In just 5 years,Daily Harvest, which provides healthy, easy-to-prep meals to customers based on algorithmic flavor preferences, disrupted the food industry and earned more than $250 million in revenue.

And, even before the acceleration in home food deliveries in 2020, the health and sustainability-conscious brand had already raked in4,300万美元的资金来自与公司愿景保持一致的投资者。bob全站app

In a recent episode of HubSpot's podcast,The Shake Up,我们的主持人Alexis Gay和Brianne Kimmel与Daily Harvest创始人兼首席执行官Rachel Drori进行了交谈,以了解启发她建立品牌的原因,她如何导航投资者投球,算法如何推动业务以及她如何看待品牌营销组合。



Daily Harvest on Growing Its Brand and Customer Base

Daily Harvest's Mission to Serve Healthy Food

[00:21:26] Rachel Drori:我们不是用餐套件。我们更像[00:21:30]现代CPG,而不是用餐套件。我们的食物不旋转。您不必真正烹饪它。它已经准备好了。

[00:21:42] Alexis Gay:您会说您正在定义一个新类别吗?

[00:21:45] Drori:Absolutely. I got into it because I'm absolutely a foodie. …. I wanted food that was convenient because that's what makes fruits and vegetables hard. … But I also wanted food that was jam-packed with all the stuff that I know is good for me. … Hippocrates said, “Let food be thy medicine,” right? We've ended up with a Hippocratic oath for medicine being a medicine. Whereas food is kind of lost its way. So we're really here to change that.


What drives demand for Daily Harvest?

[00:23:57]同性恋:What drives the demand for your product? … Is it that younger generations are focusing on healthier food options? Is that the traditional family dinner is not as much part of our culture, is it because of the struggles of the restaurant industry? What do you think?

[00:24:15] Drori:I think there's a few things. We're kind of at the crossroads of a bunch of — I hate using this term — megatrends, right? … I think people are just smarter and there's enough education out there where people are realizing that if I stick to the basics — like things my grandparents ate, things my great grandparents ate — then I'm going to be okay. So our whole food ethos is really based on this idea where we're not going to tell you what not to eat.

… We are including everybody's eating habits and everybody's eating values, but we're going to provide a base of fruits and vegetables. So our goal is to get everybody to eat more fruits and vegetables. And then, if you want to add a piece of chicken to your harvest bowl … we think that's great.



[00:26:02] Drori:2017 was the point when we felt like we had reached true product-market fit. So pre-fundraising — previous to that point — I would say it was incredibly difficult. People didn't understand how the collections that we had laddered up to this bigger picture to this platform. There was a lot of friction in the fundraising process, especially because the people from who I was trying to raise money just didn't see that there was a problem. They were like, “Well, why, why wouldn't I just buy a Jamba Juice?” I'm like, “I don't even know where to begin.”

[00:26:40]同性恋:Did you ever feel discouraged

[00:26:41] Drori:After meetings like that? Oh, discouraged wouldn't even cover it. I think that fundraising is the most demoralizing process.

[00:26:58]同性恋:What was the key message you were really trying to land with the people you were seeking investment from.

[00:27:05] Drori:There were two things. The message I was trying to land was just this big picture. That big food is completely broken and that there's this opportunity and that big food is not meeting customers. … Where I would say it got really tricky wasn't necessarily with the problem statement. It really was that a lot of people got tripped up on the frozen.

[00:27:32] Gay:Why do you think that is?

[00:27:34] Drori:他们仍然会这样做,但每个人都喜欢,“哦,所以您正在破坏冷冻食物吗?”我想,“汤不是冷冻类别。拿铁不是冷冻类别。早餐谷物不是冷冻类别。这是您的逻辑如何?”冷冻是我们使食物变得令人难以置信的清洁,未加工,方便和可持续性的方式。…您知道,我们真的在努力关注这一点,这是为了描绘我们不会追溯到冷冻食物的故事。

… Eventually, we did it. The other thing that I was really looking for in that round was values alignment from our investors. … I wanted to make sure that we were never going to end up in a position where some of the investment community in big food causes a lot of health challenges. … There was a lot of insuring that our investors were going to have values that aligned as well.


[00:29:10] Kimmel:How did you actually reverse the pitch and ask those investors questions to give you a real feel if they were going to add value and be a valuable person to help you scale Daily Harvest?

[00:29:25] Drori:推销时,技巧之一是您也总是在卖。因此,我所做的一件事是,我表明客户对这些事情的需求很大 - 例如可持续性现在是桌面赌注。不是五年前。只是显示客户需求的去向,并表明还有与我们希望在可持续发展方面所做的一切相关的商业收入机会……这是故事中非常重要的一部分。我们要求的一些问题只是确保人们对准人们实际上并不直接与投资者直接与投资者保持一致。他们一直投资的其他公司,而不是他们向我们介绍的公司。

… Those back-channel calls where you ask about a time where there was a really difficult decision that you had to weigh: Margins versus doing what was right for the customer, right? For me, that's one of the hardest tensions and I was always going to focus on what was best for the customer — and what's best for the Earth is also best for the customer.

Building Out the Business

[00:32:08] Kimmel:必须碰巧每天收获的下一步真正可扩展?

[00:32:19] Drori:其中很多坐在我们的供应链中。…我们有很多很棒的农民直接与之互动。直到今天,我们仍然可以直接与所有人合作。但是很多故事都是非常理想的。…在这个规模上很难做。


Personalizing the Customer Experience

[00:34:15] Gay:许多以某种身份提供食品的公司都保持了他们的贡献非常简单,只专注于晚餐或一种食物。但是您有60多种早餐,午餐和晚餐。这是您做出更多提供更多决定的有意识的决定吗?

[00:34:32] Drori:因为我们与客户有这种直接链接。我们能够做的是我们实际上是表型品味床,我们了解每个客户想要的东西,并需要到令人难以置信的细节,使我们能够为每个人创造食物。我们不会将客户视为平均值。我们真的看着每个人,并创造食物以满足这些客户的需求。

… We have smoothies for different tastes, preferences, and different tea, eating values, and different profiles. As we expand into this collection depth, we see different groups consuming over different days. So it's really systematic the way that we think about it. And it's really served as well to increase share of stomach over time,as we've been able to take this data and turn it into meeting the needs of our customers.

[00:35:41] Gay:How did you build that?

[00:35:45] Drori:We have an incredible algorithms team who has really been a key part to our food delivery and then the personalization tied to that development to make sure that we're matching the right people with the right food. That was creative.

[00:38:00] Kimmel:您如何平衡定性见解?就像,您有一支很棒的团队正在阅读客户支持门票吗?你有焦点小组吗?您如何从每个每日收获用户中收集很多个人见解?

[00:38:14] Drori:我们有两种方法。一个是我们have an incredibly passionate care team. … We’ve really emboldened our care team to be a part of this co-creation journey and adding the context behind what we're seeing in the data. That's a huge piece of what we do. Then we have a in-house research team that takes the data that we see and ties it together with the emotional, the psychological, the why behind what we're seeing. … And it's an incredibly powerful combination.

Daily Harvest's Changing Marketing Mix

[00:41:20] Gay:I want to talk a little bit about your marketing mix. … In a world where startups rely so heavily on Facebook, Google, and Amazon for sales, you have invested in TV ads in influencer partnerships. … I would love to know what was your decision-making process in making some of those bets?

[00:42:11] Drori:It was easy to scale on Facebook. Now it's a whole different ball of wax. The landscape has changed significantly … the landscape is always changing, it's a complete moving target and something that works today will not work tomorrow. It’s just how you have to live in this world. We went out really aggressively into every channel you can imagine to give us that optionality and that agility where we can change our spend in different channels based on what happens to be working at the time.

... Influencer marketing is part of our mix, TV is a part of our mix, but I think the most important thing is — even if one thing is working really well — that you keep your spend and you keep the other channels engaged enough where if something changes you can always pivot and change that mix.

[00:43:57] Kimmel:How do you think about some of the branded Daily Harvest stuff versus like engaging with influencers and people that are likely to use Daily Harvest anyway, because it falls into like this new category of just easier, healthier.

[00:44:27] Drori:人们总是说,”是什么the secret to your really fast growth?” And I actually talk about our supply chain, which is not the answer that people want to hear, but the reason why is … if you've ever seen a Rogers bell curve, it’s a normal bell curve, but if you think about the way normal product development works, you have an insight and then can take up to a year to ring something to market.


…真正强大的是,它刺激了这个良性的营销周期,它越来越多,而不是在向下往下受到逆风的情况下,您必须喜欢雇用贾斯汀·汀布莱克(Justin Timberlake)在电视上摇动他的Tushy。…当然,我们为一些有影响力的人付费,但实际上,您看到的是我们与客户和客户共同创建,我们感到非常高兴,以至于我们倾听了他们的声音,并给了他们他们想要的东西。

To hear the full conversation or check out other episodes of The Shake Up,点击这里.


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Originally published Aug 19, 2021 6:30:00 AM, updated August 24 2021

