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You hear the term often in marketing. It basically means increasing results disproportionately to the time or effort previously required to achieve them. Companies like Dropbox and Airbnb are often held up as shining examples of marketing scale, which they accomplish by hardwiring user referral incentives into their products.双方平等受益。Dropbox的用户获得更多的免费存储空间,Airbnb的租金积分获得了租金,并且这些公司降低了客户的收购成本。固定努力更大的范围。

But you know what doesn’t scale? In fact, you know what will never scale?你的时间。

Rich or poor, executive or intern, we are all given the same number of hours in a day. And yet, for marketers who make their living online, social media makes us more accessible to others, paving the way for increased demands on our time. Each new follower brings an increased potential for guest article requests or “brain picking” coffee invitations.

就像这些邀请一样讨人喜欢,接受它们是有代价的 - 通常是在远离工作,家庭或爱好的及时支付的。那么,如果不冒犯或燃烧桥梁,怎么说“不”呢?



Woods filters on the amount of effort the person has invested in solving their own problem. For example, he will ask probing questions like, “Have you tried X?" or “Have you called Y?” If the answers reveal a lack of effort, Woods will be less apt to accept a meeting.

As an entrepreneur, however, Woods can also be Machiavellian. If he feels the person can add value to his existing network or possesses a unique skill, then the person may skip to the front of the line.

有趣的是,我与之交谈的几个人自愿参加了他们通常会为学生做例外。像伍兹一样,内容营销学院的首席战略官罗伯特·罗斯is partial to those in the early stage of their careers. “I particularly love helping students sort stuff out,” said Rose. “If they've clearly put time and effort into a real request and have researched who I am, then I'm very happy to take the time to either email them or take a call. I consider it an honor to be asked.”

同样,营销作者和演讲者杰伊·贝尔(Jay Baer)为周围地区的人雕刻时间。他告诉我,他在午餐或啤酒中满足了当地的要求。“一个男人必须吃饭和喝酒,”他打趣道。

Flybridge Capital partnerMatt Witheiler信任他的个人网络作为过滤器。“我通常只与与我认识和尊重的人有联系的人进行面对面的会议。如果我是由网络中的某人介绍的,我的咖啡开会可能会大大增加。”他说。

其他人将钱用作过滤器。社交媒体发言人杰森·瀑布(Jason Falls)将很快允许任何人注册一个小时的his time, for a fee, via his website. (Personally, unless it’s a HubSpot customer, partner, or a company I advise, I require a donation to a nonprofit for my time.)

Lastly,安·汉德利(Ann Handley)turns to a clever “contact me”形式为过滤器。她说,该表格最初引起了太多查询,因此随着时间的流逝,她的规定性越来越多。汉德利(Handley)是一位熟练而多产的作家,通过她在表格上使用的语言来限制请求的量。


很难找到一个比人群公司创始人和前分析师更加需求的人Jeremiah Owyang。Considered the foremost authority on the booming “collaborative economy,” Owyang needs to preserve his time for building his startup and advising. He refers inquirers to his archive of blog posts.


Another benefit to requiring the person to clearly state their goal upfront is that it can help the recipient redirect to a colleague. Baer and HubSpot CMO迈克·沃尔普(Mike volpe)both often refer inquiries to members of their teams who are better suited to answer the person’s question.

HubSpot的影响者关系领导,劳拉·菲顿(Laura Fitton), introduces a pre-meeting filter. After a call or coffee has been scheduled, she asks the person to send her information on what they want to discuss and, depending on the request, do a little reading themselves. “If they are not willing to prepare for a meeting they've requested, why should I take several hours of time to fulfill their request?” she asks.


其他人则提出了替代解决方案,例如Fitton的“批处理过程”,她敦促多个询问者在网络活动中与她会面。Volpe可能很容易投降 - 确定那些与他接触的人是潜在的客户,他将试图找到一种尽可能多的见面(通常每周最多两次)。

在我采访的每个人中安德鲁·戴维斯(Andrew Davis),他通过以明确定义的对话途径回答每个请求来表示感谢。然后,他每周专门为营利性公司专用一小时,一半是为非营利组织的一半 - 他使用调度工具三个月预订了电话混音


Indiscriminate “drive-by” requests are unlikely to be fulfilled. Rose gave two real-world examples: “Hey, can I show you my new app? Need your input” and "Thanks for the follow, can I pick your brain for 10 minutes what's your schedule look like tomorrow?” He described these inquiries as “non-starters.” Not only are these requests presumptuous, but they also smack of spam. How many others are receiving the identical message? Presumably, many.

Without exception, all influencers were grateful that others expressed interest in their perspective, and it seemed as if everyone would take all of the requests if time permitted. But given that time doesn’t scale, these experts recognized that self-preservation requires that they filter or redirect many of the requests for their time.


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