AI writing tools have come a long way since spellcheck.

Today, bloggers and marketers use AI writing tools to generate short and long-form copy and speed up content production.


According to bloggers, AI writing can help补充您的写作过程,但您仍然需要留在驾驶员座位上。




大多数 - 如果没有all- 作家在某个时候经历了作家的障碍。对于需要跟上苛刻的内容日历的博客作者来说,进入创意车辙尤其具有挑战性。


“Using AI writing tools helped us with eliminating writer's block," said Ruggero Loda, the owner,每个月吸引超过200,000名访问者的博客。

“As a blog owner,创建博客文章是我的首要任务。但是一次又一次,[我的]作家遇到了作家的障碍,他们无法制作任何新内容。”

According to Loda, his team members often turn to AI tools to spark their creativity.

洛达告诉我:“ AI写作工具已经进行了营救,”他说。“即使工具不会为您写所有内容,它们也会根据您的说明创建内容,从那里您可以开始获得新的想法。”

Daniel Martin, digital marketer and co-founder ofLinkDoctor LLC, shared a similar experience.


While an AI tool can't typically produce an entire blog post for you, it can get the ball rolling on your draft. Instead of staring at a blank page, you'll have a sample to use as your starting point.


AI writing tools can also help you write an outline quickly, which you can then use to produce a draft or outsource to another writer to finish the article.

“Leverage the outline feature of AI writing tools," suggested Loda. "An AI writing tool can certainly help you with generating an outline based upon its collective data. Most often these outlines are good enough to start producing content."

This outlining capability can be especially useful if you're having trouble organizing your thoughts. It can streamline the writing process and give you a clear roadmap of how to move forward.

根据企业家的说法,内容作家和创始人Rephrase MediaMatthew Ramirez,AI写作工具在写作过程的概述阶段最有用。


In fact, Ramirez says that using AI writing tools to outline his blog posts and expand on his ideas has helped him cut down on 80% to 90% of content creation time.









但是Harriet Chan,联合创始人兼市场总监coofinder- 谁使用AI写作工具来创建博客文章和来宾帖子 - 警告作者不要过分依赖AI收集的信息。


“ AI工具将快速汇总大量信息,但很容易就每篇文章都必须使其打勾的人类触摸失去。”

Loda seconds these words of caution, saying that AI tools can produce inaccurate copy.

他说:“ AI写作工具可以提供虚假数据。”“无论您使用的AI工具多么好,它都不是人类。使用AI写作工具,我已经注意到他们从互联网上收集了旧来源的数据,而没有事实检查这些数据,他们围绕它编写内容。因此作为用户,您应该关注每个句子。”

也就是说,软件开发业务联合创始人Alina Clarkbob电竞官方下载CocoDoc——他一直在使用AI supplemen书写工具t her business blog writing for two years — said that AI research capabilities have been a huge timesaver.

“I've used AI writing tools as fishing hooks to find out content on the internet," said Clark. "AI writing tools have an advantage in the sense that they can read through a lot of content on the internet within a short time. Using an AI writing tool for content research shortens the research time, which means that I can create quality content faster."

While AI can accelerate the research phase of the writing process, don't neglect doing your own research, too. Make sure to supplement the tool's findings with your own work to ensure everything is accurate and up-to-date.




Chan agrees that while AI writing can be a useful supplement, you can't rely on it for your complete writing process from start to finish.



Finally, it's crucial to remember your readers anytime you publish a piece of content on your blog, social media, or another channel. You can ensure that your content meets your readers' needs far better than an AI tool can.



“Most of the AI tools use GPT-3 [a language prediction model]," said Martin. "There is a chance the article will get penalized as Google aims to provide usefulness to the readers."



  • Jarvis该AI驱动的软件使用机器学习和自bob电竞官方下载然语言处理来生成博客文章,着陆页,社交媒体副本和其他类型的内容。根据公司的说法,它不仅创建了原始内容,而且还支持25多种语言。bob全站app就是说,这个写作助理有时可以重复短语或产生需要人类编辑的不相关内容。Jarvis提供了10,000字的免费试用版,以及一个入门计划,起价为每月29美元,Boss Mode计划(长格式内容)起价为59美元/月。
  • ArticooloThis AI text generator offers a plugin to help you write blog posts directly in Wordpress. It can help you speed up article writing and summarization, but it might not be the best pick for non-Wordpress users. Articoolo offers both fixed and monthly plans, including a fixed plan of 10 articles for $19 and a monthly plan that includes 30 articles for $29.
  • AI Writer该工具声称,其自动内容写作和文章翻译功能可以将内容创建加快50%。尽管此工具可以帮助增加您的写作过程,但您仍然需要编辑其生成的任何内容。AI作家的基本计划起价为每月29美元,其标准计划的起价为59美元/月。
  • GrammarlyGrammarly使用Advanced AI检查您的写作是否拼写和语法错误。它比基本的拼写检查应用程序更为先进,因为它可以指出被动语态或句子结构缺乏多样性之类的问题。它的高级计划还可以检查文件中的窃。您可以免费使用Grammarly的校对工具,也可以升级到其每月12美元的高级计划之一。


As long as you continue to follow best practices for writing blog posts and other copy — and edit any AI-generated content before you publish it — you can enjoy the benefits of AI writing tools while avoiding the common pitfalls that come with them.
