Lots of times, when marketers want to make a big impact on their marketing, they focus on going after a big project:big email campaigns,大网站重新设计,big social media plans, big everything.

但是,尽管大型项目可能会带来巨大的回报,但您并没有全球执行它们。您的盘子上还有很多其他东西 - 您一天中唯一的空闲时间是星期三的43分钟,在涂装袋装午餐和每周下午1:00之间。客户电话。


The good news is you don't need them to make a big impact on your marketing -- often, a smaller tweak can work wonders. And one of the smallest changes you can implement with the biggest splash is呼吁行动(CTA)改建。在我们自己的CTA上,我们已经看到小变化的转化率增加了30%……这不是变化。

So if you only have a few minutes in your week to optimize your conversion rates, souping up your out-of-date and gnarly looking calls-to-action is the way to go. To be sure you aren't forgetting any crucial components of CTAs, be sure to follow along with the checklist below.

11 Essential Elements of an Effective Call-to-Action






当您设计CTA时,effective copyall boils down to using action-oriented, second-person verbs. Use verbs like "discover, unearth, find" instead of ones like "be smarter."在下面的CTA中,请注意我们如何开始使用“学习”和“下载”句子。Besides empowering your readers a tad to click on your CTA, you're also shortening your copy -- which all boils down to a more effective and concise call-to-action.


2) Align CTA copy with landing page copy.

When you're creating CTA copy, you also want to make sure your CTA copy and your landing page copy align. The name of the thing you are promoting -- whether it's a free ebook, whitepaper, template, guide, crash course, or presentation -- should align with the name of it on the landing page.

You should also be calling the offer the same thing on both the CTA and the landing page. For example, if you mention that people can download a速成课程on Facebook advertising on the CTA, you shouldn't call it anebookon the landing page. It may seem like small potatoes, but those details matter.

On the landing page that goes with the CTA above, we did both of these things -- notice how the title of the offer and how we position it is the exact same as the CTA. This way, when people get to the landing page, they aren't confused about what we're offering and click away.


3) Include a clear value proposition.

Each call-to-action you create is unique to your business -- it's your offer, service, or product you're trying to promote. But that's not how users perceive it. When they come in contact with your CTAs, they wonder why they should download that very offer from you at this specific moment. They might wonder if they've already downloaded something similar from your competitor. Or maybe they are just confused about value you're going to bring to them in exchange for their email.

无论哪种方式,您都必须通过使这些怀疑来平息这些怀疑单击CTA的好处superclear. On your CTA, give a quick description of what happens when they click on it -- will they magically become better at their job? Will they save time? Will they end up saving humanity from a pack of zombies? Regardless of what you want them to do, it should be very what is going to happen when people click.

On our CTA below, you can see this principle in action. In both the headline and the description, we describe what people will get when they clickandhow they will be able to use it -- which helps readers trust us and differentiate us from other companies' offers.



People arebusy在线的。当他们浏览您的网站,博客或社交媒体帐户时,他们可能还会派遣电子邮件,接听客户电话,并可能起草自己的推文。有了所有这些潜在的干扰,您想让读者专注于单击CTA。

最好的方法是利用the element of urgency并告诉人们做某事right now。One way to do that is to add words like "now" or "today" to your CTA button (that's what we did in the example below). Just reminding people to do something now can increase the chance of them actually doing it now.


5) Make it big.

In the land of calls-to-action, the motto is go big or go home. You can't make a tiny little button that appears at the bottom of the page and hope that people will click on it -- chances are, people are going to miss it when they're glossing over your sitein an F-shaped pattern

为了确保人们注意到您的CTA,您必须在网站上掌管它。例如,我们在这里谈论的CTA是博客文章Body列的完整宽度 - 大约650像素宽。这样,在地狱里,您将无法掩盖它。话虽如此,没有CTA最小的行业标准,因此您必须测试大小如何自行影响转化。



Another way to attract your visitors' attention is through the actual design of your button. You can forget another lesson here:calls-to-action shouldn't blend in with the rest of your website design。是的,您可以使用类似的样式 - 字体和颜色仍然可以匹配您的样式指南 - 但是您组合这些元素的方式应使其在页面其余部分中弹出。

查看我们的CTA,看看我的意思。我们使用我们的品牌颜色(橙色,板岩灰色,白色和蓝色)和我们的字体系列(Proxima nova)使CTA看起来像是Hubspot家族的一部分...但是我们将CTA放在一起的方式使它成为POP。蓝色CTA背景与白色博客文章背景很好地形成了鲜明的对比,灰色按钮带有白色文字和概述,所有这些都更加引起您的注意。从战略上选择了这些对比元素,以帮助我们的读者注意到此CTA。


7) Make the button look clickable.

Most things you can click online look like they can be clicked. Usually, they have some sort of shading or contouring that makes them look like a button you could press in real life. So if you want your CTAs to be clicked, it makes sense to make it look like something people are already familiar with clicking ... right? Use your design program to add shadows and borders to not only give your CTA an extra design finish -- but also make it look functional.

我们在“下载电子书 +模板”按钮的CTA中做到了这一点。注意按钮几乎是3D?这是因为PowerPoint中有一个漂亮的小工具,它为2D对象增加了深度。绝对可以实验“可点击设计”最适合您的CTA的实验 - 它们可以大大提高您的转化率。



Despite the web becoming more and more reliant on visuals to communicate, lots of people still have problems displaying images in their browsers. Sometimes, they just have errors loading your images in your browser, while other times, they may purposefully block them from appearing -- and in either instance, you need to have a backup plan. Alt text allows you to display text whenever a CTA doesn't appear properly in a website or email. (Bonus:因为Alt文本是,您知道...文本,搜索引擎实际上可以读取它 - 为您拼写其他SEO果汁。)

In our CTA below, we've included the alt text "inbound pr cta" to help direct those who can't view images. Granted, it's probably not the most engaging alt text, but it does give people and search engines an indication of what should have appeared in that image's place.


9) Place your CTA prominently on your website.

一旦你完成了所有的复制和设计,它是time to start putting that baby to work on your website. Whether you're placing it above the fold (where it generally will get more clicks and conversions) or below the fold (where you can get higher quality of leads converting), you want your CTA to be noticed. So put it where it can get noticed -- heck, draw even more eyeballs to it by adding方向提示so you get more clicks and conversions.

In the example we've been using, our primary call-to-action is featured at the bottom of every blog post. Notice how the size and design go hand-in-hand with placement -- because it's placed at the bottom of the post, we really need to ramp up the size and eye-catching design components. See how much more prominent it is compared to the paragraphs above it?


10) A/B test multiple CTAs to find the best performer.

一旦获得了CTA设置,请不要停止。很有可能您有更多机会通过您的CTA转换潜在客户和客户 - 即使您使用此博客文章中的提示对其进行了优化。因此,请继续调整副本,设计,尺寸,放置等。直到找到一个CTA其余的表现

To be honest, we didn't A/B test thisspecific每CTA因为我们专注于优化它the next action item, but we frequently A/B test new CTAs on the blog and in emails. Let's say we did A/B test it though -- below is an example of a test we could run.

Version A:


Version B:


11) Personalize CTAs for different segments of your audience.

Besides A/B testing, you can also tailor CTAs toonly似乎选择受众。例如,您的访客可以看到一件事,您的潜在客户可以看到另一件事,而您的客户可以完全看到其他东西。老实说,您需要正确的软件来执行此操作(bob电竞官方下载HubSpot customers:如果您是专业或企业帐户,则您已经介绍了这一点),但是如果您有软件,那么您就会发黄金。bob电竞官方下载

We do this all the time on our blog -- if you look at the CTA below, you might see a CTA forcreating CTA templates(meta, I know)ora CTA fordemoing HubSpot's landing pages。So the example CTA we've been using is no different.

What leads see:


What everyone else sees:


Ultimately, by testing and optimizing and testing again, you'll figure out which CTA best practices work for you -- and which don't -- all in the sliver of time you have free each week.

What have you learned while optimizing CTAs on your own website? Share your insights with us in the comments!


free call-to-action templates in ppt

Originally published Oct 24, 2013 8:00:00 AM, updated July 28 2017


Calls to Action