guest blogsOn June 21, Brad Coffeywrote a guest blog post在Hubspot创始人Dharmesh Shah的博客上, Within a day, the article had 446 tweets, 18,000 visits, 35 comments, and was reposted on theCNNMoney blog. And those numbers have increased since – proof again that blogs have lasting power.

So who is布拉德·科菲, and why all the interest?

这才是重点。虽然布拉德是一个很棒的人(后来更多),但他与其他成千上万的博客或推文的商人没有什么不同。他没有像世界上的塞思·戈丁(Seth Godins)和克里斯·布罗根人(Chris Brogans)这样的追随者。他的公司和他经常与之打交道的人都很受人尊敬。bob全站app就像我说的那样:只是一个普通的商人。如果他能从一篇来宾博客文章中得到这种很棒的回复,那么您也可以。



Every business person has a network, and it is one or several degrees of separation from those who维护有影响力的博客,以及那些没有的人。就布拉德而言,他曾在HubSpot担任战略和运营总监,在那里他为HubSpot首席技术官和联合创始人Dharmesh Shah工作,他的博客是受欢迎的。这是一个紧密的联系 - 可能比规则更多的例外。但是请记住,Dharmesh由于其与Onstartups.com的主题联系以及对读者的明显兴趣而接受了他的博客文章,而不仅仅是因为他们是专业联系的。


2. Make it personal, not self-centered.

It’s been said a million times – write about what you know. Brad clearly understands the VC world and has direct knowledge about how Google Ventures works. What makes this post feel completely authentic and original in thought is that Brad personalizes his experience with Google Ventures without ever promoting his own company. In the process, HubSpot indirectly gets plenty of coverage by being an integral part of the story.

有很多次,我已经为客座博客文章提供了似乎是如此自私的建议。这一切都与作者和他/她的公司有多伟大有关 - 无关bob全站app有价值的信息for our readers. As a result, I have to play the heavy by turning down their submissions. Not fun.

Takeaway: When it comes to accepting guest posts, blogs want a unique voice, expertise, and originality. Readers generally appreciate advice from someone who has personal and practical experience in the subject matter but hate blatant sales pitches. Make sure the guest blog post you're pitching is about the readers, not you.

3. Challenge the status quo.

If everyone agreed with everything written in blogs, the blogging landscape would be a pretty bland. Brad’s post asks the question of whether Google Ventures is disrupting venture capital. He poses a question that some could easily disagree with, especially those who don’t want to see the current venture capital world disrupted. Blog managers want their guest authors to educate, offer a new perspective, and challenge their readership because it often generates comments and intelligent discussion, which is something all blogs hope to achieve with every post. In the case of Brad, his post caught the attention of CNN Money and resulted in itssyndication on And that's a pretty awesome win for both

Takeaway: Don’t be afraid to create a bit of controversy, but make sure your argument is based on facts and personal experience. The goal of a blog is to create buzz based on solid and useful content, not to create controversy just for controversy's sake.

4. Know your audience.


Takeaway: Write at the level that is best for the blog’s audience – not for everyone- 并限制您对行话的使用。

4 Marketing Advantages to Writing Guest Blog Posts

If you do it right and you get your post accepted by another blog, here are some advantages you can enjoy.

1. Exposure beyond your normal readership.

2.入站链接从博客到你的网站or SEO juice.


4. Public relations pick-up from other blogs and news media.

如果您有兴趣为此博客撰写来宾帖子,feel free to contact us. But please, do your homework first.

Originally published Jun 28, 2011 1:25:00 PM, updated October 20 2016

