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This is a guest blog post by Dave Clarke, an award-winning editor and editorial director in the marketing departments of Fortune 500 companies, such as Oracle and Symantec. He is currently editorial director forHologram Publishing,大小公司的公司定制内容提供商。

大约一个星期超级碗XLVI将会开始,据估计,观众将超过1.1亿人在电视上观看游戏。其中大约一半将为纽约巨人队扎根,而新英格兰的爱国者队将扎根一半。广告商将花费大约350万美元to try to reach them all for just 30 seconds. That’s more than每秒$ 116,000. As Shakespeare wrote, “Lord, what fools these multinationals be.” (Or something like that anyway).

与1亿年-plus people lined up at once and virtually all of them carrying their mobile phones, Super Bowl XLVI is the perfect time for marketers—especially small and mid-size local businesses—to piggyback on the investment the major players have made and deploy their own game-winning, inbound marketing移动策略for a fraction of what the multinationals are shelling out.

In their new book,Go Mobile, released just in time for the Super Bowl (Coincidence or clever marketing? You decide.), co-authors Jeanne Hopkins and Jamie Turner lay out the fundamental concepts marketers need to leverage this growing marketing channel. UsingGo Mobile作为您的指南,您可以在大型游戏之前,之中和之后与客户得分的七种方式。

1.) QR Codes

无论您是当地的比萨店还是美发沙龙,都会在您的商店和网站上生产一系列QR码,可以在游戏日的前期使用手机扫描。很容易获得QR码; just visit凯瓦,QR Stuff, orQuikQR(仅举几例),并为巨人队的球迷和一个爱国者队的球迷生产。当客户扫描代码时,无论是在商店内还是访问您的网站,请将其引导到登陆页面,在那里您收集几个细节,例如名称,电子邮件和可能的电话号码。从那里,为游戏时间特别节目提供折扣。例如,纽约风格的披萨或一碗新英格兰蛤杂烩;或,a泽西海岸hairstyle or a stylish Cambridge classic cut. Enter everyone into a drawing for a free dinner, free pizza, or free whatever-you-sell. Don’t forget to promote the QR codes in-store, online, and send out some press releases to local media touting your creative mobile campaign.

2.) Geosocial

Geosocial services such asfoursquare,Gowalla,SCVNGR,AOK, and others allow businesses to claim their web pages on the sites and then create promotions by having users “check in” to the site when they arrive or accomplish a task, and then send messages to those in their social network about the venue or activity. If you’re a bar, or a restaurant with a bar, create a promotion that has people reporting quarter-by-quarter on who the crowd is rooting for. Give an award at the end of the game for MVP—Most Valuable Patron—based on the quality of their reporting.

3.) SMS


4.) Email

你的许多选择加入电子邮件订户may be traveling during the game—waiting in airport lounges, riding the rails, or traveling by taxi—with a bit more time to read emails sent to their mobile phone. Send these folks amobile-optimized email这利用他们对游戏的兴趣。产生游戏时间敏感的促销动机,以探索您的移动网站,下载您的应用程序,阅读并订阅您的博客或Twitter feed,或者通过将您在此发布的内容和对话与足球迷的类型绑定到Facebook上,就像您在Facebook上一样感兴趣。

例如,邀请大学校友的超级碗players’ college teams to weigh in on Facebook about their fellow alumnus; tweet about game-changing plays (interceptions, fumbles, missed field goals, etc.) and tie it to your game-changing products or services; or create aLinkedIngroup just for people who are on the move during the game and have them share their travel tales.


如果您已经开发了针对移动设备优化的网站, now’s the time to make the most of it. Consider a game-time promotion that drives visitors to your website. Using your入站营销平台to quickly and easily temporarily modify your website for the game, place short questions on your web pages that lead to landing pages where people give you a bit of information and make their picks for things like: Who will throw for the most yardage, Manning or Brady? Which team will be penalized the most yards? How many yards will the longest field goal be? Give everyone who responds some minimal reward—virtual or real—and announce prize winners at the end of the game.

6.) Mobile Apps

如果您已经开发了n app for your business (if you haven’t,watch the RaizLabs portionof the Mobile Marketing Workshop to learn how to plan the development of mobile apps), leverage your investment by getting people to download and use it during the game. This will take some promotion ahead of time on your part, both in-store and online, using all your inbound marketing muscles, but it’s a great opportunity to engage users and prospects with one of your best brand-building tools.



这是真正让您和您的粉丝和追随者之间对话进行对话的地方。音乐偶像(和营销商本身)麦当娜is slated to perform at the big Halftime Show. UseFacebookandTwitterto let people know you want them to rate Madonna’s performance 1-10, 10 being best, by texting their rating to a mobile number you set up in advance. Tally the votes, average the results, and post Madonna’s score on Twitter and Facebook. Then let everyone chime in with their opinions on the rating on both social media networks.

$116,000 a Second? No Way, No How, No Need


Do you plan on running a Super Bowl-themed campaign or promotion this year? If so, will it be a mobile campaign? Share your plans in the comments!

Image credit:Keith Allison


最初发布于2012年1月25日7:45:00 PM,2016年10月20日更新


Mobile Marketing