If you're looking for the best way to divide a room full of marketers, bring up the topic of来宾博客


As always, the truth is somewhere in the middle: yes, it can be a waste of time and resources, but, done right, it can be a powerful fuel for your growth. Aside from the brand awareness aspect of it, guest blogging can also be an ethical and sustainable way to build high-quality backlinks and improve your SEO performance.

That's why I wanted to create this comprehensive guide to guest blogging that anyone, from any industry, can start using right away.


  1. Set specific, achievable goals.
  2. Choose topics that will benefit your own business goals.
  3. Find reputable guest blogging sites.
  4. 进行客座博客外展。
  5. Write the post.
  6. 随着时间的流逝,跟踪您的帖子的结果。

But before we dive into the strategy, let's first define what guest blogging really is.

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What is guest blogging?


These articles include your byline and, often times, are highlighted by the editor of that website (or publication) as being written by a "guest author" or a "contributor".


Some publications will offer non-monetary rewards for your post, instead, like a link back to your personal website or social media accounts.


Benefits of Guest Blogging

Here are some of the biggest benefits people get from guest blogging:

  • Build a profile as an industry expert/thought leader

  • Grow your personal brand

  • Grow an audience (social followers, subscribers etc.)

  • Improve SEO performance

  • Build authoritative backlinks

  • Build relationships and drive new partnerships e.g. co-marketing partnerships, job offers

  • Drive referral traffic

  • Improve a company's brand awareness

  • Get more leads, users and even customers


How to Become a Successful Guest Blogger

1. Set specific, achievable goals.


These goals might be related to your business performance (like getting more leads or clients) or your website performance (like improving your search visibility or your referral traffic).

Whatever your goal is, make itSMART。当您有一个明确的目标时,对于您写的挑选主题,您想要发布的博客,写作的频率等等,它变得容易得多。最重要的是,明智的目标将告诉您这种策略是否适合您的业务以及将来应该投资多少。

If you're just getting started, here are five examples of measurable goals you can set:

  • 获取X转介访问从您的来宾帖子中或从客人帖子中增加推荐流量x%

  • Get X leads from referral traffic从您的来宾帖子OR Increase the number of leads from from your guest posts by X%

  • Get X clients从您的来宾帖子OR Increase clients from your guest posts by X%

  • Improve your SEO performanceor SERP visibility by X%

  • Get X number of high-quality backlinks从您的来宾帖子中的相关内容

My personal preference is to set goals around referral visits, SEO traffic, and backlinks. A change in these metrics can be somewhat easily traced back to guest posts. Clients and leads are obviously more important for the business and can be influenced by guest blogging, but correct attribution can be a challenge.

Next let's talk about keyword research and how that fuels the content creation process.

2. Choose topics that will benefit your own business goals.

Many times, guest bloggers fail because they focus on the publications instead of the content. That's a good strategy to make sure you get published, but it servesthe publishers'goals, instead of你的

To have a successful guest blogging program, pick topics that serve您的最终目标 - 无论是推荐流量,SEO性能,潜在客户还是客户。

无论您是经验丰富的博客作者还是只是学习如何创建博客, you should build a successful guest blogging program by picking topics that serve your ultimate goal, whether that’s referral traffic, SEO performance, leads or clients.



For each target page, pick an overarching topic that is relevant to your expertise and would be useful for readers. Then you can start using keyword research tools like SEMRush and Ahrefs (just to name a couple) to fuel your bank ideas for future guest posts.

Let's take a meta-example and say we build a guest blogging strategy around the overarching topic of "guest blogging". We can create different types of content under the umbrella of this topic: how-to articles, thought leadership, case studies, and ultimate guides. For each type of content we can find relevant article ideas using keyword research tools.



现在你有你的内容的想法映射出来,我t's time to find relevant publications.

Start by putting together a list of target websites, as in the example below:

Guest Blogging Sites List“width=

Here's how you can discover guest blogging opportunities and populate your list:

  • Use Advanced Search Operators— where you use advanced search operators like "intext:submit a guest post".

  • Use Google Reverse Image Search— where you take the headshot of a popular guest blogger and you use it to find places where they've published in the past. Those publications most likely accept guest posts.

  • Look for listsoftop websites that accept guests posts.

  • 检查你的competitors' backlinks.


  • 域权限为40或更高(如果您使用ahrefs,则为域等级)

  • Spam Scoreof 3% or lower

  • 彻底的编辑过程

4. Conduct guest blogging outreach.

At this point, it's time to start thinking about how to pitch your guest post ideas.

As I mentioned in the previous step, the publications you want to target have athorough editorial process。So first look for the website's guest blogging guidelines, then prepare your pitch idea.

My suggestion would be to approach your博主推广process very在战略上,从你上一页的关键词iously found and your target publication. Check if your target website already ranks for the topic you chose.

Sara McGuire,内容营销的负责人Venngage, says that "在将一个想法推向网站之前,您进行研究是基本的。浏览他们的帖子,看看是否有一个主题尚未被涵盖,或者您可以采取角度来补充他们现有的帖子。然后,考虑出出版指南,制作您的音调。”

“Doing the groundwork first will show editors that you are willing to put in the work to produce good content for them and that you want to contribute value to their site — something most editors will find irresistible.

Once your pitch is ready, it's time to find your contact person and reach out to them.

While there are many tactics you can use to get a response, a good heuristic to follow is asking yourself, "does my pitch offer value?"

My colleagueAlex Birkett wrote a post on his email outreach rules- 其中之一是“不要在灌木丛中殴打”。如果您已经完成了研究,尤其是如果您已经建立了明显的内容组合,那么直接的音调应该可以解决问题。

Lots of marketers still use Google Sheets or Excel to track their contacts and responses. It's not bad, but it means you're missing out on tracking a lot of valuable information.

A powerful CRM can help you track all of the relevant information you need — emails, meeting notes, projects. Plus you can go back and refresh your memory any time.

In my case, I'm using our own HubSpot CRM, but any CRM you're using would work for this task. If you're looking for one now,HubSpot CRMis 100% free forever, no matter how many contacts you're adding.


Respona is an all-in-one search, outreach, and engagement platform. Using AI, it helps you with your content and keyword research, lets you find contact information for your target publications, and enables you to send dynamic emails (Yes, it includes email templates for almost any type of campaign).


Note: Some publications, including HubSpot, require a full draft to be included in the initial pitch. Make sure you always read the来宾博客guidelinesof the site to ensure your pitch includes all necessary elements.

5. Write the post.


If you're not comfortable with your writing, it's perfectly fine to hire an editor to review your draft. I'd actually highly recommend it, even for experienced writers. It's always good to have a fresh pair of eyes pick your article apart and make suggestions. Feedback is the breakfast of champions!

Whether you're just getting started or a seasoned writer, here are ten essential recommendations for writing guest posts (and any type of post, for that matter):

  1. Write long-form, compelling content (at least 1,000 words)

  2. Break the text into small, digestible paragraphs

  3. Optimize foron-page SEO

  4. Use original images and graphs to make the content more linkable (帆布是一个很棒的工具对于新手设计师)

  5. Add quotes from friends and influencers

  6. 链接到您的其他已发表的来宾帖子

  7. Link to your own, relevant content

  8. Link to other publications: studies, data, thought leadership etc.

  9. Link internally, to other articles from your publisher

  10. 添加您的旁白并解释是什么使您成为该主题的专家

When you send your final draft to the editor, don't forget to include your author details: your full name, a short bio, your social media links so readers can connect with you, a headshot, and your website.

Now you're all set to hit "send" and deliver your guest post to the editor.

There's just one more step before you call this project done: measuring the results.

6. Track your posts' results over time.

这是last but arguably most important step of the process.

You'll want to ensure you always compare your results to where you were at the beginning of the process (instep 1. Goal setting).

Depending on your goals you can have不同的SEO工具to track different metrics. Below, I've created a list of the top guest blogging tools you might need.


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Guest Blogging SEO


根据study by SEMRush, 53% of digital marketing specialists say that guest blogging (or guest posting) is in fact the most effective way to build a backlink profile.

A similarlink building study published by Aira在2020年,来宾博客是第三级最有效的方法build backlinks- 有51%的受访者说他们使用它。

Guest blogging is such a popular SEO tactic because websites that accept guest posts usually allow authors to link back to their own content or resources, as long as it makes sense for the reader. The link is usually placed in the body of the article, or in the author's bio.

Oftentimes, blog editors place a no-follow tag on links from guest authors. In the past, that was seen as a "lower-value" backlink because it didn't carry any authority. With relatively recent updates, Google has made it public that even "no-follow" backlinks are seen as signals by their ranking algorithm.


Top Tools for Guest Blogging

I hope you now feel better equipped to start crafting your own guest blogging strategy.

The best strategy for your business and your context is always going to be the one you craft, after trial and error. So don't be afraid to just get started and learn along the way.

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