Shadow Puppets入门3

"Show the readers everything, tell them nothing.”-Ernest Hemingway

How are you presenting your marketing content to your audience? If you're demonstrating a story using visuals (kind of like that shadow puppet guy on the right), you're doing something right.


作为营销人员,请尝试找到一种方法showyour audience what you mean. Here are some visually-orientedmarketing stories from this week that should help you see some interesting trends that are heading your way.


Well, well, would you look at that. It appears that Twitter is hopping on board the visual content train. The microblogging platformjust announced它正在推出新的“顶级照片”功能。目前,当您搜索诸如“Social Media“哦,r “Marketing,”除了“人”和“顶级视频”外,您还可以在左侧栏上看到“顶部图像”。在某些情况下,您可能还会在Twitter流上方看到“热门新闻”或“顶级人bob官网官方网站物”,但是根据您要搜索的主题,这种变化。随着新更新的推出,图片和视频将超过该流。

Aesthetically, the changes look a lot likeInstagram在网络上的新资料, but follow the same format as thenew Twitter cover images这是在9月推出的。那么这对营销人员意味着什么?这意味着您在制定视觉内容策略时也需要考虑Twitter!要了解有关Twitter的方向的更多信息,在此处阅读搜索引擎土地的全文


另一个社交网络宣布了本周的重大更新 - 我们已经等待了一段时间。没错,Pinterest终于推出了业务帐户!考虑到品牌对品牌的巨大交通驱动程序,这只是时间问题。但是更重要的是,品牌正在为真正的客户产生真正的客户,并从平台上看到真正的ROI。一个惊人的47% of U.S. online consumers have made a purchase based on recommendations from Pinterest。Unbelievable, right?

We were so excited about the update, we created a guide to help fellow marketers leverage these new updates to kickstart their own ROI and see real results. In this guide, you’ll learn how to verify your company’s website, switch from a personal account to a business account, add Pinterest’s new buttons and widgets to your site, and discover whatPinterest’s new Terms of Servicemean for you as a marketer. Of course, you’ll also learn how to measure your success on Pinterest so you can set goals and scale your reach and ROI for the future. So to get started with your new business account,在此处下载Pinterest新业务帐户的指南。

Photos on Facebook Generate 53% More Likes Than the Average Post [NEW DATA], From HubSpot

Pinterest just announced business accounts. Twitter is rolling out a new image feature. So we were curious about performance of visuals versus text-based posts, and decided to run a little experiment with HubSpot’s own Facebook page. What we discovered was thatphotos on Facebook Pages received 53% more Likes than the average post, 和照片帖子吸引了比普通帖子多104%的评论, too. That’s quite a big difference! We even found thatour photo posts received 84% more link clicks than our text and link posts,推动实际流量并通往我们的网站。

创意不持有title of ‘arts and crafts marketer’ anymore.Branding and design play a vital role in your marketing实际上有助于提高实际结果。这些数据中的任何一个让您感到惊讶吗?您是否在自己的营销中进行了任何实验来测试图像的性能?要查看HubSpot的Facebook营销工作的更多数据,you can read the full story here

FacebookHas Decreased Page Reach, and Here’s Why, From TechCrunch

It’s amazing to see this new data that proves the effectiveness of images on Facebook. Especially since there has been a great debate going on in the inbound marketing world over whether the reach of brand pages has decreased due toFacebook的新宣传帖子。TechCrunch recently reported that Facebook’s page reach has in fact decreased. Their data shows, “the average post’s organic reach has clearly dropped by over 40% since the end of August, and is showing no signs of leveling off.” Uh oh.


Google Upgrades Shopping, Maps Ahead of Holidays, From AdWeek

Google just announced two big updates, just in time for the holiday season. The first is a tool called Shortlists, where users can bookmark and compare products that are featured on Google Shopping and other sites. With this tool, a user can share their Shortlist with others who can add products to the list or leave notes on the products to assist with shopping organization. The second is a new update to Google’s Android Maps, where a user can see indoor maps to help easily locate stores within shopping malls or restrooms when you’re inside a specific store.

Adweek报道说,目前,品牌将无法根据这些入围名单或室内地图运行针对性的广告,但是无论如何,营销人员可以从这些更新中学到一个很棒的课程。确保您对营销有所帮助,尤其是在假期临近时。搭配图像的乐趣不仅有助于在Facebook上提高您的Edgerank,而且会帮助您创造人们喜欢的营销。要了解有关Google假期更新的更多信息,read the full story here

Putting Search in Focus: Trends to Watch in 2013, From Search Engine Watch

Google’s new updates lead us to our final story of the week, which looks into the search trends of 2013. The holidays are coming up, the year is closing out, excitement is high, but what search updates can we look forward to once the holidays commence? One huge takeaway from Search Engine Watch’s article is that, “content is no longer king, it’s the emperor!” As you can see, visual content is conquering social media, but it also seems to be conquering search marketing. As Search Engine Watch put it, “Seriously, content as we perceive it from a search marketing perspective has changed dramatically over the last few years from simple textual content to include video, interactive, infographics, and more.” If you’re interested in learning more about the trends to watch in 2013,you can read the full story here

What other marketing stories interested you this week, particularly of a visual content nature?




