
Which is better?50个合格的社交媒体追随者, or1,000 followers, many of whom will never buy from you? The answer may surprise you.

In social media,达到的critical importance。它直接影响您的内容和消息共享的数量,增强了您的业务发现能力和generate leads,它可以帮助您扩展您作为思想领袖的在线足迹,并且清单还在继续。换句话说,在在线世界中,社交范围对于利用入站营销的企业而言并不是一个微不足道的因素。那么,您是否弄清楚了我们第一个问题的正确答案?如果本文的标题还不够提示,是的,更多的关注者总是更好。

It may seem obvious (more is always better....正确的?),但是许多企业陷入了更少和更合格的思考陷阱。在这种情况下,这就是为什么不是...

1. More followers means access to more followers' followers.

This concept, albeit simple, is pivotal to understanding the overall importance of reach, so here goes. Think about it: Every one ofyour粉丝/追随者也有自己的追随者,无论是5、500还是5,000。假设有一个自己的博客文章之一或转发您的推文之一的追随者,他拥有5,000个Twitter关注者。现在,该内容已暴露于5,000additional不直接关注您的人。如果您能理解,您的每个粉丝/追随者都可能share your contentwith他们的friends and followers, now you can start understanding the awesome impact of reach. So even if that original follower of yours never becomes a customer himself, that doesn't mean one of他的followers who saw your content because of him won't. Now that's some powerful stuff.


If you can build up a large following for your business in social media, you probably have a few influencers among the bunch. While these influencers may follow but never buy from you, remember that these people are called influencers for a reason. They can introduce you to co-marketing partnerships, put in a good word with investors, and provide introductions to other influencers, bloggers, and experts in your industry. For example, if you can solicit an introduction from an influencer to another industry blogger that you cancontribute a guest blog postto, you'll probably benefit from a couple of inbound links. That follower may not have contributed any direct revenue to your business, but thoseinbound links非常有价值。

3. Followers who won't ever buy can still refer your business.

间接接触您的追随者的个人网络可能是宝贵的业务来源。好的,所以Facebook粉丝弗兰克(Frank)可能永远不会为他的小型小企业办公室购买您的工业真空吸尘器。但是,当他的好友Lanny正在寻找他拥有的公寓大楼的新公寓时,Facebook粉丝弗兰克可能只是向您推荐一些高素质的业务。即使房东Lenny不是参与的类型社交媒体himself, his good buddy Frank is. Need I say more?

4. Social shares impact SEO

The impact social media is having on SEO is只有增加。Search engines are taking social cues like social media shares into account when they're ranking your content, which means the more people you can get to share your content in social media, the better.


5. Your followers might surprise you.

If you've been doing your research and spending time发展买方角色, you likely have a pretty solid grasp on who your ideal customers are. That's all well and good, but if you have a very narrow-minded idea of who exactly will buy your products and services, you could actually miss out on a completely different set of people who might also buy from you.

用经典的例子,小苏打的制造商对其产品有非常特殊的用例:烘烤。但是我们都知道,小苏打的用途范围超出了烘烤的范围 - 它也可以用来扑灭小型电火,用于个人卫生和清洁剂,仅举几例。您可以打赌,一些购买小苏打的人甚至从未将其用于烘烤。

The lesson here is thatbuilding up a large following in social media可以将您的品牌和产品暴露于您可能从未想过的人群或团体的团体或团体中,对您的出售商品感兴趣。您的产品或服务可能没有完全不同的原始用途,例如小苏打,但是您的追随者仍然会让您感到惊讶。仅仅因为社交媒体追随者并没有整齐地陷入您的曲奇刀具购买者之一,并不一定意味着他不会向您购买。



如果您不是您有意识地做的建筑范围,那么您可能想开始工作以吸引更多的粉丝和追随者为您的社交媒体帐户。In this article,我们有一些很棒的建筑范围技巧可以帮助您前进。这样做可以大大增加影响和您的社交媒体努力的投资回报率。And if you're having a tough time convincing your boss that building reach is important, share this article with them :)

In what ways are you working to regularly increase your business' social reach?

图片来源:Caitlin Doe

get 1000+ twitter followers

Originally published Feb 6, 2012 9:00:00 AM, updated October 29 2019

