媒体市场营销, packaging, branding, and public relations, you don’t want to lose your smartphone prospect when they are looking for your type of product on their smartphone. According to Google:

  • 他们中有67%在智能手机上进行研​​究,然后在商店购买。
  • 研究在智能手机上,23%访问存储到check out the product, then purchase online on their computer.
  • 16%的智能手机研究,访问商店,然后在智能手机上购买
  • 9%的人首先访问商店,然后在智能手机上购买


原因#5 - 容易做

对于HubSpot用户,他们的网站自动易于移动。对于其他所有人来说,这个过程相对简单。那里有许多计划和代理商可以为您提供一种使您的网站变得友好的快速方法。我们可以免费提供移动营销章from Michael Tasner’s bookMarketing in the Moment,其中有关于如何建立仅移动网站以及如何开始移动营销的部分。其中包括诸如SMS,MMS,特别优惠,广告等的策略。





Mobile Marketing