
And yet, none of those oh-so-polite questions even come close to the complexity of explaining what, as an inbound marketer, you actuallydo为了生计。

It's not that inbound marketing requires a long, drawn-out answer — after all, it can easily be described in44 words. But explaining it requires some fundamental knowledge of how technology, marketing, and the internet work. You know, the things that your grandparents might not fully grasp in one fell swoop. Download more holiday resources to help your business succeed this season from  HubSpot's #HolidayHub

Good news — all you really need are a few storytelling strategies. We found five ways you can explain inbound marketing to your family. And sure, some of these are useful, and some are just sarcastic. But hey, family is family, right? They'll still love you.



Pumpkin Pie



解释养育铅,您可以使用南瓜派。向销售发送未熟悉的线索就像为客人提供未烘烤的南瓜派。我想南瓜派可以被生吃,但是...毛。取而代之的是,您应该烘烤南瓜派 - 最终使其更富有,更可口。


Use whatever analogy you like to describe inbound marketing — it clarifies confusing issues by comparing them to something that, quite literally, is right in front of everyone.




When I'm asked about inbound marketing, I like to use real-life examples of interruptions that they'll likely recognize, and explain how the inbound methodology pertains to it. It usually sounds something like this:

Amanda: Hey, Dad. You know how much you hate telemarketers calling you in the middle of dinner?

爸爸: 是的。讨厌它。为什么?那是您工作的工作吗?


爸爸: 是的。我很惊讶他们现在没有打扰我们。



Amanda: 是的!我为您提供了我公司的实际价值,这使您对我的公司销售更感兴趣。bob全站app



Thanksgiving theatrics


如果您感到特别有创造力 - 并且至少有一位愿意参加的感恩节客人 - 您可以设置角色扮演。您可以采取很多措施,但是经典的场景将是电视/晚餐嘉宾场景。

Let's use the telemarketing example above — and be warned, it might require a few minutes of planning before everyone sits down to dinner. You play the role of the telemarketer, and your dinner guest can be, well, the dinner guest. First, put his or her phone's ringer on the highest volume possible. Then, as soon as someone asks you about your job, excuse yourself and duck out to a quiet area with your own phone.

Next, call the dinner guest, and have him or her answer the call on speaker while you pretend to be a telemarketer selling something completely unnecessary at that point: Halloween costumes.

确保您的晚餐客人使用关键短语,例如中断me in the middle of Thanksgiving dinner with this无关紧要打电话给“或者,“你不认为打电话给我万圣节有点晚?”或者,如果您真的想疯了targeted, personalized emailin October about those costumes — I would have bought them."

然后,让他们桌子上摔下电话。You can return from your "bathroom break" and say, "See? Telemarketing, or any type of interruptive marketing like that, is profoundly annoying. In my job, I create marketing that helps people — not annoy them."



4. The Puzzle Pieces



该技术归结为一个古老的哲学问题:Is the whole greater than the sum of its parts?Aristotlethought so, but when you're describing inbound marketing to an unfamiliar audience, it's probably okay to explain the three ways you might apply inbound marketing specifically: attract, engage, and delight.

Try explaining inbound marketing by breaking it up into those three aspects, and explaining each one individually.

例如,您可能会对奶奶说:“Attractmeans drawing in the right people with valuable content and conversations that establish you as a trusted advisor with whom they want to engage.Engagemeans presenting insights and solutions that align with their pain points and goals so they are more likely to buy from you. Andmeans providing help and support to empower your customers to find success with their purchase."

Of course, it's easier said than done. And I'm willing to bet diving into how the inbound methodology serves as a strong foundation for theflywheel这完全是另一个壮举。


Writing on internet


如果前四个都失败了,您总是可以说:“我在互联网上写文章以谋生。”我的意思是,这有些准确 - 您通过入站营销来取得真正的业务成果,而您不仅仅是散发出关于您的感受的废话博客 - 但它可以使您的家人退缩,尤其是如果您不确定他们有兴趣听听整个Shebang。如果您选择这条道路,请准备好听博客的容易,以及您的家庭成员希望他们能得到报酬来做到这一点。

Then, try to switch the subject quickly to something everyone can relate to. "Hey, Uncle Eddie, I'd love to get your amazing stuffing recipe." Trust us ... It works every time.

We're Grateful for You

Good luck out there. And remember: There are so many people who want to know what you do — which, admittedly, is why we love writing about it every day.



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