在2019年,有3。8 billion估计全球的电子邮件用户。通过电子邮件,全球一半的人口以及在一天中的任何时候都能吸引人们的能力,电子邮件营销仍然是建立客户群的至关重要技术。

那么,您如何吸引人们进入您的电子邮件列表?有一些重要步骤,但这一切都始于电子邮件注册web form


The best thing about email opt-ins is that you can build a pipeline of leads to nurture and communicate with. Over time, your email list can turn into a valuable source of revenue as cold prospects get to know and trust you while you stay top of mind (or top of inbox).



Conversion rate是指在您选择加入的网站访问者中的百分比。为了计算转换率,您将转换数量与该表格的数量除以到页面或发布的流量。







The last thing you want is for a potential subscriber to miss the opportunity to convert simply because they didn't notice it was there. You want to draw attention to your conversion elements, making them attention-grabbing and bold. One way to do this is by using contrasting colors that stand out on the page.

5. Consider placement.

突出页面位置改变时comes to increasing conversion rates on email signup forms. A form or call-to-action can go in a number of places, including:

  • 页面的顶部
  • 在页面的文字中
  • In the sidebar
  • 在页面底部
  • 作为从用户动作生成的弹出窗口

You'll want to test which placements work for your conversion rates. For example, if people aren't making it to the bottom of a page or post, they may not see your call-to-action. Through testing, you'll be able to determine the placements that work best for your audience.


The majority of today's internet users know that giving up their email address may result in email solicitation or, in some cases, spam. That may not be your intention, but that doesn't erase their caution. To overcome their caution, you must incentivize them to give it up.

Promising high-value content that they want, providing social proof that your newsletter is valuable, holding giveaways or contests, and being transparent about what they can expect signing up are all ways to provide the incentive.


"Dollars flow where friction is low."

- 布莱恩·哈利根(Brian Halligan),2019年入站

The more friction that a visitor encounters, the less likely they'll sign up. Ultimately, you want to keep the momentum going to completion.





Your website visitors landed on a particular page for a reason. If your offer doesn't help them meet that need in some way, they may not be incentivized to convert.






10. Reduce the number of forms and calls to action on a page.

一种s the old saying goes, "A confused mind says no." If you present a website visitors with too many choices, you run the risk of driving them away completely. Consider presenting one offer or conversion element per page. If that's not possible, find other ways to reduce the confusion and make it clear exactly what you want the website visitor to do.

11. Use a form builder withprogressive fieldcapability.

一些形式构建器s(like HubSpot's) have the ability to remove form fields if the CRM already knows the information. For users who may be converting a second time, HubSpot may already already know some of the information, and it will remove those unnecessary forms, removing the friction for the user to type that information again. After all, dollars flow where friction is low.

12. Use pop-ups.

弹出窗口似乎可能是侵入性的,尤其是如果使用错误,但事实是它们转换了!通过使用pop-ups tool,提供一些有价值的东西,并使用特定的triggers (such as exit intent), you can create a pop-up experience that isn't annoying and generates leads.

13. Test everything.

Testing has been mentioned already in a few of the tips above, but it stands to get its own section. Improvement doesn't happen in a vacuum, and leads don't increase because of intuition. By testing hypothesis and continuing to iterate improvements, you'll learn about your audience, be mindful about your metrics, and increase email signups as a result.

潜在客户可能会出于多种原因提供他们的电子邮件地址 - 接收有关销售,博客文章通知,折扣代码或有关业务的信息的详细信息。无论哪种方式,这都使您的电子邮件注册形式是您网站上最重要的事情之一。而他们simple to create借助形式构建器,您仍然需要花一些时间并思考如何构建,格式化和嵌入表格。

Let’s go over some ways to create a sign up form that will get more leads on your email list.

Email Sign Up Form Best Practices

Whether you’re looking to reach ten people or ten million, you’ll need to create a sign up form that gets people excited to sign up.. Here are some best practices that will help you create a high-converting email sign up form


您的潜在客户应该能够回答这个问题:“我有什么意思?”当他们填写您的表格时。电子邮件地址是一种有价值的商品,应该值得一提。在您的电子邮件注册表格的顶部添加简短说明,该表格描述了您的潜在客户将获得的报名并使其变得良好。例如,您应该说:“注册我们的每周新闻通讯”,而不是说“注册我们的新闻通讯并获得独家交易和优惠”。bob官网官方网站强烈的激励意味着您的网站访问者是more likely to convert


您不一定需要根据需要的更多注册质量sign-ups. You need people who actually want to receive your emails — more is not always better. Ensuring quality sign-ups means less fake leads wasting your time and less chances that you’ll end up in the SPAM folder or黑名单

为了确保表格上的高质量注册,请考虑使用double opt-in。This is the type of email subscription that confirms your lead wants to be added to your email listtwice。The first time is when the lead enters and submits their information using yourweb form,第二次需要铅单击一个额外的CTA(通常在收件箱中),以确认其提交。双重确认意味着与您的潜在客户建立高质量的关系。

3。Keep It Simple

一种lead should be able to look at the form, enter their information, hit “submit” and carry on with their lives within a matter of seconds. Successful email sign up forms are straightforward and clear. If your form is too complex, you risk losing the interest of your website visitors.

不要贪婪,立即索要太多信息 - 如果您这样做,很有可能您会关闭人们并将其驱逐出您的网站。将您的电子邮件注册表格保留为访问者注册电子邮件的一种方式。


The placement of your email sign up form on your website matters. You should think about how you want your website visitors to find your form. For example, do you want your form to pop-up on the page the second someone lands on your website? Do you want them to scroll down to the bottom of your homepage to find your form? Or do they need to land on a specific page on your site?


Consider questions like, “Will my target audience get frustrated with a pop-up the second they enter our site, or will they find it helpful?”

5. Send a Kickback Email After Submission


一种kickback email是一封电子邮件,可为您的新潜在客户提供一些回报。对于电子邮件注册表格回扣电子邮件,您需要欢迎您的新潜在客户,也许会为他们提供有用内容的链接。感谢他们的兴趣,并使他们对自己的个人信息的决定感到兴奋。在这里,您也可以为您的新潜在客户提供其折扣代码,未来销售的详细信息,为什么您重视他们对业务的兴趣以及将来如何支持他们。


Now that we’ve reviewed email sign up form best practices, let’s dive into some examples to provide you with some inspiration while creating your own form.


hubspot's marketing blog with subscribe form in the sidebar



通过使用separatelanding page对于此形式,HubSpot能够消除有关潜在客户注册的任何困惑。





When you head to theSkimm’s website, the first thing you see is their email sign up form. That’s because their entire business revolves around a subscription. theSkimm is a daily email about the top news stories around the globe, so it would only make sense for their homepage to contain their sign up form.

一种bove their email sign up, there is a short, straightforward description about how theSkimm works. They provide leads with social proof by mentioning the “millions” of other people who have subscribed to their emails. And lastly, they show a bit of personality and humor with a line beneath the form that says “Still on the fence?” and allows potential leads to read their latest newsletter as well as check out a few celebrity Tweets about how great theSkimm is.

Theskimm的下一步说:“仍在栅栏上?结帐最新的新闻通讯。哦,您是好的陪伴...”以及Sarah Jessica Parker的转发,确认她bob官网官方网站读了Theskimmbob全站app



anthropologie homepage with signup form at the bottom of the page above the footer


一种nthropologie places their email sign up form towards the bottom of their homepage after users have had a chance to look around and become familiar with the site. Their signup form has a short description about what leads can expect once they sign up . Anthropologie also respects their visitors’ time by simply asking for an email address to sign up.


lulus sign up form at the bottom of the homepage above the footer



5.Quest Nutrition

Quest Nutrition弹出窗口,上面写着“现在注册!”以及订阅表格

SourceQuest Nutrition

Quest Nutrition的形式是在一个弹出窗口中,使背景黯淡,消除了任何干扰。该表格提供了诸如食谱,折扣和惊喜之类的激励措施,供访客注册。注册只需要一个电子邮件地址。网站访问者可以选择绕过弹出窗口并环顾网站。

Email sign up forms are a simple, efficient and effective way to obtain leads, create more conversions, and increase your overall sales. You’ll reach your audience with email sign up forms that are straightforward and embedded on a convenient location on your website.

So, take a few minutes to create your own email sign up form and get started broadening your customer base, developing relationships with your potential customers and increasing your number of leads today. From there, you can close the gap between lead and customer by doing email marketing.

New Call-to-action


New Call-to-action

Originally published Jul 28, 2020 8:00:00 AM, updated September 08 2020


Web Forms