A lot of单词已添加到字典中over the past few decades thanks to social media, but few have become so widely used and accepted as "hashtag."

For a long time, the hashtag symbol (#) was known simply as the "pound" symbol. Now, I could swear that the only time I hear it referred to as a pound symbol is when I enter my PIN number to pay my cell phone bill. 单击此处下载我们的免费指南,以从您的社交媒体工作中进行报告和证明ROI。


What Does 'Hashtag' Mean?

A hashtag is simply a keyword phrase, spelled out without spaces, with a pound sign (#) in front of it. For example, #InboundHour and #ChocolateLovers are both hashtags.

You can put these hashtags anywhere in yoursocial media posts:在开始,末尾或之间的任何地方。((Read this blog postfor more instructions on using hashtags.)


What Makes Hashtags So Great?

Back in 2007 when hashtags were a brand new concept, Google's Chris Messina realized the value of hashtags right away.他写了the "channel" concept of hashtags satisfies many of the things group discussions do, but without inheriting the "unnecessary management cruft" that most group systems suffer from.

此外,墨西拿(Messina)写道,他们很容易通过Twitter上的语法(以及现在在其他社交媒体网络上)访问,易于学习,灵活,并且可以使用当前的用户行为,而不是强迫任何人学习任何新的东西。它还可以在手机上持续工作 - 例如,Star Key不做。



  • 事件或会议,例如#Inbound17或#Rio2016
  • 灾难或紧急情况,例如#Aleppo或#prayfornice
  • 假期或庆祝活动,例如#worldnutelladay或#nationalcatday
  • Popular culture topics, like #GameofThrones or #PokemonGO
  • General interest topics, like #WinterWonderland or #ChocolateLovers
  • Popular hashtags, like #tbt or #MotivationMonday




  1. How Hashtags Work on Twitter
  2. How Hashtags Work on Facebook
  3. 哈希标签如何在Instagram上工作



这是Twitter上的标签流的样子 - 我们将使用#MotivationMonday举个例子:


大多数好东西发生在此页面的中心。For the hashtag #MotivationMonday, you'll see there are a few ways to toggle the hashtag stream: Top (the default), Latest, People, Photos, Videos, and More.

  • 最佳:A stream of tweets using that hashtag that have seen the most engagement -- which usually means tweets from influential people or brands that have a lot of followers. (下载有关如何在此处获取1,000多个Twitter关注者的指南
  • 最新的:A live stream of the latest tweets from everyone tweeting out that hashtag.
  • 人们:与主题标签有关的顶级Twitter帐户列表。
  • Photos:使用主题标签的推文中包含的照片拼贴。当您将鼠标悬停在照片上时,您只需单击即可回复,转发或喜欢推文。您可以通过单击照片打开推文。


  • 视频:A stream of tweets using the hashtag that have videos in them.
  • 更多的:A dropdown menu that has a few great options to pick from, including "From people you follow" and "Near you." You can also save your search here by clicking "Save this search." To access it later, simply click into the search box on the top right of your Twitter home screen and it'll appear as a saved search.




How to Use Hashtags on Twitter

想参与对话,甚至start your own? Using a hashtag on Twitter is as simple as publishing a tweet from a public account that includes the hashtag, like this:



There are a few ways to find hashtags on Twitter. If you already know the hashtag you want to search for, there are four main ways to search for it: a simple search, an advanced search, monitoring using a third-party tool, or typing it directly into the URL.



If you're searching for a hashtag but want to include more details in your search, try Twitter'sAdvanced Search。在这里,您可以搜索带有特定单词和短语的推文,用某种语言写的特定单词和短语,从某些帐户,在某些位置附近,在某些日期发布,甚至包含笑脸:)或皱着眉头:( faces faces。

例如,如果我想搜索悲伤的#MotivationMonday Tweets,我可能会搜索MotivationMonday Day的主题标签,就像皱着眉头:

Twitter Advanced Search.png



You can also use a third-party monitoring tool likeHubSpot的社交收件箱监视某些主题标签。这些工具将在您已经在工具中设置的任何其他流旁边的流中放置某些主题标签。

((HubSpot customers: To set up a stream in Social Inbox, clickSocial> Monitoring > “+” and enter the name of the hashtag you'd like to monitor.单击此处以获取有关如何创建监视流的详细说明

Finally, you can search for a hashtag by typing it directly into a URL like so:twitter.com/InsertHashtagHere.So #MotivationMonday can be found attwitter.com/#MotivationMonday。

If you're searching for popular hashtags from scratch, the best place to look is趋势主题栏on the left-hand side of your homescreen. Popular hashtagged words often become trending topics -- which are topics so many people are talking about that they are a "trend." The topics bar will also show you if accounts you follow are tweeting about the trending topics.

Twitter Trends Box.png


Twitter's native "trending topics" is limited to only a few hashtags, so if you want to find more outside of trending topics and you don't know what to search for, consider using Advanced Search to browse tweets, or a third-party application like趋势图


Along with hashtags for events, campaigns, and promotions, there are these unique things on Twitter called Twitter Chats. Twitter Chats are live Q&A sessions organized around a hashtag -- either on the fly, or at a pre-arranged time.

我喜欢缓冲区如何解释它们:“想象一个商业网络活动 - 但是没有着装要求,而不是键盘而不是酒吧。相同的社会习俗适用 - 礼貌和尊重 - 这是结识具有相似兴趣的新人的好方法。”

There are Twitter Chats about pretty much everything, from marketing to personal finance to affinities for cats.

If you're looking for Twitter chats to engage in,查看TweetReports的Twitter聊天时间表, which you can toggle by date, hashtag, and topics like writing, social media, and so on. You can also submit your own Twitter chats to be considered.



Like on Twitter, a Facebook hashtag ties the conversations of different users into one stream. But unlike Twitter and Instagram, where many people have public accounts and their posts can be seen by anyone, most people's Facebook posts and accounts are private. This means that even if individuals are using hashtags, they aren't searchable. The result? The hashtags you can search for on Facebook tend to be published by influencers, brands, and publishers, rather than by individuals.



大多数好东西发生在此页面的中心。对于#motivationMonday主题标签,您会看到有很多方法可以切换主题流流 - 甚至比我们在Twitter上的更多方法:TOP(默认),最新,人,照片,照片,视频,商店,页面,页面,页面,页面,地点,团体,应用程序和事件。

  • 最佳:A stream of Facebook posts using that hashtag that have seen the most engagement -- which usually means posts from influential people or brands that have a lot of followers -- and your Facebook friends posting using the hashtag.
  • 最新的:A stream of public Facebook posts using the hashtag, usually by influencers, brands, or publishers -- like a fitness guru posting an instructional workout video.
  • 人们:在Facebook上的人们与主题标签正式相关。对于像#MotivationMonday这样的主题标签,这里没有结果。
  • Photos:A stream of public Facebook posts using the hashtag that have photos in them.
  • 视频:使用其中包含视频的标签的公共Facebook帖子流。


  • 店铺:现在可以使用此功能将他们的产品直接出售给Facebook用户。对于像#MotivationMonday这样的主题标签,这里没有结果。
  • 页:此选项卡显示了与您搜索的主题标签相关或发布的Facebook页面。
  • Places:Places in the world with a name officially associated with the hashtag. For a hashtag like #MotivationMonday, there are no results here.
  • Groups:Groups with a name officially associated with the hashtag.
  • Apps:Facebookapps with a name officially associated with the hashtag.
  • 事件:Facebook活动具有与主题标签正式关联的名称。


To use a hashtag on Facebook, all you have to do is publish a Facebook post to your Page or timeline that includes the hashtag.

Be sure your post is public if you want people other than your Facebook friends to be able to find it. To make a Facebook post public, click on the button to the right of "Post" and choose "Public" from the dropdown menu.




If you already know the hashtag you want to search for, there are two main ways to search for it: a simple search or by typing it directly into the URL.

You can do a simple search using the search box in the top left-hand corner of your screen:



If you're searching for popular hashtags from scratch, the best place to look is the trending topics bar on the left-hand side of your homescreen. (Note: This is currently only available in English in选择国家。)文章和标签Facebook显示您的基础许多不同的因素, including engagement, timeliness, pages you've Liked, and your location.

While most trending topics on Twitter are mostly hashtags, this is not usually the case on Facebook. You'll see that none of the trending topics below are hashtags:



An Instagram hashtag ties the conversations of different users into one stream, just like on Twitter and Facebook. If Instagram users who aren't otherwise connected to one another talk about the same topic using a specific hashtag, their posts will appear in the same stream.

Here's what a hashtag stream on Instagram looks like -- again, using#MotivationMonday举个例子:


Notice the user interface on Instagram's hashtag stream is much simpler than those on Twitter and Facebook. There are three things you can do from this page: Scroll through related hashtags, look at the Top Posts, and browse Recent Posts.

  • Related Hashtags:所有相关的标签(例如#dontquit,#getMotivated等),在这种情况下),用户可以侧面滚动。
  • 顶级文章:The nine posts using that hashtag that have seen the most engagement -- which usually means tweets from influential people or brands that have a lot of followers. This is limited to nine posts.
  • Most Recent:每个人都发表主题标签的Instagram帖子的直播。

How to Use Hashtags on Instagram

想参与对话,甚至start your own? Using aInstagram上的标签就像从包含主题标签的公共帐户中发布Instagram帖子一样简单,例如:

As long as your account is public, anyone who does a search for that hashtag may find your Instagram post.




If you already know the hashtag you want to search for, the only way to search for a hashtag on Instagram on your mobile device is through a simple search. You can do a simple search by clicking the magnifying glass at the bottom of your screen, which brings you to the "Explore" tab. From there, type the hashtag name into the search box at the top of your screen, and toggle your results by "Tags":


如果您要从头开始搜索流行的主题标签,那么最好的外观是Instagram的“ Explore”选项卡。在这里,您会发现您喜欢的帖子或Instagram社区中许多人喜欢的帖子喜欢的人喜欢的流行帖子。



What About Using Hashtags "in the Wild"?

Although hashtags were born and work best online, you can point people to them in real life. Try placing hashtags in relevant and well trafficked public locations -- like in pictures or posters, menus, stickers, and so on -- to encourage people to search for that hashtag online.



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