If you could do one thing to dramatically improve your marketing ROI today, what would it be? If your answer was "use着陆页to convert new leads" I’d have to agree with you — here’s why.

Nearly1 in 10 people谁进入着陆页将成为潜在客户或潜在客户。如果您是转换网络流量的陌生世界,那么这个数字似乎并不令人印象深刻,但是当您进行数学工作时,有理由相信,如果有10,000人访问它,则有1000人可以在您的登陆页面上成为潜在客户。

That’s a lot of leads for most small-to-medium-sized businesses. Let’s look at exactly what a landing page is and how having one (or more) can help you see results like this.

Build landing pages that convert visitors for free.

为您的业务生成潜在客户是您营销活动的必要组成部分,并且有几种方法可以做到:通过社交媒体,内容营销,付费广告 - 列表还在继续。随着您运行的每个数字广告系列(无论您使用什么频道),您所瞄准的人都不会将自己转变为潜在客户。为此,您需要一个专门为转换这些访问者而构建的优质着陆页。如果您在网站上至少没有几个登陆页面,那么您会错过将这些人变成付费客户的机会。


Types of Landing Page Offers




如果您写了一篇博客文章,介绍了您的听众想了解的话题,则可以通过在电子书或白皮书中详细阐述该主题来满足他们对该主题的兴趣。使用着陆页,您可以在铅捕获表格后面“ gate”此资源。访问者填写表格后,他们将能够访问内容。

Example of a HubSpot Ebook and White Paper Landing page

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2. Email Newsletter Subscription

Let's say you write a lot of blog content on a similar topic. Sure, you can develop an ebook or whitepaper that elaborates on specific details, but you can also offer your readers an email newsletter they can subscribe to for the latest content on that topic. On various blog posts, use a call-to-action (CTA) to invite readers to subscribe to your blog. This CTA can link to a separate landing page where they can sign up for your email list.

Example of a HubSpot Newsletter landing page

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3. Online Course Enrollment

无论你在education industryor you offer variousskill-based certificationsto your audience, online courses should have their own landing pages, too. Using these pages, you can invite new students to sign up for a class you offer. This type of content adds value to the client’s experience — they’ll have more access to you through a private channel like email to discuss the course content and get feedback on their progress.

课程着陆页HubSpot Academy的示例

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4. Event Registration

Similar to online courses, events require you to collect information on your audience so they can receive updates leading up to the occasion. An event, as well as its various sessions and keynotes, can have its own individual landing pages to turn interested prospects into event attendees and leads.事件着陆页示例HubSpot的入站活动

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你提供一个免费的演示你的产品吗?你的demo offering could use its own landing page. Bring users to a page where they can sign up for a free trial of your software using their name, email address, job title, and any other information you deem necessary to give them the best customer experience.

Don’t forget to follow up with these leads — they’ve already表现出兴趣in what you sell based on your landing page, so make sure your sales teamcloses the deal.


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6.Community Membership

If your business thrives on building community among customers — perhaps you should have a website dedicated to dialogue between users. You can do this by creating a landing page that lets website visitors sign up to become a bigger part of your business. There's no harm in making it invitation-only either — in fact, it's a great way to try your hand atrelationship marketingto close these deals.

Community membership landing page example featuring HubSpot's community page

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Developing a mobile app for your product doesn't just improve your customer experience — it also gives your business another avenue to capture leads. A lead-optimized landing page that invites users to download an app is quite common. On the analytics side, you can use both Google Analytics to capture insights about who is visiting the landing page and downloading the app, then use that data to make your landing page even more effective.

App download landing page example featuring hubspot's app landing page

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The benefits of building a landing page for each of your marketing campaigns or content offers are endless. In this section, we dive into detail about seven factors that make this lead generation tool indispensable.

1. Landing pages aim to increase conversions.

Having a targeted page that directly ties back to an offer or next step is critical to providing value upfront. This can also encourage new site visitors to provide their information in exchange for an immediate, tangible reward.

For instance, let's say you've landed on a business's website and you're immediately greeted with a pop-up form asking for your name and email. That’s a bit jarring before you even know what the company is about, isn't it?


Many companies send their advertising, email, or social media traffic to their homepage. This is a huge missed opportunity. When you know a stream of targeted traffic will be coming to your website, you can increase the likelihood of converting that traffic into leads by using atargeted landing page.

For instance, those users who convert on your social media ebook landing page are clearly interested in social media. To further nurture those leads, you might follow up with a personalized email, detailing additional content you can provide related to social media.

2. Landing pages can provide additional insights into your target audience.

By creating various landing pages with segmented offers, you can track which topics convert at the highest rate. This can give you valuable insights into your audience's interests.

You could use the data you collect from your landing pages to create a more targeted, personalized marketing strategy. Plus, landing pages don't just tell you which content your audience likes best — they also tell you which channels your leads prefer. This can enable your marketing team to refine the strategy further, promoting content and engaging with your audience on the channel(s) they're already using.

For example, let's say you notice your landing pages related to ecommerce perform exceptionally well, and most of those users find your landing page from your paid ads on Facebook and LinkedIn. This information can help you target future campaigns primarily towards your social audience. You would also have a basis for incorporating additional ecommerce content into your marketing strategy as a whole.

3. Landing pages can grow your email subscriber list.

以换取提供兰丁在你听到的内容g page, you'll typically ask users to provide their email and name. This can help you quickly grow your email subscriber list, and segment that list to provide more personalized follow-up emails.

People who've filled out a form in exchange for content or information on your product or service have shown an interest in what you have to offer. This ensures your subscriber list is filled with potentially high-quality leads.

Consider how you might further nurture them by sending a "Thank you" email after they download your landing page offer, with additional resources related to the content in which they've shown interest.

4. Landing pages are testable.


For instance,AJ Beltis,HubSpot的内容和收购经理告诉我:“如果您正在使用content management system with a built-in A/B testing tool(像HubSpot一样),您可以轻松设置并运行测试,以查看哪种复制,设计,图像和页面元素产生更强的转换率。这意味着您可以迅速发现新的方法来推动您的业务更多潜在客户和联系。”

5.Landing pages allow you to measure metrics directly tied to business goals.

If you've created a specific landing page to market your new product or service, you can then use that landing page to measure metrics directly tied to your business goals.

For instance, let's say your marketing team is tasked with increasing sales for your new email tool. To accomplish this, your team creates a campaign with a landing page offering a free demo of your tool.

You might measure conversion metrics on that landing page to determine how well your campaign is performing, or whether you need to make tweaks to communicate the true value of your new product. Additionally, you can measure which sites drive the highest conversions to your landing page, and put more resources into marketing your email tool on those sites — or social media apps — in particular.

6.Landing pages add context to your offer.

AJ Beltis told me one of the biggest benefits of a landing page is the opportunity to add context to your marketing offer. "Marketers feel motivated to bypass the landing page process and skip right to the conversion by encouraging form fills in other methods, such as through a chatbot," Beltis told me.

Beltis adds, "However, this process eliminates the opportunity to add more context to what it is you're offering. Imagery and essential information that can only be shared with a landing page provide content to those who need it before they decide to convert."

7. Landing pages increase brand value and help make a good first impression.


For instance, take a look at thisimpressive landing page created by Talisker, a whisky brand. Using Ceros' landing page product to design an immersive experience, Talisker is demonstrating brand value and, ideally, making a fantastic first impression on new visitors.

This is proof that a landing page doesn't have to be boring — in fact, it shouldn't be. Take the time to create an engaging, interactive, interesting landing page that communicates the value of your brand.


1. Find a landing page builder.

To create a landing page, you'll want to start by exploringlanding page builders- 当然,除非您使用的内容管理系统已经提供着陆页模板,例如集线器. Look for a landing page builder that is intuitive and simple to use, this way you’ll have a shorter learning curve and will be able to produce landing pages quickly. I recommend drag-and-drop style builders — they’re awesome for speeding up your workflow.

2. Use landing page templates.

Once you've determined the right software to build your landing page, get inspired with somelanding page templates. You might also use this as an opportunity to take AJ’s advice above and A/B test two different designs to explore which design elements result in the highest conversions.



To learn more about how to create a landing page in detail, take a look atHow to Create a Landing Page: The Simple Step-by-Step Guide.

What makes a landing page effective?

Here’s the thing, a good landing page is the equivalent of a baseball mitt — it catches the traffic that your marketing campaign pitches to the audience. This means that the landing page you create should be specific to the type of traffic that it’ll be catching. For example, if your marketing campaign features an ebook, your landing page should also mention the ebook. It’ll be even better if the ebook is the only content offer mentioned on the landing page. This ensures people won’t become confused about what they’re going to receive when they share their contact information.

因为着陆页仅针对(大概是)对这本电子书感兴趣的人,并且由于本电子书具有专有信息,可以详细介绍您的受众所关心的主题,因此您可以将更高比例的网站访问者转换为潜在客户,然后,您可以跟进使用lead nurture campaign.

Ready to create your first landing page, or improve on a landing page you already have? Here are some of the most important elements you’ll want to implement to ensure your landing page is moving your business closer to its goals:

1. Intuitive Navigation

You've brought your targeted traffic to a page where they can take your desired action. Don't distract them! Limit the number of exits from your landing page so that your visitors are focused on filling out your form. A key part of this is to remove the website navigation elements on landing pages. This helps put the focus back on the content you're offering.

看看如何landing page belowdoes this — aside from the HubSpot logo, there are no navigation buttons to confuse or distract visitors.


2. Sharing Options

Tap into the largest community of your best (and free) marketers: your audience. Add share links to your landing page to encourage your website visitors to share your content with their audiences.


First and foremost, if you have a valuable offer, your visitors will give up their contact information in exchange for your offer. Ask yourself whether您的报价对您的听众很有意义and make sure your landing page demonstrates that value.

One way to ensure your landing page adds value is to show your audience the content they're going to receive — directly on the page. See how this can look in the example landing page below.

Examples of adding value to a landing page with an ebook

4. Succinct Copy and Lead Forms

The longer your landing page and form, the more friction you add to the lead-generation process. Keeping your lead form short and straightforward will increase your conversion rate.

Here's a tip: Put as many contact fields as you can on the same line. Shortening the height of your lead-capture form helps you limit the more trivial fields you might be tempted to include, and prevents your landing page visitors from getting spooked by a form that's asking too much of them. As shown below, sometimes all you need is a first and last name, followed by an email address.

example of a simple lead form on a landing page

5.Focused Communication

You might be tempted to create a catch-all landing page that mentions your online course, email newsletter, ebook, and every other content offer you’re promoting. However, this is not ideal.

的人访问你的着陆页应该是looking for one particular offer and this offer should match the communication they saw right before they clicked your landing page link. Did you share a social media post about your latest free email template? If so, that’s exactly what your landing page should communicate. Use the headline to grab the reader's attention and let them know “Hey! You’re in the right place to download that free email template.” The imagery of the template and a few bullet points about the benefits of it will help communicate this point, too.


It’s one thing to know how many visits your landing page received. It’s another to know where those visitors came from.

You’ll need to know this information so that you can optimize your marketing campaign to generate more leads. If email marketing is generating more clicks to your landing page than the search engines, then it’s a good idea to focus on email marketing tactics while you optimize your landing page for the search engines.

UTM tracking parameters can help you uncover these insights, too. You can use tools like Google Analytics, Bit.ly, and HubSpot to create and track UTM parameters. Here’s adetailed guideon how to start using this tool.

7. Constant Improvement

与您可能阅读的有关在线的最佳实践,您的着陆页始终可以使用更多的测试和改进。确保您有一个landing page creation tool这使您可以创建和测试许多不同的着陆页,以了解最适合您的业务的目标。此外,如果您是HubSpot客户,请考虑一些着陆页工具集成,例如briX.

Gotta Catch ’em All

You’ve spent weeks, months, or even an entire quarter developing the perfect marketing campaign and content offers to appeal to your buyer personas. Don’t let that hard work go to waste — remember, converting visitors to leads is your main goal. Building quality landing pages for each campaign or offer you create will be an important part of your lead generation strategy. Use the best practices in this article to build the perfect landing pages for your business and capture every lead you can.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in October 2020 and has been updated for comprehensiveness. New Call-to-action

New Call-to-action

Originally published Aug 4, 2021 5:45:00 PM, updated August 05 2021


Landing Pages Free Landing Page Builder