If you're hip to the popular电子邮件营销统计数据,您可能非常了解您的电子邮件数据库随着时间的流逝而慢慢死亡。

In fact,,,,您清单的25%每年都会到期as readers switch jobs, email providers, or unsubscribe from your emails. As your list depreciates, it’s important to not only make sure you’re keeping your list clean, but also that you’re not throwing away active contacts.

What’s the solution? A re-engagement campaign!


A re-engagement campaign is a systematic method for re-awakening inactive subscribers, while also identifying which数据库中的电子邮件地址您应该放开。The campaign only involves yourstalecontacts -- people who have been on your list for a long time who may or may not still be opening, reading, and clicking on your emails. The goal of a re-engagement campaign is to identify which portion of your list you should retain, and which portion you’re better off removing.

Why Is This So Important?

There are several reason why you would want to execute a re-engagement campaign:

1. You're Emailing an Old List or Switching ESPs

A re-engagement campaign is critical if you’re going to start emailing an old list, or if you’re moving over to a new emailservice提供者(ESP)。批处理旧列表可以使您进入一些漂亮的热水!如果您超过一定的弹跳阈值,您的电子邮件提供商可能会暂停您的帐户。一旦您暂停,大多数电子邮件提供商都会联系并询问您的列表来源,以确定您对他们网络的风险。

Senders with continued high bounce rates can hurt that ESP’s sending reputation, or even result in them getting added to block lists. It’s similar to borrowing the keys to your friend’s car -- your buddy is going to be mighty angry with you if you crash his beloved wheels!

2. To Keep Your Domain's Reputation Healthy

Another reason to execute a re-engagement campaign is to keep your domain’s reputation healthy. If you repeatedly email people who don’t open, read, or click on your emails, you run the risk of tarnishing the reputation of your company’s domain.Domain reputation进入收件箱是一个很大的因素。而且,最重要的是,您的领域声誉可以跟随您到不同的提供商。因此,即使您从一个电子邮件提供商跳到另一个电子邮件提供商,如果您的域名声誉受到损害,您也不会欺骗任何人。

3. To Stay Budget-Conscious





First, establish a way to assign an age to each of your contacts. There are several ways you can do this, depending on what data is accessible. For example, you could either use the date the contact became a subscriber, the last interaction date, the date of the contact’s source, or any other indicator of age.

Step 2: Decide When Contacts Become Unengaged

一旦你建立了an age for each of your contacts, select a cutoff point where you suspect your list starts to become unengaged. Your cutoff can start anywhere between 3 and 6 months old.


选择您想要的颗粒状分割。The more granular you are, the more value you’re likely to get out of this campaign. That is, you can pinpoint your "dead" contacts more accurately if you group your list in 3-month segments versus 6-month segments.

这个想法是有一个悬崖 - 即,在某种程度上,一定年龄以上的所有联系人都太冷而无法继续发送电子邮件。您要回答的问题是:t弹跳,垃圾邮件投诉和死亡地址的数量超过了发送的电子邮件的好处?您的细分越精致,您就可以越能确定这个年龄。

(For example,集线器’s revamped Email tool,,,,which is currently rolling out to our customers, includes a sleeklist segmentation toolthat offers a simple way of doing this. You can quickly create cohorts of your database based on demographics, interests, and behaviors.)

When building your segments, you should aim to keep them around 5,000 contacts or fewer. This number is based on the fact that aside from bounce rate, the actual体积弹跳也很重要。根据您的ESP,如果弹跳数量不高,则可以高出跳出率。


下一步是设计你的电子邮件和发展the copy for the campaign. Create one email for each segment you're trying to reawaken. You can either send the same email to each segment, or if you've decided to segment more granularly using other variables in addition to just age, you can choose to cater the content/offer and copy within that email to the该特定联系人的兴趣

The one key component you can't afford to ignore is that you should be o提供您未接触的联系人会认为是非常有价值的东西。认为这是您在将这些陈旧的接触接触之前的最后机会。

最终,您的目标是试图让他们与消息互动。选择内容/要约包含在您的电子邮件中的好方法是analyze the performance of past email sends,,,,and choose something that you know already performs well.


Step 5: Systematically Send Your Emails

Once you have your segments and emails prepared, start by sending your email to the youngest segment. Wait 24 hours, and then check your成功指标。这些包括:(1)bounce rate(2)投诉率(3)click and opens rates。如果所有这些数字看起来很健康,请继续将电子邮件发送给您的下一个细分市场。重复此过程,直到数字开始看上去。

You're probably wondering, "What qualifies as dicey?" Here is a rundown of what you should be keeping an eye out for:


2.符合垃圾邮件的费率应为0.1%或更低,,,,although the actual threshold that most ISPs publish is 0.3%. Anything over 0.3% would likely result in a chat with your ESP's abuse desk. In addition to the bounce rate,集线器's own Email tool,,,,for example, makes the SPAM complaint rate of every email easy to access:

describe the image

3. Open and click-through rates are more subjective.The best way to determine a threshold for these is to think in terms of dollars. That is, ask yourself, "Is it worth it to continue spending money and time to email these people?" If you're not getting a suitable conversion rate from a given segment, it's time to let them go.


Download the Science of Email Marketing 2014 report.

Originally published Jul 23, 2012 9:00:00 AM, updated June 09 2021


电子邮件列表和细分 电子邮件营销工具