You know content marketing works, so you've been plugging away at blog posts, ebooks, and other valuable, educational content for your potential customers.

And people come -- they find your content in search results and in their social media feeds. But they may not fill out a form and become a lead right then and there. It's not always because they're not interested in your message -- so how do you recapture those viewers who left your site?

Recapturing audience attention to turn lookers into leads is an effective marketing tactic, and if you're not doing it, you're leaving money on the table.

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Let me outline for you the sections I'm going to cover in this post:

  1. 什么是再营销?
  2. What Is the Google Display Network?
  3. 再营销活动示例
  4. 如何开展再营销活动

Remarketing gives you the opportunity to appear in front of people who have already expressed an interest in your website. They could be checking their email, reading the news, watching a YouTube video… and there you are, with something new and awesome to show them. It could be a reminder to complete an action they had started, or a new piece of content to further a buying decision, and so on.


  • Turn bounced website visitors into leads.
  • 增加品牌召回(从而增加品牌搜索)。
  • 提高重复访问者的比率和参与度。
  • 提高搜索引擎优化(SEO)和内容营销的有效性。

a graphic illustrating all the users who visited your website vs. bringing them back to your website

A common stat in the industry is that96% of people who visit a website leave without completing the action the marketer would have liked them to take.Remarketing gives you a second chance to make that first impression (and even a third, and a fourth). We can't afford to be forgettable -- we have to make our content more.

Alright, so we understand both the problem and the opportunity. Now, let's dive into the solution. You're going to learn how to use remarketing strategies with the Google Display Network to dramatically increase the effectiveness of your inbound marketing efforts.

What Is the Google Display Network?

The Google Display Network is a group of websites where your Google display (banner) ads can appear.

网络中有超过200万个站点,包括诸如YouTube之类的大量贩运的网站。Google估计GDN can reach 90% of people on the internet.

Who you reach and how often will depend on your ad targeting (more on that later).

图形显示了Google Display网络在美国的覆盖范围,包括数百万个网站,视频和设备,包括LinkedIn,CNN,LastFM,Ehow,eHow,Xe,Howstuffworks,The New York Times,The New York Times,YouTube,Blogger,Gmail,Google Finance和Google Maps和Google Maps



Online Activity

到目前为止,最常见的再营销策略是根据他们在您的网站上的行为来创建一个受众。您的选项几乎是无尽的 - 参数,例如按页面视图数量(表明高度兴趣)或查看页面(表明意图)。

Here are some ideas for using this type of campaign:



Targeting by Intent

Aside from just topic, there's a lot you can learn from your audience's site behavior. For example, visiting a product page indicates interest, but not making it to checkout could mean a price objection or other friction. This means you need to sweeten the deal in some way (like a promo or discount).

Past Purchases


YouTube TrueView


UsingYouTube TrueViewads,您可以针对受众,因为他们在YouTube上观看其他视频。

Take the screenshot below, for example. I’m trying to watch a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle video and it’s showing me an ad for a tourism company in Italy. Why? Because I was planning a trip to Florence at the time I took this screenshot, and they’re remarketing to me.

image ad in youtube video

The cool thing about TrueView videos is that you only pay if people view your video content. There’s no cost if the person clicks on the “skip ad” button. If you’re creating video content, why wouldn’t you pay a few bucks to promote it?

Video Views

Speaking of YouTube, your visitors don't even need to make it to your website in order for you to retarget them. If you have a solid YouTube presence, you can create an audience based on video views. If someone watched one of your videos, you can create a display campaign that shows them your ads even beyond the YouTube platform.

Remarketing Lists for Search Ads (RLSA)

Here’s another interesting but advanced thing you can do. It’s a little complicated, but I promise it's awesome. It’s called Remarking Lists for Search Ads.

RLSA lets you target people in your audiences with customized ads when they perform searches for specific keywords on Google.

graphic illustrating RLSA process: users visit your site, get added to your remarketing list, then you show them customized ads when they search on Google




Bonus: Remarketing With Facebook

Noticeably absent from the GDN is Facebook, the other big player on the web, and that's because they have their own remarketing system through Facebook Custom Audiences.

它以几乎相同的方式工作 - 差异是向Facebook平台中的用户展示广告。

如何开展再营销活动With Google Ads

Like I said earlier, using the GDN for remarketing gives you a great deal of reach. Generally, you can find your tagged site visitors on the network many times per day, several days per week, and across many different sites.

1. Define your audience.



new remarketing list interface within google ads

Segmenting different lists of users enables you to show different ads, depending on which section of your site they visited.


Another creative remarketing strategy for content marketers is to定义受众类别在Google广告中,基于您的博客中不同帖子类别。如果您已经有大量的博客内容按主题进行分类,请利用再营销受众定义策略中的那些现有分类。





According toKenshoo, retargeting can lift ad engagement rates up to 400%, 60% of consumers are neutral about the topic of retargeting ads, and 25% say they actually like them.wishpond报道说,重新定位广告的平均点击率是常规显示广告的10倍,并且重新定位可在接触四个星期后导致现场访问的726%提升。


  • 尝试将受众成员的持续时间设置为等于3倍的平均销售周期长度。
  • 如果通常平均需要一周的时间才能从初次接触到销售,请设置audience membership duration to three weeks.
  • 不必太担心印象上限。(请记住,更多的印象意味着更高的转化率。请考虑rotating though multiple ads per campaign打击疲劳。)




There are several different display ad formats on the Google Display Network, some of which are shown below.

examples of google display ads responsive formatsImage Source

类型 Dimensions
移动的 300x250,320x50,320x100,250x250,200x200
桌面 300x250,336x280,728x90,300x600,160x600,970x90,468x60

Ad formats matter to marketers because of how the ad auction works. Different ad formats do not compete against each other for positioning, as shown in this screenshot:

example webpage with multiple display ads: shows that different ad formats do not compete against each other but same format ads still do


According, an emotional approach in advertising is nearly twice as effective as a rational approach. The same emotions that draw people to your content will drive people to click on your ads.



For example, look at these ads for a search of “Big Data Solutions” -- the ads are essentially all the same:


Content marketers, on the other hand, tend to have a few creative bones in their bodies. I call this aGoogle广告大奖因为这让我想起了在拉斯维加斯击中一排幸运的7人 - 我只是击中了一个大数据解决方案!如果您可以提出一个充满情感的,完全不同和出色的广告,则可以吹走比赛。

4. Perform ongoing CTR optimization.

Google不会通过显示广告没有单击来赚钱,因此,向他们展示更有可能获得点击的广告是有意义的。他们使用一种称为的算法Quality Score要确定要显示哪些广告,每个位置将显示在哪些位置以及每次广告单击的广告商收费多少。

为广告商提供一个激励great ads, they give out huge discounts for ads with high clickthrough rates… and dish out huge penalties for ads with low clickthrough rates.

This all sounds good in theory, but how do you create an ad with high clickthrough rate?

1. Send people to your high-value offers.


remarketing ad from wordstream with a puppy on it that says

Of course it has a cute puppy. How could it not? Make people love your ads, not dread them.




3. Send people to your best content.

Check out this ad from my colleagueMarty Weintraubat AimClear, which sends anyone who clicks to his PPC analyses.

remarketing ad at the top of a page that says

But how do you know what content to feature in your ads?

4. Analyze social shares on your blog content.

If you analyze your blog content, what you’ll usually find is that around 5% of your pages generate half of the shares on social media.



Now that you have remarketing audiences and ads down to a science, let's turn our attention to bid management strategies.

Remember, in PPC marketing, you have to pay for each click. The advertiser specifies a maximum cost per click that they’re willing to pay, but the key here is not to buy every possible click. Rather, you want to be super picky and just cherry-pick the clicks that are the most relevant to your business. The way to do this is through bid management.

It doesn’t make any sense to remarket ads to everyone in your audience. Why? Because not everyone who visits your website is a qualified buyer.

With Google Ads, you can overlay user demographic information on top of your remarketing audiences to find the needles in the haystack. For example, someone from Zimbabwe could visit your site -- but they can't convert if you can't ship there.

这是一两件事,一两件事target customer persona.

  • What are the ages?
  • Parental status?
  • Where do they live?
  • 性别?
  • 他们什么时候搜索您的产品?
  • 他们的收入是多少?

You can be very picky, andjust竞标也符合您的人口过滤器的观众中的人们。

You've done your research, you know your topic, you have something interesting and entertaining to say -- but sometimes you need that extra push. As individuals and brands have become publishers, the game has been upped big time. Competition is fierce.



You can achieve this kind of success too with a killer remarketing campaign and the right advertising plan.


ad ideas

Editor's note: This post was originally published in October 2014 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.



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