social media status update本周早些时候,我分享了一些大多数不应该在社交媒体上讨论的禁忌话题。它可能使一些人想知道:“到底是什么canI post to my company's social media accounts?" While there are plenty of topics still up for grabs, I consolidated some of the best topics to discuss in social media that won't offend and will entertain. If you incorporate a healthy mix of these types of updates into your regular posting mix, you'll find you have a well-rounded社交媒体的存在with active members and a growing fan and follower base.

1.) Links to New Content -Whenever someone gets started with social media and blogging, I always tell them the lowest barrier to entry is by sharing your blog content in social media. By posting the blog content to your network, you'll get more site traffic and subscribers to your blog, and if youinclude social sharing and follow buttons on your blog, you'll turn blog readers into fans and followers on your social network. This principle is applicable for not just blog content, but also for any new content you develop.


在社交媒体上共享内容3.)铅生成优惠 -从您出版的白皮书或电子书中汲取有趣的报价或数据点,并在社交网络上与最有可能享受该内容的观众分享。而且不要忘记,您实际上可以从社交网络中立即生成潜在客户社会着陆页

4.) Contests and Promos -What good is a contest or promotion if nobody knows about it? Leverage your social network to get more participation in contests you're running or get the word out about end-of-month promotions that help you meet your sales quota. You'll be reaping the benefits with more engagement and sales, and your network will appreciate the opportunity to benefit from your fun and advantageous offers.

promoting a contest on social media5.)调查 -民意调查和调查是入站营销人员工具包的关键部分。毕竟,有什么比直接访问来源更好地自定义业务满足您的业务的方法?查看Doubletree如何成功进行调查利用Facebook和Twitter,或结帐集线器's own survey我们正在促进使用社交媒体收集您急需的反馈。

社交媒体调查6.) Industry News -Just as it's important to be the first to write about breaking industry news to利用Google的新鲜算法更新,在您的社交媒体帐户上发布有关它也很重要。这样做可以使您成为行业中的思想领袖,他在重要的新闻上保持最新状态。bob官网官方网站如果您在更新中有空间,请提供一些评论。或者,只需链接到博客文章(您完全写了一个,对吗?),它可以解释更新及其对受众的影响。


7.) Search Optimized Content -The line between social media and organic search is getting closer and closer; just look at the将Google+集成到搜索结果中。你不应该牺牲engaging copy for keyword stuffing (just like any copy you write!) but you should make an effort to include important keywords for which you're trying to rank. Public social media sites are crawled by Google, and you want your brand to be associated with your target keywords.


8.)有趣的内容 -Who doesn't love to laugh? Next time you draft a status update, see if you can inject some levity into it. Not only does it increase engagement (look at those likes and comments, below!) but it also associates something positive with your brand.

being funny on social media

9.) Visual Content -就像人们喜欢笑一样,人们也喜欢视觉效果。或者他们只是讨厌阅读。无论哪种方式,您的追随者都会喜欢观看卡通, graphs, infographics, and videos in your status updates. While Google+ and Facebook are better suited to visual content, Twitter has TwitPic that users can click through to see images like the one below.

visual content on social media

10.)对常见问题的答案 -是否有人向您提出问题,或者您想到有关您的产品,服务或行业的花絮,这将使您的粉丝和追随者的生活更加轻松,包括对FAQ的提示或答案确实可以使某人的一天。这只是您可以继续为您的价值提供价值的一种方式社交网络without requiring your followers to click through to your website or download another form of content.

faqs on social media

What types of updates do you like to post to your social networks, and which do you find deliver the most ROI?





Social Media