As someone who has consulted with HubSpot customers for a couple of years, I always hear similar feedback about our reporting functionality.

“We need to show ALL the interactions a customer took in their journey to provide credit back to marketing in one report!”




Multi-touch attribution reporting is different from the prior functionality HubSpot possessed. Jorie Munroe写了一个博客文章详细介绍了该功能,该功能显示了通过特定转换路径转换和/或影响的接触。多点触摸归因报告允许团队设置参数,并将信贷分配给各种团队为正在进行的客户买家的旅程



  • You need access to HubSpot's Marketing Enterprise product.This will help you construct the touchpoints or sources that assisted in the conversion of a contact on any of your website’s forms, all the way to when a deal is closed with your sales team.
  • 您需要访问HubSpot的自定义报告功能。This is a form of custom reporting under attribution, much like the other categories: Single-object, Cross-object, and Funnels/Pipelines.
  • You need to use HubSpot Sales—particularly our deals.Our multi-touch attribution reporting tracks revenue based on how many deals are Closed-Won within your HubSpot instance. This is required so that you can measure all parts of someone’s interactions with your business: First Interaction, Lead Creation, Deal Creation, and Closed-Won. An integration — native or more customized — that syncs your deals into HubSpot should suffice.


Functionality Walk-through

You can find the multi-touch attribution reporting under the custom reporting menu within Attribution Reports, located either through your dashboard or under Reports Home.

When clicking this, you will notice that the User Interface (UI) is a little different than what you are used to when building a custom report in HubSpot. There are no data or visualization tabs, nor are there options to include filters. Instead, you will see two tabs named explore and configure.

explore选项卡中有一个链接到一个介绍性的见o on the functionality. Below the video, you can see select questions. Depending on what you click on, our UI will show the particular report that matches the problem or link between marketing activities and revenue generation. This will give those who are not used to multi-touch attribution reporting models a way to start thinking about how they want to best structure their reporting for better decision making.

Click the configure tab to open up a list of options from where you can put together the attribution report that makes the most sense to you and your team.

  • Chart type allows you to change the visualization, depending on how you are planning to review the model that you pick.
  • Deal close date allows you to choose the timeline based on when a deal was closed.
  • Deal pipelines allows you to segment a particular report into a specific pipeline instead of all deals closed. Realistically, this option is only possible for HubSpot customers that have a paid Sales hub subscription where multiple交易管道可用
  • Interactions will provide you the chance to distinguish efforts to revenue generation between marketing qualified efforts as opposed to more sales-oriented prospecting and engagement to generating revenue.
  • Dimensions will give you the ability to add 2 types of characteristics, best defined by the text below, as drawn from the有关该主题的知识库文章
    • Campaign: Select to assign deal revenue credits by a specific campaign name. Non-campaign data will be included in this as well.
    • 内容类型:选择按内容类型分配交易收入信用。内容类型包括您网站上的内容,例如网站页面,着陆页,博客文章和知识文章。它还包括其他类型的内容,例如记录的电话和会议以及社交帖子
    • 内容标题:选择通过内容的标题分配交易收入信用。如果内容没有标题,则将显示内容的URL。
    • Deal: select to assign deal revenue credits by deal.
    • Deal pipeline: select to assign deal revenue credits by deal pipeline.
    • 交易类型:选择按交易类型分配交易收入信用。
    • 交互来源:选择通过交互源分配交易收入信用。
    • Interaction type: select to assign deal revenue credits by interaction type.
  • Attribution Models are the rule or set of rules available for you to change or add (for comparison purposes) in order to accurately measure credit in favor of various touchpoints, which influenced the closing of business.

Benefits of Multi-touch Attribution Reporting

HubSpot's existing version of attribution reporting only shows the number of contacts generated from a conversion path — focusing on a single interaction to convert the visitor into a lead. Our multi-touch attribution reports can be added as a report on one's dashboards or Reports Home. Once added on to dashboards, these reports can beemailed to others on a one-off or recurring basisto help spur conversations about the return on investment in your marketing activities — content creation, lead generation, and operations.


重要的是,这允许组织内的非营销团队开始有关对齐的对话共同的业务目标andteam or individual metrics working toward those business goals。此外,互动选项将使销售团队有机会展示起源于销售以及与营销贡献相比的区别因素。

随着您的业务规模,归因将变得越来越重要。因此,必须拥有可视化数据的资源和工具bob体育苹果系统下载安装increases alignment并帮助您的业务增长。

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