happily ever afterThis is a guest blog post written byDavid Kirkpatrick. He is a reporter for营销Sherpa, covering the B2B and consumer marketing beats. He is also a guest blogger for HubSpot at Dreamforce '11 this week.

营销and sales alignment是我在MarketingSherpa案例研究和Sherpablog帖子中经常介绍的话题。实际上,如果您进入即将到来的其中一个营销Sherpa B2B Summits,您可能会收到此主题的一两个或两个剂量。因为我非常喜欢这个概念,所以我热切期待Dreamforce的突破性会议:“很高兴!:弥合销售与营销之间的差距。”该演示文稿以Hubspot的业务系统经理Leah Norris(代表营销方面)和代表销售方的Salesforce.com销售开发高级总监Nancy Kamerer和前高级销售开发总监Nancy Kamerer。

Nancy described some of the main challenges ofgetting Marketing and Sales to work in tandem:

销售的观点:"We're not getting enough leads, the leads we get are bad, and the data we're using is bad, too."

The Marketing Point of View:"Sales never follows up on the leads we send them, Sales doesn't update the status of leads, and Marketing never gets enough credit for closed deals."

Nancy also provided five actions that can improve this disconnect between the two departments:

5 Ways to Improve Sales & Marketing Alignment

1. Make an Agreement:销售和营销应共同努力to define a common agreement on what constitutes "success."

2. Agree on Certain Definitions:Sales and Marketing should have common definitions for terms used in their agreements. Two terms they should definitely agree on the meaning of include "lead" and "converted opportunity."


4. Use Collaborative Tools:部门应使用在线工具定期协作并互相了解各种程序,进度和结果。为此,包括公司,内部Wiki以及上面提到的在线报告仪表板的好工具。

5. Improve LeadQuality:The sheer number of leads often isn't enough to satisfy a company's leads needs. Part of your sales and marketing agreement should also include requirements for leadquality, too. Quality leads result in better customers, and as a byproduct, more money.

为什么要“ Smarketing”?


利亚补充说,实现这一目标的一种方法是创建特定的潜在客户生成目标,例如typesof leads. For example, a qualified lead at HubSpot includes potential customers who request a demo or a free trial.

When Sales and Marketing are in agreement, there is more transparency and openness between the functions, which means everyone understands the common success they are aiming for.

How important is Marketing/Sales alignment at HubSpot? Leah said the concept is called "SMarketing“在公司。在两个部bob全站app门都参加的仪表板数据上定期举行会议,这导致了和谐。

Furthermore, Sales operations and Marketing operations meet weekly -- it might even be an informal lunch meeting -- to review results. If the numbers aren't getting reached, changes are made quickly to adjust the marketing budget or realign sales reps to ensure both teams are hitting their goals.

And what's the most important takeaway for getting -- and keeping -- Marketing and Sales so happy together? "Addressing issues in real time leads to real time success," said Leah.

您如何确保您的sales and marketing团队从此过着幸福的生活?您是否在公司有所谓的“ Smarketing”协议?bob全站app

Image credit:AForestFrolic


Originally published Sep 2, 2011 12:00:00 PM, updated February 01 2017


营销and Sales Alignment