thank you pages中间的

We'vetouted landing pages作为营销中最关键的部分之一(当然是内容创建)之一。但是有些事情是landing page在营销博客圈中,这并没有引起很多关注……那一刻lead converts, and you say "thank you."

You do say thank you, right? Usually it comes in the form of a thank-you page that appears after a lead fills out your form, a thank-you email that goes into their inbox, or both. And there are plenty of opportunities to keep your prospect engaged with your website, content, and brand even after the conversion event. This post will break out those ways so both you and your prospect can keep reaping the benefits of your relationship!


1) Include Social Media Follow Modules

social media follow buttonsOne of the simplest ways to keep the conversation going with your recently converted prospects is by encouraging them to follow your social media presence. This provides an opportunity not only to expand your social reach, but also to reconvert those leads in the future as they consume your status updates with links to your other lead generation content and offers. And remember,social media follow buttons可以轻松地包含在您的感谢电子邮件和感谢您的页面中 - 这是机会的两倍!

2) Let Leads Share Your Offer Socially, and Via Email

您的社交媒体机会不会以关注按钮结束 - 您可以包括社交分享按钮也是如此。您知道,您在此博客文章左侧看到的那些按钮,可让您推文,+1,LinkedIn共享,Facebook类似,甚至有时甚至固定我们的内容。


实际上,Econsultancy报告that emails with social sharing options generate点击率高30%-- and thatclick-through rate increases to 55% higher with 3 or more social sharing options。只要小心您让人们分享什么。设置这些按钮时(我们有方便帮助您创建社交共享按钮的指南) you want to include a link to share the offer'slanding page,不是感谢您的页面...否则您将不会从潜在客户的社交份额中产生任何潜在客户!


blog subscription您的商业博客houses some of your best content, and it's all form-free! Leverage that content warehouse by inviting your prospects to subscribe to the blog with a simple RSS button like you see on the right. You could even include a few sentences explaining what your blog talks about to make the case for the subscription, and include a link to a blog post relevant to the subject matter of the offer prospects just redeemed. For example, if your prospects just downloaded a unicorn beauty supplies buyer's guide, perhaps they'd also be interested to read your blog post, "8 Creative Ways to Braid Your Unicorn's Tail." It behooves you to grow your blog subscriber list, because it generates repeat traffic to your blog that can continue to reconvert on thecalls-to-action在每篇文章中 - 您在每个博客文章中都会拨打电话,对吗?;-)


你知道我们如何告诉你remove the navigation on your landing page,因为它会分散访客的注意力吗?该规则不适用于您的感谢页面!您希望您的访问者继续探索网站上的内容!只需查看所有机会:


Think about it ... this visitor just showed enough interest in you to redeem your offer. It's kind of like buyer's euphoria -- capitalize on that feeling to direct them to case studies, information about your company, your product and pages, and the like.

The only exception to this rule, however, would be if you're explicitly trying to use your thank-you page to reconvert your lead on another offer, which leads us to our next opportunity.


There are two opportunities to reconvert your leads on your thank-you page. First, hyperlink text within your thank-you page copy directing your lead to your offer, like you see here with the blue hyperlinked text, "See how you can track that in a free demo of the HubSpot software."


然后,您可以在页面上其他地方使用更大,更醒目的CTA补充基于文本的CTA,就像您在我们的示例中从我们的示例中看到的那样Pinterest电子书's thank-you page.


Again, your leads are pretty excited about your content and your company -- they just filled out a form to redeem your offer! Use this opportunity to reconvert them on an offer that might be of interest to them based on the offer they just downloaded and their stage in the buying cycle. To continue our unicorn beauty supplies buyers guide example, one might infer that someone downloading a buyer's guide is pretty far down the sales funnel. Your next conversion offer, then, might be a free sample of unicorn shampoo or a free consultation with a unicorn stylist!

6) Show Them a Video (With Calls-to-Action)

您的thank-you page affords an opportunity for you to highlight some of your most important content -- ebooks, case studies, blog posts, and yes,视频。例如,在HubSpot,我们希望所有的潜在客户了解我们是谁和我们的工作 -we are a company that sells inbound marketing software! Which is why we created this handy dandy video and put it on our thank-you pages ... not-so-coincidentally, whereall我们的潜在客户最终在某个时候。


Notice that orange callout in the top right corner of the video? Leads can share the video socially and via email, or if they click "More Info," the second screen you see above will appear. That's其他呼吁行动以订阅我们的YouTube频道。这是继续与您的潜在客户互动的两层机会!



product survey

The survey results help our product marketing team gauge the effectiveness of their messaging efforts. You can also use a survey to ask for feedback about your product or services, see how your leads like your content, ask for suggestions on new content to develop -- the sky is the limit!

8) Show Off Your Customer Love

Case studies, testimonials, reviews, and otheruser-generated content对于将潜在客户转换为付款客户至关重要 - 特别是如果您的客户群是由千禧一代组成的。


来自Bazaarvoiceindicates thatmore than 8 in 10 say user-generated content from people they don't know influences what they buy and indicates brand quality.因此,在某个时候,有人第一次成为领导者或重新经营 - 您知道,在他们填写您的着陆页表格之后,您是否认为这是一个很好的机会,可以提醒他们为什么人们会爱您,以便他们更多可能成为客户?如果您使用的是感谢页面或电子邮件主要重新转化潜在客户,那么这是一件特别有价值的内容,可以在您的电话行动中包含。

What other content do you like to include on thank-you pages to provide more opportunities for engagement with your prospects?

图片来源:Jon Ashcroft


最初发布于2012年5月3日1:40:00 PM,更新于2021年6月10日


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