

That being said, there are plenty of tools out there to make creating content much easier.

Download 195+ visual marketing design templates to use for social media posts,  infographics, and more. 

在下面,您将找到36个出色工具和资源的列表,以帮助您更轻松地研究,编写,编辑和设计内容。bob体育苹果系统下载安装(您会注意到这里有很多设计工具 - 这是因为视觉内容通常是人们最紧张和沮丧的内容创建过程的一部分。因此,不用担心,我们有很多吨在那里为你。)

Let's get started.


For Researchers

1)Google Drive Research Tool




This is a handy Google hack I use every day. Basically, it allows you to do a Google search that's limited to a particular website.

For example, if I wanted to search HubSpot's blog for marketing resources so I can cite one of our old blog posts, I'd do a site:search for www.eigoj.com with the search term营销资源。bob体育苹果系统下载安装The formula for site search issite:samplewebsite.com [search query].So my example would be网站:www.eigoj.com营销资源。bob体育苹果系统下载安装


3)Google Webmaster Tools


WithinGoogle网站管理员Tools, go to "Your site on the web" and choose "Search queries." You'll see a table showing a search query, impressions, clicks, and clickthrough rate (CTR). Comparing this data to your other analytics data can help uncover some opportunities.


I can't even begin to tell you how useful this little calculator is when looking for and analyzing data. Ever want to know the percentage change of two values without having to remember the formula? Simply enter the two values into this calculator, and it'll spit out the percentage change. Trust me, you'll want to bookmark this one.


  • 3-Way Percentage Calculator-Calculates answers to these questions: What is X% of Y? X is what percent of Y? X is Y% of what?
  • 转换率计算器-当您在特定的时间范围内输入总访问者计数以及在此时间范围内的次数时,这些访问者采取了特定的操作时,请吐出转换率。
  • A/B Test Calculator-与两组人(A&B)一起工作,他们可以看到您的网站的一个版本,并为他们跟踪转换或目标的数量(购买,下载,点击量等)。
  • ROI Calculator-Analyzes your website's monthly sales and lead generation efforts to determine ways in which marketing efforts can be optimized.


地图集isQuartz's data center, and it's chock-full of graphs, charts, and data visualizations. You can search for almost any topic or keyword, and Atlas will have a graphic based on recent research data for you. This is a great tool to get background information on a topic you're researching, or to find fresh data to use in a project you're working on. Here's a chart based on data from early 2016:

Atlas Dogs.pngSource:地图集


您知道那个似乎总是为您的社交帖子或内部聊天客户端找到完美的动画GIF的同事吗?有了免费的Giphy Chrome扩展,您将能够尽快找到出色的GIF。

要使用该工具,您所要做的就是打开Chrome,搜索,选择GIF并拖放的扩展名。到目前为止,该工具在Gmail,Twitter,Facebook等等中都可以使用 - 他们不断扩大支持。

搜索 -  giphy.png

For Writers


I use the free version of Evernote every single day. From to-do lists and research notes to writing entire chunks of articles, it's proven helpful at every step of the writing and editing process.

One great feature? Its mobile, desktop, and web apps sync automatically as long as you have an internet connection. (And if you work offline, it'll sync the next time you have internet.) Plus -- and this is super important for content creators like us -- it's constantly saving and syncing your work automatically, making it a safe place to write and store ideas.

Use itto keep a running list of ideas, take notes, store inspiring articles or ebooks, or plan your editorial andbob apple



If you like drafting blog posts in programs like Microsoft Word, Evernote, or Google Drive instead of your content management system (CMS), then this simple tool can be your best friend. Why? Because when you copy a document from Microsoft Office and paste it into your CMS, lots of little, weird formatting issues can crop up in your HTML.

Word2CleanHTML applies filters to fix all those things added into the HTML, resulting in well-formatted HTML you can paste directly into a web page CMS. Simply paste in your draft, click one button, and then copy the resulting HTML straight from the tool. When you paste that into your CMS (most will have buttons reading "HTML" or "" in their tool bar above your draft), it will appear nice and clean. No hair-pulling or swimming through code required.


没有“正确答案”how long a blog post should be。只要它实现其目的 - 无论是思想领导力,驾驶线索,解释新概念还是其他东西,长度就无关紧要。但是,尽管我们不建议您牢记一个文字计数的博客文章,但有时单词计数可能会派上用场。WordCounter的工作方式正好按您的思维方式工作:粘贴在您的内容中,它会吐出您有多少个单词。


According toa study out of the University of Chicago,,,,"A moderate level of ambient noise is conducive to creative cognition." In other words, being the tiniest bit distracted actually helps you be more creative. That's why for many people, myself included, white noise helps promote focus.


11) & 12)ZeryseLance

Need to start creating content but don't have the bandwidth? We hear about this roadblock a lot. One way to get around it is by hiring freelancers from reputable marketplaces like Zerys or eLance. These resources give you access to skilled freelance writers who can write blog posts, ebooks, whitepapers, and other pieces of written content for you.

13)HTML Hacks for Marketers

While this isn't strictly a writing resource, basic coding knowledge is quickly成为必备技能for the modern marketer -- bloggers and written content creators included. But learning from scratch can be daunting. Where on earth do you start?

If you're a total beginner, start withHTML Hacks for Marketers,,,,which my colleagues at HubSpot created withCodeAcademy。它会教您快速但有用的黑客,任何人(无论编码知识如何)都可以在其营销中使用。例如,您将学习如何对HTML进行小改动,例如更改标头和间距,以块引号形式创建文本以及插入社交共享链接。我个人最喜欢的是更改字体颜色的黑客。

Once you've mastered these basic HTML skills, move on toCodeAcademy's free interactive courses。They found a way to make learning HTML and CSS actually fun -- and you can go through each lesson at your own pace.


If you need to get to writing blog posts but aren't sure of an angle or title to get your creativity moving, HubSpot's博客主题生成器可以为您完成工作。只需输入您的博客重点关注的一些关键字,博客主题生成器将为您提供一周的标题和主题创意。它可能不会产生您的博客文章的最终标题,但它可以帮助您考虑以前写过的主题的创意新角度。

Here are the blog post titles I received when I entered "content," "inbound marketing," and "blogging":


15)博客Post Templates

所有博客文章都不是平等的,但是我们发现,您可以采取一些步骤来使您的帖子全面且可共享。用这些博客文章模板,,,,we'll walk you through an outline to write successful how-to, listicle, newsjack, and curation blog posts. Instead of starting from scratch, you'll save time and, hopefully, nail your blog goals.



Creating a balanced editorial calendar can be tough, especially if you don't have one centralized calendar that you and your team can refer to. To save you time and headache, we've created编辑日历模板for Google Calendar, Google Sheets, and Excel that you can fill in and share with your team to start the next month or year off on the right foot.


While human editors will be able to catch most grammatical errors, editing tools like Grammarly and Correctica are great tools for triple-checking before you press "publish" or "send." Both free tools check for grammatical errors -- and Grammarly even checks for plagiarism.


欧内斯特·海明威(Ernest Hemingway)因其简洁的写作风格而钦佩,是这个方便的编辑应用程序的同名。想让您的书面内容更容易阅读吗?将您的内容粘贴到这个免费的Web应用程序中,它将评估您的写作并确定使其更简单的机会。

我最喜欢的特性包括识别被动voice and hard-to-read sentences. Check out the right-hand side of the screenshot below, where the tool has summed up how readable my writing is with a grade. (Some room for improvement here.) Their suggestion to improve readability overall? Shoot for lower than a 10th grade reading level.



Here's a scary stat for you:Only 60%单击一篇文章的人最终会读过标题。这使您的头条新闻是您的第一个也是唯一的机会强迫读者继续阅读的机会 - 因此,花几分钟的时间出现了一个非常好的读者,这是完全值得的。

What does a really good headline look like? The free tool Headline Analyzer by CoSchedule can tell you. It scores your headline quality and rates its ability to drive social shares, traffic, and SEO value. In my experience, its strength is helping you strengthen specific components of your title. For example, it reports on perceived sentiment and commonality of word types. It'll even show you how it will appear in search results.


For Designers

21)Nimbus Screenshot

This is another tool I use every day. Sure, you can capture a screenshot of your entire screen or part of your screen using the oldkeyboard shortcut method。But what if you want your screenshot to include stuff that's not visible on your screen?

Nimbus Screenshot lets you capture the visible part of a web page, a selected area, a selected scroll (my personal favorite), the entire page, or the entire browser window -- including everything below the fold.


Once you've taken the screenshot, you can crop, edit (like adding notes and callouts), and choose to print or save to your desktop or Google Drive.


If you like creating beautifulvisual content在很短的时间内,您会喜欢帆布。学习设计,为设计资产付费和bob体育苹果系统下载安装/或受到启发以从头开始创造美的时间和资源在盯着一长串的待办事项清单时确实很困难 - 但是Canva提供了一个巨大的图书馆您可以操纵的预制模板和资产,同时还可以添加自己的图像。

Best of all, they have so many assets and graphics available for free that you won't have to pay a cent if you don't want to. If you want to use more "premium" assets and graphics found through their image search, they'll charge you $1 for each. But there's plenty of value for free.

Here's an example of something you could make:



Ever wanted to make an image (or infographic) clickable? ThingLink lets you upload an image and add little icons to it that appear when a person hovers their cursor over the image. These icons allow users to visit links, watch videos, or read messages you've written. Plus, it's easy to share: Users can easily embed ThingLink images. (单击此处获取分步说明。)

下面是我同事的Thinglink的可点击信息图的一部分Ginny Mineocreated foranother post



In the example below, I opened the program on my desktop and used the "Screen Snap" button to take a screenshot of a web page -- which then opened right in Skitch for editing and exporting.


尽管它是免费的,但确实需要您open an Evernote account-- but that's also free (see above).


尽管与Canva相似,但Infogram是一种视觉内容工具,专注于帮助您创建信息图表,图表和数据可视化。如果您想使用Microsoft Excel创建图表,那么您也很幸运 - 它还通过Infogram图表提供了与Excel的兼容性。此外,他们的信息图表对移动设备有响应。

26)Infographic Templates

As a content marketer, you might feel more comfortable creating written content than visual content, but that's no excuse to exclude infographics from your strategy.视觉内容受众的需求越来越大,信息图表尤其可以共享。我们创建了15个不同模板的骨干,您可以轻松地使用它们来自定义您的内容和受众 - 这是一个模板的偷看,您可以在这里抓住其余的


Source:15 Free Infographic Templates in PowerPoint


Want to spruce up your site pages, presentations, ebooks, and other content with cool and different new fonts? Little-known fact: Google has a directory of 600 free fonts ready for you to download and use.

只需找到并选择您喜欢的字体他们的目录,,,,then click "Use" to get the HTML code you can copy and paste onto your site. Alternatively, you can download the fonts to your desktop and use them when making new marketing content by clicking "Add to Collection." (单击此处获取分步说明for doing this in the HubSpot software。)


28)Image Color Picker

Remember that time you wanted to match your call-to-action design to that color you were using on all your event swag ... but the one person who would know what that color was didn't work at your company anymore? Next time that happens, snag a picture of that swag and upload it toImageColorPicker.com,或使用任何图像URL来执行相同的操作。选择图片的任何点,然后立即查看其相应的十六进制,RGB和HSV值。

29)PowerPoint Templates

Is there anything more boring than a PowerPoint presentation featuring black text on a white background? With the help of thesetemplates,,,,you'll be able to put together compelling, visually appealing presentations. Whether you're driving lead generation or reporting on your blog's growth to your team, keep your audience's attention with these eye-catching presentations.

30)SlideShare Templates

SlideShare doesn't need to be daunting. You can easily create shareable, embeddableSlideshare演示文稿在PowerPoint借助这些模板 - 无需从头开始或雇用自由职业者。创建了第一个演讲后,请查看我们的指南市场营销成功地进行了幻影

31)Haiku Deck

如果您曾经在捏中创建PowerPoint或Slideshare演示文稿,那么您希望您对Haiku Deck了解。该工具可帮助您快速找到简单的布局,美丽的图像和出色的字体。它可用于网络和iPad。

想看看一个看起来像什么吗?下面是一个例子,我从他们的list of featured decks。Note the simplicity of the design -- if you want to create super detailed slides, this may not be the right tool for you.

Snowed In?- Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires

32)HubSpot's Free Stock Photos

Searching for and buying stock imagery can be a pain in the you-know-what -- especially when it comes to deciphering legalese for different use cases. I have a liberal arts degree, and Nietzsche was easier to read than whatever legalese stock imagery companies tended to give me. All I wanted to know is whether to cite or not cite a stock image of a laptop. Why was it so hard?

That's why our team decided to create a library of 550+ free and royalty-freestock photos。无论是电子书所需的唯一图像,还是要添加到博客文章中的完美照片,该集合都应该为您提供覆盖。这是我们的“厨房周围”库存照片之一 - 百胜。




Placeit具有非常具体的目的:它使您可以将网站或产品的图像上传到持有电话,平板电脑和笔记本电脑的人们的真实环境中。Placeit将自动更改图像,以使手机屏幕的角度显然显然 - 这将节省您的时间学习和/或在更高级的软件中进行编辑以使角度正确。bob电竞官方下载


You'll have to pay per image to get really large or high-resolution versions, though I've found free images work just fine for blog posts and product page content. The paid downloads also remove that PlaceIt watermark from the bottom right.


Looking for the perfect GIF to include in your blog post? If it doesn't already exist onGiphy,你可以自己做一个使用LICEcap。电影一个screenshot and turn it into a GIF using this handy, free tool -- we useLiceCap为我们博客文章,,,,too.

35) & 36)The Noun ProjectHubSpot's Resizable Icons Collection


The Noun Projectis an extensive library of thousands of icons uploaded by contributors. With a free account, you can use icons as long as you either give credit to the creator or purchase them royalty-free for $1.99 apiece.

HubSpot has a library of resizeable icons,,,,too, which you can download for free and without any licensing or attribution. The kit comes with a free guide for how to change the color of the icons using PowerPoint, Photoshop, and Illustrator.



(FromHubSpot's Free Icon Collection。)


上面列出的工具和资源可以帮助bob体育苹果系统下载安装你create, but it's ultimately up to you to control the quality of your content. You still need to know your customer incredibly well, understand what challenges they face that your product or service solves, and create content that helps them address those challenges.

The brains and heart behind the content creator trump the code behind any tools and technology -- and that's a good thing for succeeding in marketing today.


Editor's Note: This post was originally published in December 2013 and has been updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

content creation

Originally published Dec 21, 2016 8:00:00 AM, updated August 03 2017

