您知道您是真正的电子邮件营销人员,如果您的每一个电子邮件都包含一个呼吁采取行动。And I'm not talking aboutemail marketing这里爆炸。我想到的是您每天发送的个人个人电子邮件。


You're most likely already using your own email signature to provide information about who you are and where you work. But you can take this practice to the next level by updating your signature to reflect the marketing campaigns you are running today.

Easily create your own professional email signature with our free Email  Signature Generator here.

Are you missing out on another opportunity to spread brand awareness or培养潜在客户?想知道您究竟可以通过电子邮件签名推广什么?这里有12个很棒的建议。


1. Your Homepage

The least you should promote in your email signature is your company's website. But in order for this tactic to be efficient, you have to make sure your homepage acts like a登陆页面

In other words, it directs the visitor's attention to the activity you want them to take. For instance,HubSpot的首页建议您获得免费的产品演示。将网站的主页在电子邮件签名中包括在内,也有助于提高对品牌的认识。这是一个例子(在我们的朋友哈利·波特的帮助下):

Email signature that promotes a website homepage2.社交媒体

When it comes to the usage of social media in email signatures, you have two options. You can either include a link to your personal accounts on sites such as Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Google+, etc., or you can include links toyour company's accounts。两者都是不错的选择。查看HubSpot的主要营销经理帕姆·沃恩promotes her social channels in the example below:


Your blog is one of the smartest things you can include in your email signature because it provides value to the community and gets updated on a regular basis. The fresh content on your blog is more engaging than a static homepage and will most likely retain the attention of the visitor for longer.

如果您确实在博客上发光,请不要忘记包括calls-to-actionthroughout your posts to encourage readers to take the next step and become a lead. Using our电子邮件签名工具, you can hyperlink to your blog so recipients can click into your blog straight from the email. Check out the signature from my colleague, Carly Stec, made usingHubSpot的电子邮件签名生成器:

电子邮件 - 签名 - 博客链接

4. Book

Have you written a book? Has your manager or CEO written one? Don't be shy about it. Share a link to your work in your email signature. This can help you build authority and credibility among the people you communicate with. Here's our ownAja Frostpromoting a book, made usingHubSpot的电子邮件签名生成器:


5. Conferences & Events

有公司贸易展览会即将来bob全站app临吗?还是您在会议上讲话?更改您的电子邮件签名以反映这一点。尽管您的电子邮件签名不一定可以帮助您产生更多的注册人,但它肯定会传播有关该活动的信息并在目标受众中获得一些认识。这是我同事的活动促销签名Elijah Clark Ginsberg:

Email signature by Elijah Ginsberg that promotes the INBOUND marketing conference

(P.S.-您是否已注册,以查看一些最著名的营销和销售专业人员yet?Register here!)

6. New Marketing Offer

有要约在将流量转换为潜在客户方面做得很好吗?(您可以通过查看其相应的着陆页在您的访问者到访问率来分辨marketing analytics). Identify your best performing offers, and then expose them to more traffic. Use your email signature to share a link to a popular ebook or a webinar. Or if you're currently featuring a new campaign that highlights a particular offer, use that in your signature instead. Here's an example of my own signature promotingthis guide:



说到数据,不要低估事实和数字在营销环境中可能产生的影响。网上的人是不知所措, which encourages them to look for specifics. If you publish an industry report based on proprietary research, asmimi an做了集线器研究,考虑在您的电子邮件签名中包含指向它的链接:



Salespeople love this one. If you're talking to潜在的客户,有什么比分享成功故事的故事更好?



If your company happens to have a free tool, such as anROI calculator,教育游戏或博客topic generator, give it some marketing love. Free online tools have the power to engage readers and get them further interested in your product or service. Check outEric Peters' signature promotingHubSpot's free email signature generator(meta, we know):


10. Demonstration of Your Product / Free Consultation

When you are having a tough sales month, consider using an email signature that promotes a free consultation with your team or even a demonstration of your product. In that way, you'll increase traffic to these中间营销提供and show your sales organization that you're taking advantage of every possible opportunity to help them out.


11. News about Your Company

如果您的团队或公司因出色的工作而bob全站app获得认可,请在您的电子邮件签名中突出显示新闻文章或新闻稿。bob官网官方网站bob官网官方网站您公司正在做非凡工作的消息将吸bob全站app引您的博客流量,并提高组织的更高品牌知名度。这是HubSpot营销团队开发经理的一个例子,Emily MacIntyre:

电子邮件 - 签名新链接bob官网官方网站Want an email signature like the one above? Make your own withHubSpot的电子邮件签名生成器

12. Promotional Videos

Has your company ever produced a promotional video? (Here's an awesome video aboutHubspot的文化,例如)。bob全站app您可以比单独的超链接以更具吸引力的方式宣传活动,活动或报价。这是我们自己的例子Angela O'DowdpromotingHubSpot's Agency Partner Program:


Ready to rework your email signature? Simplify the process usingHubSpot的电子邮件签名生成器。

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最初发布于2016年9月9日上午8:00:00 AM,更新于2021年6月10日


Email Marketing Email Marketing Tools