

To help you brainstorm more ideas in a fast, easy, visual way, I'll share my favorite little hack:内容集思广益钥匙。借助此详细但易于使用的Excel电子表格,您的内容创建工作可以大大简化。您需要走的一切吗?您想写的话题。



在使用该机智工具的方法之前,请务必确保download the brainstorming spreadsheet here。全部要去吗?让我们做这个事情。:)

First up, here's a video that explains in detail how you can use the brainstorming key to determine the best structure for your content, select a medium that's best suited for your topic, and, ultimately, come up with several specific content ideas. Once you're finished watching, head down below for the written guide to using the key so you can witness just how simple it is to use.





2)select Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced, based on how well-versed your readers are in the subject matter (or how well-versed you want them to be).


In Box 2, simply drag the X to the appropriate cell representing the audience for which your content is intended. It's important to set a skill level because it's much different to create an advanced guide to something than it is to walk someone through the basics of a specific topic -- distinguishing which skill level is best will help keep you focused on the goal of the piece of content you're creating.



Content structure refers to the way in which you'll organize your content. Let's say you pick "list" for your first round of ideas. This means you'll ONLY think up list-type content in your brainstorm later. In other words, you'd think of topics like "10 Proven Ways to Get in Shape This Winter" instead of "Why You Should Get in Shape This Winter."

If you find out after this process is through that a list structure may not be the ideal way in which you want to relay content, it's not a problem -- just go back to this box and select a new style for your content.



The final way to narrow your thought process is by selecting the specific medium or format you want for your content. Again, this can be selected at random -- or one specific type you have in mind for your topic. You won't have to think throughallthe different types of content out there (and there's a lot). Rather, you'll think of ideas around a single medium, like a blog post, video, or podcast.



With a nice, neat visual reference (that's narrower than "think of anything"), you can begin to write out as many headlines as you can in Box 5.


正如您在上图中看到的那样,使用我选择的标准 - 基于列表的帖子,为初学者提供了有关“成型”的提示 - 我的头脑风暴使我了解了一些内容想法。

Note that I focused only on the criteria above and took tangents from that core idea of "getting in shape." When my ideas start to run out, I can simply change something in the boxes -- for instance, I could switch from a blog post to an ebook -- and brainstorm more, this time with a new focus.

因此,下次您感到灵感时,不要只是奔跑并创造一些东西 - 而是进行此练习。结果将是一长串内容的想法,可以帮助您维持生产而不会变黑,而且永远不会再因闪烁的光标而失去。

您还用哪些其他技巧和黑客来提出内容的想法?在下面发表评论!你也可以参观我们的Blog Topic Generator为了获得为您创造的一年的头条新闻 - 如果这种集思广益只是您的小巷。



