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But great content is a waste if your audience doesn’t know it exists.


this guide will equip you with the tools you need to distribute the content you create. By the end, you’ll be able to build a content distribution strategy that gets your content in front of — and consumed by — your audience.

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如今,社交媒体在内容分布中起着巨大的作用 - 让我们花点时间回顾一下实际上所需的内容。


但是,您应该知道您要去哪里以及如何去发布and promote your contentbefore您将众所周知的笔放在纸上。否则,您的时间和资源可能会浪费。bob体育苹果系统下载安装


如您所见,近年来,我们已经看到了迅速的内容涌入……满足了需求减少。几乎与每天发表的450万博客文章,,,,there’s only so much content we can consume. Marketing influencer马克·舍费尔argues that, because of this “content shock”, content marketing may not be a sustainable strategy for every business.

While I won’t agree or disagree with this theory, I will outline everything you need to know to successfully distribute your marketing content.

Before we dive into thevarious content distribution channels through which you can share your content, let's cover the different content types you can create for distribution.

Content Types for Distribution

there are many types of content you can create to market your business. But not all types of content are created equal (literally), and each type typically requires its own content distribution plan.


Distribute your ebook content through a gated form on a dedicated landing page. One example of this isHubSpot的着陆页访问者可以通过其中提交信息以访问和阅读每本电子书。

content distribution example ebook hubspot

Podcasts and Interviews

通过分发播客或面试内容苹果播客,,,,spotify,,,,orGoogle Podcasts。一个例子是HubSpot的怪异工作播客,在所有三个播客网络以及soundCloud




内容分发示例视频YouTube Hubspot


通过Pinterest以及您的博客分发信息图表内容。一个例子是HubSpot's infographic blog posts可以在Pinterest上共享。HubSpot还拥有自己的Pinterest帐户,除其他品牌外,还可以在其上共享其自己的信息图表。



Distribute case studies and success stories through a dedicated page on your website. One example of this isHubSpot's Case Studies page,,,,where visitors can find all kinds of case studies featuring real HubSpot customers.

content distribution example case studies hubspot


Distribute your webinar content through a dedicated webinar page on your website, as well as calls-to-action (CTAs) on your blog posts. One example of this isHubSpot的网络网页,访问者可以浏览并访问免费网络研讨会内容。



Distribute your blog content through — you guessed it — your blog. You can also send out a daily or weekly newsletter with a round-up of your best or recently published content. One example of this is theHubSpot博客包含各种属性(bob sports ,,,,B0B体育平台下载 ,,,,bob 体育 app ,,,,and网站),每个都有一个独特的主页和电子邮件通讯。bob官网官方网站



内容分销渠道的渠道刺ough which you share and promote the content you create. The channels you use to distribute your content will vary based on your audience and resources.


the following diagram illustrates how these three content distribution channels overlap and how you can combine them to enhance their impact and reach.



Owned channels are the content properties your company owns. You can control when and how content is published on your owned channels. These include your website andblog,,,,你的social media profiles, your email newsletter, or a移动出版应用程序


Earned channels (also known as “shared” channels) are when third parties promote or share your content. These third parties could include customers, journalists, bloggers, and anyone who shares your content for free — hence the name “earned”.

这些渠道包括公共关系,社交份额和提及,来宾文章和综述以及产品评论。它们还包括论坛和社区redditorQuora- 在这些站点上发布的虽然是免费的,但内容由这些第三方拥有,因此属于赚取的渠道。


有薪酬的channels refer to when your companypays to distribute your contenton certain channels. This primarily includes点击付费(PPC),,,,paid social advertisements, and付费有影响力的内容


PPC,,,,an advertiser pays when people interact with their ad through impressions or clicks. PPC falls under search engine marketing (SEM) and, when done right, helps you earn quality leads.

PPC广告在搜索引擎结果页面(SERP)中最常见,但在社交渠道上也使用。当与SEO策略配对时,PPC可能是您入站营销工作中不可或缺的要素。中的一个top platforms for PPC is Google Ads

sponsored Content

sponsored contentis promotional media, paid for by an advertiser, that's created and shared by another person, brand, influencer, or publisher.


一种s a result, sponsored content typically feels natural rather than invasive or disruptive. There are a variety of ways you can use sponsored content including images, videos, podcasts, social media, and any influencer content.


有薪酬的influencer marketingrequires you to employ leading content creators in your business' niche to help you improve your brand awareness, traffic, and conversions among your shared target audience to your target audience.

Influencer marketing is effective because it taps into powerful strategies such as word-of-mouth marketing and social proof, which — for today's buyers — may feel more trustworthy and believable than the marketing a company does for itself. In fact, brands are expected to spend up to$15 billion on influencer marketing by 2022

有薪酬的social Ads


PPC广告,品牌或影响者生成的内容以及展示广告都是付费社交媒体的示例。付费社交媒体策略可能会结合特定社交媒体渠道本地的工具,例如Facebook广告orInstagram一种ds,,,,to create, schedule, and share ads to reach your target audience.

接下来,让我们回顾一下content distribution strategyis and why it's so important.

一种content distribution strategy is important for a few reasons:

  • 它可以增强您的内容影响过去的策划和创建。一种s I said above, great content is practically useless if nobody’s reading it. Acontent distribution strategy将您的华丽内容放在右眼前。
  • It aligns your team and the teams with which you collaborate to create and share the content。根据公司的规模,您可能会在内容营销厨房中有几个厨师。bob全站app(我知道我们在HubSpot上做。)内容分配策略使所有这些不同的各方保持一致,并确保您都在有效地协作。
  • It sets goal benchmarks against which you can measure your distribution performance。内容分布可能是模糊的 - “发布”按钮的简单按下,您就完成了。内容分配策略可帮助您设定基准和艰难的目标,以追逐发布ingand promoting your work.

Here’s how to build a content distribution strategy for yourself.


Content distribution is all about getting your content in front of你的audience — not just any audience. You can’t do this properly if you don’t know where they are and what they like to read. Before you build your strategy any further, research your target audience so you know precisely who will be consuming your content.

start by collecting demographic data from your website visitors, email subscribers, social media followers, and customers. Take a look at your audience’s gender, age, income, location, education, and related categories. You can pull this information fromGoogle Analyticsor your social media analytics tools.

Next, collect feedback directly from your customers, email subscribers, and social media followers. Ask them about their pain points and needs as well as how they feel about your current content and distribution efforts.

Use these two data points to create yourbuyer persona。你的buyer persona(s) act as models of your ideal customers and content consumers and represent their pain points, information preferences, and motivations as you build out the rest of your content distribution strategy.

2. Audit your content.

You may already have some published content out there, such as blog posts, videos, social media content, and more. While your new content distribution strategy doesn’t involve removing that content, you should perform an audit to understand if it’s helping or hurting your distribution efforts.


一种thorough content audit is comprised of three main parts:

  1. 记录您的内容。可以手动或使用工具来记录内容。(我们建议后者,尤其是在您在多个属性和渠道上发布内容的情况下。)screaming Frog可以帮助您爬网和收集内容,在电子表格中列出每个URL,标题和描述。免费版本最多可爬行500个URL。如果您选择手动内容审核,请按照我们的博客文章中的步骤操作here
  2. 评估您的内容影响。If youcrawl your content with SEMRush,,,,the tool will also list content length, social shares, and backlinks. This information can help you assess the impact of each piece of content, alerting you to anything that needs to be更新,重写或擦除。
  3. Identifying your content gaps。您还可以使用内容识别内容中的差距一种hrefs Content Gap tool或通过表演keyword research发现新的关键字或关键字短语以添加您的内容,从而帮助其排名更高并获得更多术语。
查看这篇博客文章 对于30多个内容审核工具。


你的content distribution channels可以说,比您的内容本身重要,因此为什么这一步骤是在创建内容和目标受众研究之后的。一旦了解了目标受众,您将有更好的了解如何在追随者和客户面前获取内容。

根据您的分析,您可以在论坛和社区中发布redditorQuora- 并为这些网站上的内容推广您的内容。另外,您可以选择在社交媒体渠道上独家共享内容,也许您发现传统公关是您最好的路线。

regardless of which content distribution channels you choose, ensure they align with your audience’s preferences and behaviors.

另外,请务必优化您拥有的分销渠道 - 您的博客,电子邮件通讯和社交媒体资料 - 因为它们相对便宜并且可以控制。bob官网官方网站即使研究表明,您的受众群体更喜欢社交媒体或新闻网站而不是公司博客,也不要忽略您拥有的财产,因为这些财产反映了您的品牌和产品。bob全站appbob官网官方网站

一种s you work through this step, set aside time to optimize yourblog-to-gain readership,,,,brush up on how to send email newsletters (orstart sending them),学习organic social media marketing

4. Decide on your content types.

一种fter you determine your distribution channels, consider what types of content you’d like (and have the resources) to create.

许多公司选择将其所有内容发布在其博客上,然后重新使用并重新发布。博客文章普遍消耗,易于重新利用和本地化(即翻译成其他语言),并且易于分享 - 更不用说几乎50% of buyers read a company’s blog while making purchase decisions

由于这些原因,我们建议建立商业博客and then expanding your content types from to share on other channels.

Consider thecontent types we discussedin the beginning of this guide, and think about how you’ll repurpose and distribute them.


目标帮助我们认识到,我们要什么success might look like when we get there. Your content distribution strategy should involve setting goals for your content key performance indicators (KPIs) and their subsequent metrics:

KPIs related metrics
交通/触及 通过频道和源来唯一的页面视图
Engagement 跳出率,页面平均时间
top content (and falling content) 顶页视图,顶部出口
Impact Click-throughs, conversions, backlinks
情绪 Comments, social shares

these metrics may vary based on your distribution channel (i.e. you can’t track comments on your email newsletter or top exists on your social media ads), so be sure to choose the metrics that correspond best to each channel. It might take a few months to establish a baseline for each channel, especially if you haven’t used it before.


  • specific: I want to increase our blog’s organic traffic by boosting backlinks from other reputable websites and blogs. This will increase our search engine ranking, thus bringing in more organic traffic.
  • m可靠:我希望30个新的反向链接到我们的博客。
  • 一种ttainable: We’re already generating 10 new backlinks each month没有有意的策略,所以我相信本月30个新的反向链接我们的策略是可行的。
  • rExtant:这个目标与我们更广泛的有机内容营销策略保持一致,并且随着我们从新闻发布会和第三方博客作者提及时,也可以提高我们的媒体。
  • tIME BOND:我想在下个月内收到这些反向链接。

6。建立编辑日历(and include distribution).

内容营销和分销需要大量计划才能成功。这是一个编辑内容日历可以派上用场。您可以在Excel或Google表中创建一个,甚至可以创建use Google Calendar。类似的工具Coschedule,,,,一种sana,,,,andtrelloare helpful, too.



content distribution editorial calendar example


content distribution editorial calendar example


manage and plan your social media content with a free Social Media Content Calendar Template.

7。Create your content.

一种fter you research your audience, audit your content, decide on your distribution channels and content types, and build your editorial calendar … it’s time to create your content.

Content creation will vary based on your resources, team size, industry, and brand, so to get the most pointed, applicable advice, check out our内容创建指南


  • 一种nswerthePublic,这可以帮助您充实主题并了解听众正在寻找的内容
  • Canva,,,,which can help you build gorgeous infographics and images
  • Vidyard,这是为营销人员制作的视频托管和发布平台
  • 一种nchor,,,,which is a free podcasting tool for beginners

我们将更多地谈论content distribution toolsin the next section.



For example,our team at HubSpot paid for ads on Reddit并发现有机地与红色机构互动以及为广告空间付费很有帮助。另外,如果您要发布(或支付)社交媒体,请务必遵循该准则best times to post and share content- 也是如此sending emails


与往常一样,请确保关注您的内容分布结果。记住那些KPI,指标和明智的目标you established in step five?是时候拉出这些了。

发布内容后,请查看Google Analytics(Analytics),您的社交媒体分析仪表板和您的博客性能 - 取决于您分发内容的位置和方式。确保您设定一个例行的时间来测量和分析(每周,每月或每季度),以便您可以建立一个基线并知道下一周或一个月可以击败哪些数字。

Whew! So, that’s what it takes to build a content distribution strategy. Be sure to iterate on this process; these guidelines may change as you expand your content efforts and scale your team.

现在,让我们来谈谈tools you needto get it done.

Content distribution can be an arduous process, but thankfully there are manycontent distribution tools在那里帮助您发现和消耗工作。



HubSpot是一个all-in-one CRM for small to enterprise companies。它包括一个marketing Hub,这意味着它对电子邮件营销,分析,内容创建,社交放大等有用。




中等的is a content platform that individuals and businesses alike use to publish content. You can use Medium in addition to or in lieu of your traditional blog. (We recommend in addition to your blog as this will give your content the broadest reach.)



3.PR bob官网官方网站Newswire

PR bob官网官方网站Newswireis a press release distribution network. The platform helps you target and contact journalists and outlets by specific industries, geographic areas, and topics. It offers packages for state and local, regional, and national press.

Price: Paid


哈罗德代表帮助记者,这是一个online platform that connects journalists and sources. In this case, you’d be the source.




点击图表is a tool that equips your readers to share soundbites of your content on Twitter with a single click. You create your content soundbites, and ClickToTweet provides a link. When readers click that link, the tool opens their Twitter with the content soundbite already ready to post.

它还链接到您的Twitter帐户和内容 - 允许您的读者为您分发内容。

Price: Free


GaggleAMP is a social amplification tool that allows you to aggregate your employee’s social networks and post company content directly to them.

Employees have the option to review and improve content before its posted or allow it to go through automatically. This is a great alternative to constantly bugging your staff to post on about your business.

You can also use this tool to link to social networks from partners, customers, brand advocates, and more.




Price: Free

these tools help you measure and analyze the impact of your social posts and other distribution efforts.



this is a great tool for measuring the impact of and engagement around your content and see who is promoting it for you.



sharedCount is a tool that helps you measure the engagement of your social media posts. Simply input a URL, and SharedCount will report on its likes, shares, comments, and other engagement measures.




Outbrain是一种付费放大工具,可在其他文章的底部汇总您的内容。您可以使用RSS feed或特定URL设置内容广告系列,并且Outbrain将其置于相关内容之下,从而鼓励读者单击并阅读您的内容。

Outbrain works with an impressive network, includingdigital publications像纽约时装和混搭。

Price: Pay-per-click


WiseStamp is an email tool that allows you (and your employees) to share your latest content in your电子邮件签名。你的电子邮件签名is often a forgotten but important piece of digital real estate that practically everyone who opens your emails will see. WiseStamp helps you make the most of that space.

Price: Paid



Put these content distribution tips and tools to get your content in front of your audience.



content promotion ideas


