
You may even fear that your blog won’t be successful because you’re unsure how to create ablogging strategythat will make you stand out. You may have even started your blog and are frustrated that you’re not seeing the results you want. → Download Now: 6 Free Blog Post Templates In this article, we’re going to break down what you should consider about starting a blog, how to tell if a market is too competitive, and other ways to make your blog stand out.

Considerations for Starting a Blog in 2021

开始博客may feel like a daunting task. There are many questions around whether your blog will gain traffic and how to put your content in front of your desired audience.

The benefits of blogging, however, is a long-term game. Posting to your blog consistently is a fundamental first step. The second step is centering your blog around a specific topic or theme.

According toWebsite Setup, the number of blogs on the internet has reached over 600 million. If you’re looking to start a blog and worry that this number indicates that the blogging market is oversaturated, don’t panic.

尽管博客可能有竞争力,有很多of context to consider that can give you an advantage. It all depends on which niche you enter. While most blogs lie within a specific industry, every blog has a specificperspectivein that industry.

For example, if you have a wellness blog that focuses on healthy eating and exercise, the perspective can be from someone who struggles with a specific disease or has advanced education on nutrition.

This specific perspective is yourunique value proposition.

An audience that may be looking for specific, niche information will gain attention and traffic because your specific perspective creates value that is rare.

Overtime, your audience will understand that they cannot find that information with this unique value anywhere else. Your blog’s perspective is what will set it apart from others. Focusing on this specific value will set you up for long term success.


Now that we understand that your blog needs to have a unique perspective that brings value to your industry, we’re going to explain how to determine if ablog topicis too competitive.

There are many ways to determine how competitive your niche is, but we’ll keep it to the most simple:

  • Keyword Volume (MSV)
  • Keyword Difficulty (KD)

In order to determine either of these, you’ll need to perform关于关键字景观的一些研究for your intended primary topic.

For example, if you want to blog about baking cookies, you’ll want to check out the keyword landscape for queries like,baking at home, cookie baking ideas, baking desserts, 开始。

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) toolslike Google Trends, Ubersuggest, Moz, or Semrush are great keyword research tools that can show you both the MSV and the KD for any query you’re interested in.

Keyword Volume

Otherwise known as Monthly Search Volume (MSV), keyword volume tells you how many times a certain keyword is being searched each month. Keyword volume can indicate how large the audience is for a certain topic, and therefore indicates how much potential traffic is available to you within this keyword’s landscape.

The higher the volume, the more opportunity for traffic from this keyword. Now, you won’t be able to capture全部of the traffic available. Your opportunity is highly dependent on another factor — keyword difficulty.

Keyword Difficulty (KD)

Keyword difficulty gives you an idea of the likelihood that your content will rank in search engines for that keyword by telling how difficult it is to rank for that keyword. Other blogs are also competing for this keyword, so KD gives you a sense of your competition.

Different SEO tools consider various factors to calculate the difficulty of ranking, likenumber of backlinksand search volume, for instance. Overall, keyword difficulty is a helpful way to tell if a market is highly competitive.

Tips for Blogging in a Competitive Market

If you find that your niche topic has a high keyword difficulty, don’t worry. There are a number of actionable steps you can take to ensure you can still rank and get traffic.

There are ways to optimize your blog to ensure you target the right audience, rank in search engines, and keep viewers coming back. Let’s cover those now.


Having a foundational understanding of your blog’s goal and purpose is fundamental to standing out in a competitive market. And knowing who your audience is and what they want to read comes just before that.

You can start bybuilding a persona定位您的内容。这样,您将对目标受众是谁和能够为他们服务的人有深入的了解。

In order to get to know your audience, you should ask yourself the following questions:

  • 您为什么要博客此信息?
  • 你希望与你的博客带来什么影响?
  • What does your audience need to learn?
  • How does your audience like to consume information?
  • 什么人口统计学定义了您的听众?

2. Incorporate SEO guidelines.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)is the key to bringing your blog to a wider audience. Essentially, you want to center your blog content on a few primary keywords that align with what your audience is interested in learning. We already discussed above how to determine the MSV and KD for your target keywords, but there’s a lot more to SEO.Your blog’s content should focus around your primary keyword. Those keywords should show up throughout your content.

For example, if your blog is about fishing, that would be considered your primary keyword topic. Relevant keywords that would appear throughout your blog arehow to fish,钓鱼指南, 和如何为钓鱼旅行做准备。在您的博客中出现的关键字越多,它就越多地帮助搜索引擎了解您的博客的意义。

Don’t flood your content with your keywords simply to rank. This is called关键字填充,and it’s a黑帽SEOpractice. The focus should be to create quality content that helps users. If you’re creating content that gives information that answers your audience’s needs, then it’s likely they will come back to your blog for more.


Networking applies to online marketing, too. Try to build relationships with online leaders in your industry or those who have parallel audiences.

By building a network, you can also create opportunities for backlinks to your content, which is helpful to build authority. Backlinks help bring more traffic to your blog as the audience from one blog is being redirected to yours. This over time helps you optimize your visibility on the search engine results pages (SERPs).

反向链接可以是来宾帖子的形式。例如,如果您有一个烹饪博客并在Food Network上包含访客帖子,则可以创建反向链接。它们还可以来自其他网站的推荐链接,这些网站可能在您的行业中具有更大的名称。例如,如果Entrepreneur.com链接到您的初创企业文章,则也被视为反向链接。


If your blog solely promotes your product or services, it may be overly promotional. Find out what your target audience is really interested in and pursue those topics — it’s always better to be helpful than promotional. Successful bloggers put their community's needs before their financial gain.

"Providing accurate, useful information that informs in a non-self-promoting manner gains credibility," writes Greg Sweval, a direct-to-consumer consultant. "It may take a little longer to build the buzz, but once the momentum gets rolling, it has exponential effects."

5. Blog about your expertise.

博客about the aspects of your business that you’re passionate about. "Be yourself and blog about the things that excite and interest you (without sounding like a commercial, of course) and you'll be fine," suggests Steve Early.

When you write with passion and offer real value, you will most likely attract a bigger audience. With all the information we have at our fingertips, readers can sense authenticity. Your goal should be to create content forhumans他们很好奇并寻求有用的独特信息。旨在使您的读者对您的主题充满热情。

6. Be authentic.

You will stand out from the noise and the crowd of bloggers if you are truly authentic. Transparency can earn you credibility in the blogosphere. In addition, it will add a more personal element to your writing style. Be authentic and let your readers see you clearly and identify with your message.

A successful blog takes time, strategy, and research.




blog post templates

Originally published Oct 20, 2021 2:00:00 PM, updated January 14 2022

