The Plain-English Guide to Brand Equity

Kayla Carmicheal
Kayla Carmicheal


我买之前任何事物我的脸像护肤或化妆一样,我倾注了评论。唯一的例外是我从我信任的品牌购物时。在某些情况下,我什至不质疑这些业务的新发布 - 我购买了新商品知道ingI'll be satisfied.

It's not that hard to trust a company that has never disappointed you. But today, I was skeptical.

A makeup company I like is releasing a skincare extension. I was on the fence, so I wanted to see what my favorite YouTubers were saying. Most of them had the same reaction: "I don't care about the price. When it comes to this brand, I know it's gonna be great."

They will purchase from the new line, regardless of reviews.

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This is known as brand equity. Consumers influence the public perception of businesses, building positive or negative brand equity. But let’s take a closer look.

If you've ever decided against buying from a specific company based on a review from your friends, you've seen negative brand equity at work. Negative brand equity might result from poor customer service, lack of transparency, or inaccurate pricing.

Think of that one product you don't mind shelling out a few extra dollars to have because you知道you'll be satisfied. In your opinion, that business has positive brand equity. Brand equity determines value because positive brand equity can justify higher prices.

Now that you know what brand equity is, you're probably thinking about how to find out your company's. To save you that time, let's talk about measuring brand equity.

How to Measure Brand Equity

Measuring brand equity involves customer knowledge, public perception, and finances. Customers are a no-brainer; Their opinion is the number one source of brand equity, but it shouldn't be the sole indicator. Let's look at a few others.

1. Focus on brand awareness.


So if you haven't already, take note of how you're handling brand awareness. How are you communicating your company's story? More importantly, how are they responding?



That way, when a lead sees the ad on Facebook, they'll have an idea of what your company does. The offer is an incentive for them to learn more, and the subject matter will keep them engaged.

2. Analyze your company's overall finances.

Are you currently analyzing purchase metrics? These metrics will tell you what products are popular among customers and identify shopping patterns that could influence future campaigns.

看看您的业务如何与受众群体互动 - 这会影响购买行为。如果客户在Instagram帖子下发表了有关客户服务差的评论,则可能导致负面的品牌资产。为避免这种情况,请确保客户服务协议涉及回答消费者的评论和疑虑。


确保你告诉听众为什么你的公关ice is worth it. Alternatively, give your audience a chance to see for themselves. In your next ad, announce a sale, boost an offer, or create a free trial.

That way, your audience can give your company a test run before they commit, and you can begin to measure how this inbound marketing tactic performs among customers. If it increases brand equity, you might have a new winning strategy.


到目前为止,我们已经谈到了为什么品牌知名度对品牌资产很重要。但corporate imageis also crucial.



在这一点上,您知道如何衡量公众的看法。但这很可能您遇到了一个问题……您不知道howto build equity. Let's get the ball rolling with a few ideas.

1. Research public perception of your brand.

Customers aren't the only group that contributes to brand equity. Audiences are just as important.


但是,从外在的角度来看,您的市场有助于品牌资产。所以,研究their opinion is going to be helpful in figuring out a few things.


Public perception is essential to brand equity, but let's face it: We probably don't have the time to spend hours Googling our company to gain insight. So, what can you do to research public perception in a way that saves you time?

The short answer is software. For instance,智能手表looks at follower activity on social media channels. Then, you'll get a customized report that breaks down comments, replies, and likes to tell you a response consensus.


If you're looking for a couple more resources, say, 10 more, thissentiment analysis tool round-upis your answer.

2. Communicate your brand beliefs in marketing.

One of the biggest ways to begin building brand equity is to emphasize branding when you execute marketing campaigns. Every visual asset you make should speak to your brand in some way.

Usecolors, images, and copy为了您的利益,并引入了一种对您的公司和受众有意义的语气。bob全站app如果您可以查看所有面向客户的内容并在这三个领域中识别模式,那么您可能会传达强大的品牌信息。

客户和受众将开始了解定义您公司的详细信息。bob全站app例如,当您查看此Instagram feed时,您会注意到类似的细节,图像和音调:


Image Source

In the image above, you can point to colors, industries, and audiences that relate to HubSpot's brand. Valuable content, like helpful statistics, make this account one to look for in terms of industry insights. As a result, a marketing professional is likely to associate this account with meaningful marketing-based content.




加紧可能也是一个好主意customer interaction. If your company doesn't interact with customers on social channels or email, or reach out for feedback, you probably don't know what they are expecting. Revamp how you get in touch with customers because they hold the most value when it comes to equity.



这是我前一段时间收到的一封营销电子邮件。而不是用这些阴影补充眼影系列,而是ColourPop决定split up the collections according to customer suggestions. This move was made to show customers that the company values their opinion — it also builds brand equity.




The commercials were wildly successfuland profitable for Apple. They also established brand equity against competitors. Apple's team took the time to name computer specs in a way their audience would understand. They spoke directly to the customer about why Macs were the favorable option.

To gain that market edge, use campaigns to explicitly state why your product is the best suited for your customer. Maybe it's because you offer a more streamlined way of doing things, like in the Apple commercial.

Remember not to attack your competition. The goal here is to build your brand without tearing another down. Tell your customers about the features others don't offer, and use that feature to define part of your brand.

5. Keep up a helpful presence on social media.

This sounds like a no-brainer, but it's so important to actively devote yourself to excellent customer service. I can't count how many times I follow a company on Instagram because of a product, then ultimately decide against buying it because of poor communication from the brand.

I've seen comments about not receiving orders, trouble cancelling memberships, and misleading products. That's a red flag, but if a company handles these comments in a negative way, that's a deal-breaker. Not only that, but it reflects poorly on my opinion on the brand, as well as other audiences'.

Whether you're talking to customers in person or online, make sure you're handling concerns with urgency and care. Others take note of how you treat customers and make their own opinions based on what they see.

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Brand equity can be the make or break for your company, but after reading this post, you're ready to make it a positive one for your entire audience. Good luck, and happy branding.

brand consistency

Topics: Brand Awareness


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