What does “growth” mean in 2020 and beyond? This year has been filled with many changes and pivots, with超过40%的企业预计今年会错过收入目标。对于我们许多人来说,“成长”不再just意味着增加收入或增加新客户。这意味着要风化风暴,并寻找使反弹更强的方法。增长的想法从根本上改变了。

ABM Solution和HubSpot应用程序合作伙伴Terminus的联合创始人Sangram Vajre说:“保留是新的收购,帮助是新销售。”但是真正的问题是,如何为弹性增长设置组织?那有什么意思?


Growth can feel daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. When your organization adapts a resilient growth strategy, you aren’t only setting your organization up for long-term success, but also your customers.




飞轮是由HubSpot改编的模型,以解释当您将整个组织对齐提供出色的客户体验时,您将获得的动力。当您增加影响最大的区域时,飞轮的速度会增加。力量是您实施的程序和策略,以加快飞轮。由于您将武力施加到飞轮上,因此您还需要确保没有任何反对它 - 这意味着消除业务策略中的摩擦。摩擦可以是减慢您的飞轮的任何东西。



If you’re concerned whether your flywheel is operating efficiently, the Growth Grader is a great place to start.

增长分级器分解了您在飞轮的阶段的分数和建议 - 吸引,互动和喜悦 - 以及对抗摩擦。对于每个阶段,该工具为您的组织提供100分的分数。如果您在任何阶段不得获得100分,则会收到推荐的剧本以帮助提高得分。然后,您的组织可以将这些剧本添加到您的增长计划中。提高每个分数表明整个飞轮的增长效率更高。




Attract Phase



If you are on the road to becoming a pro, some forces you can apply are:

  • content marketing
  • 搜索引擎优化
  • 社交媒体市场营销
  • 社交销售
  • targeted paid advertising
  • conversion rate optimization


HubSpot’s roots are in content and inbound marketing -- we had great discoverability but not a strong referral motion, so we rated highest in the “attract” phase. We’ve always aimed to provide value before we extract value, so we’ve heavily invested in free content through our blogs, webinars, campaigns, social media, andHubspot Academylessons and certifications.

一本建议帮助我们提高分数的剧本是推荐营销。结果,我们建立了一个客户营销团队,customer advocacy program, and are investing more heavily in our customer network.





  • website and email personalization,
  • 数据库细分
  • 营销自动化
  • lead nurturing
  • 多通道通信(聊天,电话,消息,电子邮件)
  • 销售自动化
  • 线索得分
  • “try before you buy” programs


We still have some growing to do in the engage phase. The Growth Grader helped us realize that although we have multiple channels to communicate with customers, we need to do better at bringing deep personalization to those channels. Building personalized relationships is only possible with a single view of the customer, and we are currently investing in this level of systems alignment.



In the delight phase, you help, support, and empower customers to reach their goals. It is important to remember, customer success is your success. If you have a high delight score you are doing a great job of meeting customers’ needs and solving their problems.



  • self-service content (Knowledge base, chatbot)
  • proactive customer service
  • 多通道可用性(聊天,消息,电话,电子邮件)
  • 票务系统
  • automated onboarding
  • customer feedback surveys
  • 忠诚计划



一个策略我们更proact实现ive is creating a “Voice of the Customer” program to collect and analyze feedback across the entire customer experience and create accountability to act on that feedback. During our monthly management meeting, we invite customers and ask them for their toughest feedback. By doing this we gain first-hand knowledge of what our customers want and need.

Fighting Friction




The five steps of the Resilient Growth Playbook are:

  1. Unify decision makers to create alignment across the our organization group -- your strategy must be truly cross-functional across the company to be successful.
  2. 确定增长机会来推动破坏性的客户体验。增长分级器是一个很好的起点。
  3. 通过制定3年战略和1年的运营计划来使GTM(上市)战略保持一致。
  4. 构建卓越的系统以使数据访问快速,轻松 - 脱节的系统导致员工和客户摩擦。
  5. Measure what matters and create an accountability structure to track across every segment and every country.


仅仅两年前,Hubspot宣布我们正在从基于漏斗的业务到基于飞轮的业务。We decided to make this change because we wanted to build resilience into our business model and in our teams, so that we are set up for scale and can bend, not break, in times of crisis.

我们的飞轮模型为团队和我们的客户创造了惊人的成功,但是我们的工作仍未完成 - 我们永远不会真正地“完成”。买方行为一直在改变。市场一直在改变。而且,随着我们今年的经历,世界也可以改变,突然突然。这意味着“良好客户体验”的定义也在不断发展。

You can’t grow without delivering a remarkable customer experience. But growing better is more than line items on a P&L statement or the parts of your flywheel. Growth is a promise you make to your customers, your partners and your employees that what you are building today, will be there tomorrow.

When we think of our growth promise, we think of four main ingredients:

  • Your value is more than your product.
  • 您的员工不仅仅是他们的工作头衔。
  • Your customers and partners are more than their deal sizes.
  • 在危机时期,即使很难,成长也做正确的事。尤其是当很难的时候。

We should all strive to build not just profitable companies that can scale, but companies that our communities trust. It’s possible to grow in a way that’s exploitative, that mortgages the future, that is greedy. But we believe that companies should grow better. We hope this playbook helps you lay the foundation for resilient growth this year and in the future.

If you are a HubSpot customer or Academy User you can access the Growth Grader now. 新的呼吁行动

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最初出版于2020年11月20日7:45:00 AM,更新于2020年11月20日