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The key to any relationship is communication.


Any scenario that requires you to convince, inform, entertain, or engage with another involves communication.

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The topic of communication is quite broad, right? I mean, it encompasses an entire college major at most universities. But we won’t be coveringeverythingabout communication in this guide.

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下面,您将阅读有关其适用的通信去工作场所and给您的客户— two pretty important topics, right?

We’ll also be sharing ways to improve your communication and learn how your colleagues and customers communicate, too.


In simpler terms, communication is said to be the “creation and exchange of meaning.” Communication is also a process … a series of actions. It’s not a single phenomenon, and it varies based on method, channel, and person.

As a partner, friend, coworker, boss, and brand, you have a responsibility to learn how tobest交流。让我们来谈谈如何有效沟通。



Not adhering to effective communication practices can exacerbate or worsen a communicative environment, break trust, and make messages harder to receive.


Effective communication isn’t just speaking clearly and honestly. It also involves creating a safe, comfortable space for communication — even if you’re not the one talking. Employ these effective communication skills to give and receive information successfully.

1. Listening Actively


The goal of effective communication is to empathize and understand the person or party with whom you’re communicating. Here’s how:

  • 专注于另一个人。不要看手机,环顾房间,或者开始与其他人说话。如果您不关注,您将无法掌握语音变化或非语言提示。
  • 展示兴趣通过点点头或说“是的”,对方说的话。
  • Try not to judgeor assume as the other person speaks. We talk more about these barriersin the next section
  • 问问题and provide reinforcing feedback, such as “What I’m hearing is…” or “Is this what you mean?”



自信意味着要考虑您的思想,观点和感觉,并以一种清晰,尊重的方式进行交流。这并不意味着贬低或激进。(我们更多地谈论了不同的沟通方式the next section。)


  • 清楚自己的价值观and opinions before you engage with someone else so that you don’t get confused or change your mind to make a conversation easier.
  • Positively express negative thoughts或意见。尽量避免彻底的愤怒,贬低语言或态度。
  • Be comfortable足以说“不”或“我不同意”。

Although effective communication is about understanding the other person, it doesn’t mean we should forget about our own perspectives.


Whether you’re speaking or listening, minimizing stress in communication helps create a healthy, effective environment. Here’s how:

  • 失速或暂停收集您的想法。这可以帮助您在思考之前避免爆发或说话……并说出您可能后悔的话。
  • Make one pointat a time so that you or the other person don’t get confused or overwhelmed.
  • Don’t interrupt或在对方讲话时发表不必要的评论或噪音。
  • Try to stay objective and upbeatas you speak and listen. Keep the mood and tempo of the conversation elevated.

It’s also important to recognize and remove any communication barriers like the ones we describe below. Anyone with a perceived “upper hand” in a relationship — like managers, executives, or parents — should especially keep these in mind.


Here are a handful of common communication barriers that may be hindering communication in your relationships. I’ve also included an example of how these might apply in the workplace.

Language/Cultural Communication Barriers


Example: An international intern is shirking his duties to coworkers. The team lead gives feedback by saying “You’re passing the buck.” The intern doesn’t understand the jargon. He isn’t sure how to improve in his role and continues making his mistake, further frustrating the team and team lead.


Psychological / Attitudinal Communication Barriers

Psychological barriers happen when one or both parties carry cultural assumptions or are restricted by emotional hurdles or taboos. They also happen when there’s a lack of trust, attention, or empathy.

Example: A female employee is returning from maternity leave and needs a place to pump breast milk. In her previous job, her male manager wasn’t accommodating to her needs as a new mother, so when she approaches her current male superior with her request, she’s defensive and nervous … thus creating a tense, tough conversation.







Receivers can avoid these barriers by not assuming the meaning behind a message or by simply asking for clarification. Also, senders can make their messages easier to receive by adding clarifying punctuation or words when communicating nonverbally.

Lastly, always be aware of personal handicaps with which others might be dealing.

The Four Communication Styles


The same goes for communication styles. Understanding the different styles below gives you a better understanding of how and why others communicate the way they do.

Passive Communication Style

被动沟通者行为无动于衷,经常屈服于他人。在外面,它们看起来很温柔,安静或灵活。他们可能不擅长saying "no”or dealing with conflict, but they’re easy to get along with as they typically “go with the flow.”


  • “对我来说没关系。”
  • “这是不值得战斗的。让我们保持和平。”


Where passive communicators are meek and quiet, aggressive communicators are loud, brash, criticizing, and physically aggressive. Their communication style reverberates through their behavior, volume, and wording. Aggressive communicators issue commands, interrupt, and often talk down to people.

Phrases you might hear from aggressive communicators are:

  • “You’re wrong.”
  • “这是你的错。修理它。”

Passive-Aggressive Communication Style

The passive-aggressive style displays a mixture of both. On the surface, this type of communicator might seem passive, but they probably harbor an aggressive side underneath. Behaviorally, they might seem agitated and display facial expressions or nonverbal cues that don’t match what they’re saying.

Phrases you might hear from passive-aggressive communicators are:

  • “无论如何,如果团队不同意,请不要怪我。”
  • “That’s fine.”(and then proceeds to do the opposite)



They typically communicate to reach a compromise or win-win situation, and will often employ “I” statements to take ownership of feelings while still expressing a need or desire.


  • “I respect your opinion, but I disagree and here’s why …”
  • “I feel frustrated when you miss deadlines.





This type of communication is exactly what it sounds like: verbal conversation that includes sounds, words, and language. Verbal communication is said to be the most effective way to express emotions, feelings, opinions, and needs. If used correctly, words can help you be very straightforward and concise while leaving little room for question or assumption.

There are four types of verbal communication.

  • 人际,,,,which is when we communicate to ourselves through our thoughts or out loud.
  • Interpersonal当我们与som一对一的交流eone else.
  • Small group,,,,which is when two or more people are involved. Team meetings, small presentations, and press conferences are examples of small group communication.
  • Public这是一个人与大型团体进行交流的时候。公开演讲,全公司会议以及bob全站appTV commercialsare examples of public communication.

Nonverbal Communication

Nonverbal communication happens when messages are sent and received without words. It typically applies to body language, tone of voice, inflection, facial responses, and other gestures.

It also includes creative or aesthetic means of communication such as dance, painting, and pottery. (Note: Nonverbal isn’t the same as visual, which is explained below.)


  • Making eye contact (or lack thereof)
  • 握手
  • Crossing or uncrossing legs
  • Folding or unfolding arms
  • 烦躁
  • Hugging
  • 移动的眉毛
  • Smiling or frowning


Written communication is any message sent through written words or text. This form unique because, unlike verbal or nonverbal communication, written communication can be edited and changed before messages are sent.

Written communication also encompasses components of visual communication when sent through electronic means, such as phones or computers.



Visual communications involves sending and receiving a message with the help of visual aids. While visual communication encompasses some written communication, it mostly refers to symbols, images, and video.

电影,电视节目,视频和戏剧都是视觉交流,因为接收器需要手表他们接收他们的消息。图标和表情符号are also considered visual communication. The most common form of visual communication, though, is the internet, which sends us messages using a combination of text, colors, images, symbols, and design.

沟通in Business



沟通in the Workplace

本节是关于internal communication,意味着在工作场所内发生的沟通。这种沟通可以指与您的老板,与队友的项目合作,或者阅读公司的内部Wiki以了解另一个团队的更新。bob全站app


沟通as a Manager



Building an internal communications strategy can help you manage this. Here’s how.


It’s hard to speak up at work. People aren’t always sure who to trust. They also aren’t sure which information will stay private, and which information will come with consequences if shared.


For example, constructive criticism or feedback should take place in-person and privately. Instead of sending random emails or criticizing employees during team-wide meetings, consider scheduling one-on-one feedback sessions every quarter. This reassures your employees that hard conversations will remain private, and it also builds trust by showing your employees that you respect them enough to speak in-person.

Here are some other types of communication that might need their own medium or channel.

  • Praise
  • 协作或项目更新
  • Strategies or Processes for Cross-Team Collaboration
  • 问题或问题
  • 重要的业务更新
2. Encourage your team (and other teams) to adhere to these processes.

Once you define these communication processes, write them down and share them with your team. Encourage your team — and other teams — to adhere to the processes in respect of themselves and their colleagues.

Where appropriate, record your communication. This creates a record for others to reference and makes it easier to review and improve your processes … which is the next step.

3. Review every six months to see how you can improve.

一年两次左右,调查你的团队和同事s to make sure your internal communications strategy is working for everyone. Carve out time to receive feedback from your own employees. Remember, communication is a two-way street.


无论您是全新的员工​​还是首席执行官,都必须了解we all communicate differently。In the beginning of this guide, we reviewed some common communication barriers, namely cultural barriers.

The vast diversity of today’s workplaces (something to be celebrated!) means that people of all backgrounds, upbringings, and ages are collaborating. It also means that workplaces will have a myriad of communication styles and preferences.

Here’s how to prepare and stay aware of those differences.

  • 教育自己关于他人的交流方式。根据我们的成长和教育,我们都希望以不同的方式获得赞美,反馈和指导。花点时间询问您的员工和同事如何最好地与他们交流。
  • Define communicationas it applies to每种文化。What does silence mean to each employee? How do they prefer to collaborate? What does disagreement look like? How do they like to receive praise? Start the discussion and foster an open environment within your team and company. Stay diligent and work to meet everyone’s preferences.

沟通to the Consumer


When it comes to any communication you have with the consumer, it’s wise to have a strategy to keep your业务功能保持一致and keep品牌沟通strong.

Whether your posting on social media, publishing a press release, or building a new marketing campaign, all communication to the consumer — whether words, images, or video — should be consistent in tone, personality, and overall品牌

Over to You


Editor's note: This post was originally published in August, 2017 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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