"Curation" is one of those words that's always conveyed coolness to me.

Take, for example, curating an art gallery, or curating music for a soundtrack. Cool, right? Content curation can be just as cool – and just as important.



In this blog post, you'll find an explanation of what it is, how it can serve your brand and a series of tools you can use at every experience level.

What is content curation?

Content curation consists of finding material relevant to your audience from a variety of sources and sharing it strategically through your communication channels.

Say you’re a marketing agency. You couldbob app下载 综述了顶级产品演示,并添加一些有关您选择它们​​的情况的上下文。根据您认为的听众发现最有价值的东西,您将策划该演示的列表。

So, now that we’ve answered, “什么是策划内容?”让我们了解这种方法的好处。

Benefits of Content Curation

One of the biggest benefits of content curation is that it adds value to your audience.

There’s so much information out there today and most consumers don’t have the time (or the desire) to sift through hours of content. That’s where you come in.

You can figure out what matters most to them, find the content they care the most about and present it to them in a perfect bow. Who wouldn’t want that?

想想你喜欢的音乐电台,不管我t’s on the radio or a streaming platform like Spotify or Pandora. While you could listen to hours of music and create your own playlists, it’s even better when someone does it for you and delivers all the hits you love most.


The same goes for content curation. As you deliver great content, your audience starts to trust you and see you as athought leader.


It’s easier to gather content from other sources than start from scratch. So when in doubt, curate content that other experts in your industry have covered.


1。Content curation should be personal.

NextDraft content curation example


The beauty of news roundupNextDraftis the personal touch and context that its chief curator, Dave Pell, gives to each story.

我不仅想要一堆可浏览的链接 - 我想知道为什么我应该阅读这些东西,以及它与我有关。这种个性化的上下文在策展人和读者之间创造了一种纽带,链接聚合器并没有那么多人性化。

2。Content curation should build value.


Just like you, they have demands and can’t possibly keep up with all the latest news in their industry – but they want to. Solving this problem through content curation presents a huge opportunity for brands to build a relationship with their audience.

If you can deliver a curated experience that saves your customers time in getting the information they need, you’ve taken a major step on the path of building trust and loyalty.

3。Content curation should offset promotional content.

Customers can grow tired of brands ceaselessly promoting their own wares, which is why brands must think beyond products or features.

客户与当今品牌的关系超越了产品本身。毕竟,这是inbound marketing。While a product may initially attract you to a specific brand, it’s likely something else – like great content or remarkable service – that keeps you around.


Once you’ve decided to curate content, the hard part begins gathering content. While bookmarking and reading lists may work in the beginning, those are not sustainable options.





Flipboard是一款移动和桌面应用程序,可让您创建带有指向您喜欢的新闻报道,博客文章和网站的链接的迷你杂志。bob官网官方网站Content curation tool Flipboard



You can also include your own blog posts and links in your magazine, making it an opportunity for readers to learn more about your business.





Content curation tool Pocket


Instead of a laundry list of bookmarks or countless emails you’ve sent to yourself with links, it stores all your chosen images, articles, and videos in one place for reference.

You can group articles with tags, and the site's built-in search functionality makes finding those articles easy. Plus, it integrates with over 500 other apps, likeEvernote, easy easy synching.

And as a bonus, Pocket tweets out their@PocketHits对于其平台上最保存的文章 - 如果您在Twitter上活跃,则必须遵循。






You can convert your links into a web page and embed them on a website or send them as a newsletter. They have a whopping 30+ responsive templates that you can customize to your liking. With over 80,000 users worldwide, elink is one of the best tools when it comes to fast and beautiful content curation.

4。Twitter Lists

Twitter can be hard to keep up with if you don't organize the accounts you follow. That's where Twitter Lists come in handy: curated groups of Twitter users that you can categorize and follow separately from the rest of your feed.

content curation tool Twitter List



点击这里to learn how to start your first Twitter list.

5. Newsletters

Whatever industry you’re in, stay on the lookout for newsletter subscriptions. And if a good one doesn’t exist in your industry, that’s the perfect opportunity to create one.

But before you start your own newsletter, learn from what other outlets are doing. Here are a few that are doing a great job in original content curation:

  • The Hustle– Every day, The Hustle brings business and tech news right to your inbox. The team expertly breaks down top news in a witty, sharp tone that its audience enjoys – plus links to read the original content.
  • 每日大屠杀– Want to stay updated on all things marketing? Carney’s got you covered. Their daily newsletter includes snippets of news in the marketing world along with a longer section that provides context for an external article they link to.
  • 每日缩短- 该新闻通讯表现出的是bob官网官方网站语气和品牌声音。Skimm背后的团队确切地知道其读者希望以易消化的方式使用TLDR版本的顶级新闻故事。bob官网官方网站他们的新闻通bob官网官方网站讯就是这样做的,这就是为什么它与读者产生了如此良好的共鸣。
  • 石英每日简介Quartz has figured out how to make a text-heavy newsletter a stalwart in the news business with its Daily Brief. The beauty of the newsletter, because it’s text-based, is the cross-platform functionality. Without heavy images, the Daily Brief loads quickly on phones, tablets, and desktops, making it easy to read on any device.
  • Internet Brunch数字代理商Big Spaceship创建了互联网早午餐,以帮助人们“从互联网上找到最佳新闻,GIF和趋势”。bob官网官方网站从假期到时事,再到名人生日,这一综述肯定会涵盖有助于读者保持循环的重要内容。

For Intermediate Content Curators

Here are some great sources for when you’ve got the basics covered and you’re looking for something a little more comprehensive.


我喜欢想到Scoop.itas a nexus of content curation and social media, with a Pinterest-like user interface.

Content curation tool Scoop.it


Start with a topic of interest, and Scoop.it will generate the most relevant articles to view and share as well as suggest relevant topics


  • Their smart engine can monitor the topics you’re most interested in and identify related content you may like.
  • Easy integration with WordPress.
  • 用于多个渠道的内容创建,包括网站,电子邮件和社交媒体

价钱:$0 to $79/month, with customized pricing available for enterprise accounts.


If you’re stepping up your content curation game,Feedlyshould be at the top of your list. This tool is a news aggregator powered by artificial intelligence, one the brand has named Leo.Content curation tool Feedly图像源

When you add a few of your favorite sources to Feedly, you can aggregate and browse these feeds in one place from your desktop and mobile devices.

This tool is best for filtering the content you’re interested in. Feedly leverages Leo to identify the content you care most about and filter out the ones you don’t.

价钱:$6 to $12 a month, with a customizable plan available for enterprise accounts.





Content curation tool Sniply



价钱:$29 - $299/month


是否想将您的内容策划集中在社交媒体上?考虑quuu。Content curation tool Quuu图像源


Why we recommend Quuu:

  • 它可以自动将您的内容分类,从而更容易筛选以后。
  • It offers reader-mode to make your experience free of distractions.
  • 集成的调度仪表板使得可以轻松共享您发现的内容。

价钱:$0 to $15.83/month






  • 由机器学习算法支持的内容建议。
  • Approval workflows to ensure articles meant brands’ guidelines.
  • 与顶级网络托管,社交媒体调度和电子邮件营销软件集成。bob电竞官方下载

价钱:$ 15至$ 265/月

For Advanced Content Curators

Now we’re getting into some serious, enterprise-level curation software. These solutions are ideal for companies looking for a proven platform capable of supporting a team of users, editors, and content curators.



的力量库拉塔lies in its ability to recommend and help you discover relevant content relevant to their respective audiences without manual labor.



Users can fine-tune, customize, and categorize content sources for review, and then distribute them – all from one central platform.

You can then use Curata’s publishing and promotion tools to repurpose curated content across your blog, social media accounts, newsletter, and automated marketing platforms.

价钱: 无法使用

Which Tool Is Right For You?


If you're a one-person marketing department, for example, the beginner and intermediate options should suffice for your needs. As your business and team grow, content curation may play a larger role and require more powerful software.

At that point, some of the advanced tools will help save time curating and ensure everyone is on the same page. Regardless of your team or business size, content curation should become a part of your content marketing strategy.



博客- Content Mapping Template

content mapping template

Originally published Aug 2, 2021 2:00:00 PM, updated August 02 2021

