倒计时正式开始!If the May 25th, 2018 is circled in red on your calendar, you probably belong to the large group of marketers and data protection officers who are currently rolling up their sleeves to review the quality of their mailing database, their websites’ subscription settings, and data storage workflows to make sure that their company will be 100% compliant with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).


EU General Data Protection Regulation毫无疑问,这是过去20年来数据保护法规中最实质性的变化,使成群的营销人员许多不眠之夜,它还为公司提供了一个无与伦比的机会,使公司能够改善其数据库的质量和电子邮件营销活动的成功率,并通过清理其无效订户邮件列表。

虽然becoming fully compliant will require a multitude of procedures and changes on the legal and marketing fronts, you can take your first step towards GDPR by running a permission pass campaign.

What is a permission pass campaign?

Asking permission from your subscribers and making sure that the content they receive is still valuable to them are入站电子邮件营销的核心要素,这就是为什么HubSpot在新的数据保护法规成为所有在欧盟所有公司的优先事项之前就一直是许可通过广告系列的伟大支持者的原因。


Let’s see how we get started then!


To prepare your database for the screening you’re going to do with a permission pass campaign, make sure you enable the re-subscription emails feature for形式in HubSpot before launching your campaign. Once enabled, this feature allows contacts who in the past opted out of your mailing list to re-subscribe when filling out a new form on your website.

hubspot resubscription settings.png


你的目标permission pass email is to establish who are the subscribers in your database who want to continue receiving your emails. To this end, you want to start identifying disengaged contacts bycreating a smart listof subscribers who have not engaged with your emails recently.

为了选择最合适的滤镜,您想定义脱离接触对公司的意义。bob全站app例如,一个每月活动的公司可能会bob全站app看到在过去6个月内没有打开任何电子邮件as a sign of disengagement; another company may decide to extend this period of time to more than 50 weeks or “unknown last open rate.” In addition to the “last email open date” filter, you also want to add a filter to specify which email’s open in particular you wish to track. This is usually an email sent within the last 8-12 months, whose message should resonate with most of the contacts in your database. Depending on the services offered by your company, this could be a support email or a valuable content offer, as in the example below:


这是电子邮件,您的联系人有机会确认其选择加入状态,因此应包括CTA,以鼓励收件人确认其订阅。尽管此电子邮件应该非常简短,并且明确表示其目标 - 确认选择加入状态 - 您可能希望借此机会为您的收件人提供有效的理由选择并提醒他们继续从您那里收到电子邮件的好处。

Below is an example of a permission pass email:

example of permission pass email with hubspot

4. Test variations of your permission pass email

就像任何电子邮件广告系列一样拆分测试可以帮助您优化消息的有效性. For your permission pass campaign, you may want to create at least two variations of your email to test a different subject line, general tone, personalization, and preview text. For example, you may want to try to offer an incentive in one of the variations (e.g. discounts, exclusive invites, additional benefits), and measure whether subscribers would be more willing to opt in under that circumstance.




If you’re sending your emails through HubSpot, the recipients tab will give you an overview of which contacts took action on the email. Only those contacts who confirmed their opt-in status should continue to stay in your database and receive emails from you. On the other hand, the contacts who did not click your CTA should be opted out of all future emails as they might harm your email reputation and the overall performance of your email marketing efforts.




List 2: Contact was sent权限通过电子邮件并且不是列表1的成员。


Now that you have identified which contacts didn’t engage with your permission pass campaign (list 2), you can export the list as a CSV file and re-import them into the CRM as an opt-out list. By doing this, you will防止潜在的有害接触影响您的可交付性得分以及未来电子邮件营销活动的总体表现。



Depending on the type of business and lead generation efforts, it is usually sufficient to run a permission pass campaign once a year and keep通过重新参与活动监视您的联系人的活动.

One thing is for sure: becoming GDPR-compliant is on every marketer’s new year’s resolutions list, and over the next few months, EU citizens will be overwhelmed by a wave of emails from companies from all over the world seeking to confirm their opt-in status, so the sooner you take action, the easier it will be to grab their attention and receive a response.

尽管要求您的订阅者确认其选择加入状态,并有失去大部分联系人的风险听起来像任何营销人员的噩梦,但它不仅是避免GDPR罚款的安全方法,而且是修订您的绝佳机会company’s approach to customers and prospects and deliver a more satisfying user experience.

虽然建议寻求法律咨询以完全符合新法规,但运行许可通过运动是朝着合规的第一步,以及许多其他GDPR-friendly features already available in the HubSpot software.

If you would like to learn more on how to manage efficiently your contacts database, maximize the impact of your lead generation campaigns with inbound marketing best practices, and drive alignment across your sales and marketing teams, check outHubSpot’s 2018 classroom training datesand join other sales and marketing professionals for a live hands-on training in a city near you.

Interested to see what consumers think of the GDPR? We surveyed over 3,000 consumers in the UK, Ireland, Germany, Austria, and Switzerland to find out. Check out our report here.

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Originally published Jan 15, 2018 8:00:00 AM, updated May 09 2018