If you're looking for the best way to divide a room full of marketers, bring up the topic ofguest blogging.

Without a doubt, you'll start a heated debate. Some will say it's a waste of time. Others will swear by it and treat it like an essential part of their marketing strategy.


That's why I wanted to create this comprehensive guide to guest blogging that anyone, from any industry, can start using right away.

Here you'll learn the essential steps to creating a successful strategy:

  1. 设定具体的,可实现的目标。
  2. Choose topics that will benefit your own business goals.
  3. 查找知名的客人博客网站。
  4. Conduct guest blogging outreach.
  5. Write the post.
  6. Track your posts' results over time.

But before we dive into the strategy, let's first define what guest blogging really is.

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Guest blogging is a content marketing tactic that involves writing and publishing one or more articles for other websites.

These articles include your byline and, often times, are highlighted by the editor of that website (or publication) as being written by a "guest author" or a "contributor".

Depending on the publication, you might receive compensation for your guest blogging efforts. However, that's not always the case.

Some publications will offer non-monetary rewards for your post, instead, like a link back to your personal website or social media accounts.

Let's dive into a few major benefits of guest blogging:

Benefits of Guest Blogging

Here are some of the biggest benefits people get from guest blogging:

  • Build a profile as an industry expert/thought leader

  • Grow your personal brand

  • 种植听众(社会追随者,订阅者等)

  • 提高SEO性能

  • Build authoritative backlinks

  • 建立关系并推动新的伙伴关系,例如bob综合博彩下载共同营销伙伴关系,工作优惠bob综合博彩下载

  • Drive referral traffic

  • Improve a company's brand awareness

  • Get more leads, users and even customers

Now that we've covered that, let's dive-deep into each step of the guest blogging process if you want to become a successful guest blogger for major publications.



The first step to start a successful guest blogging process is to set attainable, measurable goals.


Whatever your goal is, make it聪明的. When you have a clear goal, it becomes much easier to the pick topics you write about, the blogs where you want to publish, how frequently you write, and so on. Most importantly, a SMART goal will tell you if this tactic is right for your business and how much you should invest in it in the future.

If you're just getting started, here are five examples of measurable goals you can set:

  • Get X referral visitsfrom your guest posts OR Increase referral traffic by X% from your guest posts

  • Get X leads from referral trafficfrom your guest posts OR Increase the number of leads from from your guest posts by X%

  • 获取X客户端from your guest postsOR Increase clients from your guest posts by X%

  • Improve your SEO performanceor SERP visibility by X%

  • Get X number of high-quality backlinksto relevant content from your guest posts



2. Choose topics that will benefit your own business goals.

很多时候,来宾博客作者之所以失败,是因为他们专注于出版物而不是内容。这是确保您发布的好策略,但它有效the publishers'goals, instead ofyours.

To have a successful guest blogging program, pick topics that serveyourultimate goal — whether that's referral traffic, SEO performance, leads, or clients.

Whether you’re a seasoned blogger or you’re just learninghow to start a blog, you should build a successful guest blogging program by picking topics that serve your ultimate goal, whether that’s referral traffic, SEO performance, leads or clients.

首先做一个简短的列表,你的顶级网站pages that you want to promote and include in your future guest blogs. For each page, analyze your current status, like your monthly SEO traffic, and set a goal that you want to achieve in a certain timeframe of guest blogging. You can have an overall website goal as well as page-specific goals.

Content Mapping for Guest Blogging

For each target page, pick an overarching topic that is relevant to your expertise and would be useful for readers. Then you can start using keyword research tools like SEMRush and Ahrefs (just to name a couple) to fuel your bank ideas for future guest posts.



3. Find reputable guest blogging sites.

现在你有你的内容的想法映射出来,我t's time to find relevant publications.



Here's how you can discover guest blogging opportunities and populate your list:

  • Use Advanced Search Operators- 您使用高级搜索操作员,例如“ Intext:提交来宾帖子”。

  • Use Google Reverse Image Search- 您掌握了一个受欢迎的客座博客作者的爆头,并使用它来查找他们过去出版的地方。这些出版物很可能接受来宾帖子。

  • Look for listsoftop websites that accept guests posts.

  • Check your竞争对手的反向链接。

Next, make sure you prioritize your list and only pitch blogs that have:

  • Domain Authority of 40 or higher (or Domain Rating if you're using Ahrefs)

  • Spam Scoreof 3% or lower

  • Thorough editorial process

4. Conduct guest blogging outreach.

At this point, it's time to start thinking about how to pitch your guest post ideas.

正如我在上一步中提到的那样,您要定位的出版物有一个thorough editorial process. So first look for the website's guest blogging guidelines, then prepare your pitch idea.

My suggestion would be to approach yourblogger outreach过程非常在战略上,从你上一页的关键词iously found and your target publication. Check if your target website already ranks for the topic you chose.

Sara McGuire, Content Marketing Lead atvenngage, says that "before pitching an idea to a site, it's fundamental that you do your research. Go through their posts and see if there's a topic that hasn't been covered or an angle you could take to complement their existing posts. Then, craft your pitch with their publishing guidelines in mind."

"Doing the groundwork first will show editors that you are willing to put in the work to produce good content for them and that you want to contribute value to their site — something most editors will find irresistible."

Once your pitch is ready, it's time to find your contact person and reach out to them.

While there are many tactics you can use to get a response, a good heuristic to follow is asking yourself, "does my pitch offer value?"

My colleagueAlex Birkett wrote a post on his email outreach rules— one of which is "don't beat around the bush." If you've done your research, and especially if you've already built up a portfolio of visibly great content, then a straightforward pitch should do the trick.


强大的CRM可以帮助您跟踪所需的所有相关信息 - 电子邮件,会议笔记,项目。另外,您可以随时回去刷新内存。

就我而言,我正在使用自己的HubSpot CRM,但是您使用的任何CRM都可以在此任务中使用。如果您现在正在寻找一个,HubSpot CRM无论您添加多少个联系人,永远是100%免费的。

For the outreach part, I also suggest tryingRespona. There are many great outreach tools out there and I've listed most of them at the end of this article. I'm mentioning Respona specifically because it's a newly launched tool with a unique offering.

Responais an all-in-one search, outreach, and engagement platform. Using AI, it helps you with your content and keyword research, lets you find contact information for your target publications, and enables you to send dynamic emails (Yes, it includes email templates for almost any type of campaign).

Once your pitch is approved by the editor (yay!) it's time to start fleshing out your idea and writing an awesome draft.

Note: Some publications, including HubSpot, require a full draft to be included in the initial pitch. Make sure you always read the来宾博客指南of the site to ensure your pitch includes all necessary elements.

5. Write the post.

This should be the easier step of the process, as long as you've picked a topic that you feel passionate about and you have expertise in. You just need to set time aside and start typing.

If you're not comfortable with your writing, it's perfectly fine to hire an editor to review your draft. I'd actually highly recommend it, even for experienced writers. It's always good to have a fresh pair of eyes pick your article apart and make suggestions. Feedback is the breakfast of champions!


  1. Write long-form, compelling content (at least 1,000 words)

  2. 将文本分解成小的,消化的段落

  3. Optimize for页面SEO

  4. 使用原始图像和图表使内容更加链接(Canva is a great toolfor novice designers)

  5. Add quotes from friends and influencers

  6. Link to your other published guest posts

  7. Link to your own, relevant content

  8. Link to other publications: studies, data, thought leadership etc.

  9. 内部链接到出版商的其他文章

  10. Add your byline and explain what makes you an expert on that topic

When you send your final draft to the editor, don't forget to include your author details: your full name, a short bio, your social media links so readers can connect with you, a headshot, and your website.





You'll want to ensure you always compare your results to where you were at the beginning of the process (in步骤1.目标设定).

取决于您的目标different SEO tools跟踪不同的指标。下面,我创建了您可能需要的顶级客座博客工具的列表。

You can use a tool like Ahrefs to check everything from changes in the number of backlinks, referring domains, organic traffic performance, or even the number of keywords for which the website ranks in Google (see the example below):

link building


Since I mentioned how to prioritize your opportunities based on Domain Authority and Spam score, I think it's important to discuss the SEO aspect of guest blogging.

According to aSemrush的研究,有53%的数字营销专家说,客人博客(或来宾发布)实际上是建立反向链接资料的最有效方法。

A similarlink building study published by Airain 2020 showed that guest blogging is the 3rd most effective way tobuild backlinks— 51% of respondents said they use it.


Oftentimes, blog editors place a no-follow tag on links from guest authors. In the past, that was seen as a "lower-value" backlink because it didn't carry any authority. With relatively recent updates, Google has made it public that even "no-follow" backlinks are seen as signals by their ranking algorithm.

重要的: Don't try to overdo it with guest blogging for the sake of building backlinks. If you ignore content quality and user experience, you'll most likely end up hurting your SEO performance and ultimately your reputation. Write to educate and entertain your readers and you'll see positive results.

Top Tools for Guest Blogging

I hope you now feel better equipped to start crafting your own guest blogging strategy.

The best strategy for your business and your context is always going to be the one you craft, after trial and error. So don't be afraid to just get started and learn along the way.

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Originally published May 27, 2020 1:00:00 PM, updated July 06 2020

