Long gone are the days of the old publish-and-pray method of content distribution. And even if it ever did work -- it was far from effective.


Unfortunately -- for audiences and marketers alike -- too many would-be content marketing rockstars give themselves a nice pat on the back for sharing content on Twitter and Facebook and calling it a day. So before you toast to your status as a progressive marketer who also publishes on LinkedIn and posts on Reddit, consider this: There are dozens, if nothundreds, of methods for content distribution beyond social that you might be overlooking.

But we’re not about to leave you empty-handed. Below you’ll find 10 creative ways to distribute your content -- with a little bit of background to set the stage.

那个犯人tent Distribution Strategy Experiment

几个月前,我的团队 - 影响力和公司的市场部 - 坐下来参加一项任务:提出50多种分发一件内容的方式,这是我们最新的行业研究报告, ”The State of Digital Media。”


因此,我们给自己一个小时,四杯咖啡和一块巨大的白板 - 并开始集思广益,以发挥创意的方式来分发此内容。

First, we divided our distribution tactics into different categories, based on the departments they benefited, the goals they achieved, and the extra resources they required. For example, the tactics that leveraged our publication relationships would fall under marketing and sales enablement categories. Those with a more educational perspective, on the other hand, were a better fit for HR, because they complemented that department’s recruiting and training efforts.

有了一个充满50多个想法的白板,我们开始执行新的分销策略 - 报告发布后仅四个月,我们已经看到了令人印象深刻的结果。当我们将其与以前发表的白皮书的性能进行比较时,我们发现该实验的页面视图增加了近150%,提交提交的增长近40%。

To help you get more creative — and effective — in your content distribution, here are 10 unique ways to distribute content, broken down by department.




1) Personalized emails

Segment your email list down to the exact audience that would benefit most from your piece of content. Write a custom email to each of these audience members to add a level of personalization to your message. Explain what the content is, and why you think he or she will enjoy it.Personalized emails have shown a 6.2% higher open ratethan those that aren’t.

2) Guest posting


3) Influencer outreach

Reach out to relevant influencers in your industry for quotes to include in your content, and send them the piece once it's published for them to share with their networks. Remember, personalization plays a role here, too -- being able to personalize and segment emails is one of the most effective tactics for about50%的营销影响者.

Sales Enablement

The Influence & Co. sales team uses content just about as much as -- if not more than -- our marketing department. Our reps use it at every stage of the buyer’s journey to educate, nurture, and engage leads, and overcome objections with prospective clients. Use one of these distribution methods to do the same for your team.


Encourage your sales team to include a link to your content in their follow-up emails to prospective clients, to answer their questions and position your company as a resource they can trust. Note: This tactic works best when the content you create is educational and addresses specific questions or concerns your leads have -- and is actionable enough for them to immediately apply it to their own plans or strategies.

5) Lead interviews

工作与你的销售代表来识别潜在的clients you can interview for your content. Include a quote in your content, and share it with them once it's published. Not only can that keep your leads engaged over time, but they'll appreciate the opportunity to be featured -- and you benefit from the additional exposure to their networks when the content is shared with that audience.


The best proposals are often supported with relevant data that corroborates the solutions you’re suggesting to a prospect. And while we suggest citing a variety of authentic, reliable sources -- otherwise, you might look biased -- referencing your own research content can be effective. Not only is it another way to distribute your work, but also, it illustrates the time and thought your company has invested in this school of thought.

That said, some prospective clients like proposals to be brief. In these cases, if you preemptively anticipate additional questions, you can amend your proposal with a link to the content as a source of further reading and information.

Client Retention

Marketers who overlook their current customers in favor of prospective ones risk missing out on a major opportunity. Keeping in touch with your current clients and helping your customer service teams do the same can have a positive impact on both the customer lifetime and the potential for referrals -- so don't forget these internal distribution methods.

7) Client drip campaigns

If your content is related to your clients’ respective industries, or products and services, sharing it with them can enhance your collaborations and further nurture that relationship. Remember, it’s called clientretention出于某种原因 - 您想继续成为现有客户的有价值的资源和合作伙伴。考虑创建类似于使用您的内容,不断教育和吸引客户的电子邮件活动。




人们希望与值得信赖的公司合作,这些公司是其行业中真正的领导者。内容可以传达专业知识并建立信任。实际上,我们用来雇用30多人的内容in one year.

But for many teams, unfortunately, content is often most underutilized in the areas of employer branding and recruitment marketing. Take advantage of content in HR with these tactics.


Include your content in job postings. HubSpot, for example, links to itsCulture Codeat the end of every job description. By providing educational content up front, applicants can gain a more comprehensive understanding of your industry and how your company approaches it -- directly from you.


When a job candidate progresses to the next step in the hiring process, share your content with her prior to the following interview, and ask her to come prepared to discuss it. That helps to get your content in front of qualified people in your industry -- plus, it gives you the chance to talk in-depth about the concepts and ideas behind your marketing strategy. Even better: It can help you weed out candidates who don't follow directions.


Originally published Aug 18, 2017 6:00:00 AM, updated August 18 2017


Content Distribution