In college, I took a class on graphic design. One requirement for the class was to have working knowledge of Adobe. Since most of us in the class had no idea how to use Adobe's expansive design suite, my school invited an implementation partner to visit and show us the ropes.

Someone from the partnering agency came to our class and demonstrated how to use the tools we had for InDesign to maximize our success in the class. I loved this presentation because it was created just for our group — the presenter polled us about what we wanted to learn and delivered relevant information based on that feedback.

Click here to download a detailed guide and free templates for getting started  with co-marketing.



The difference between tech support and implementation partners is that the latter can benefit from an increase inbrand awarenessandleads. If you work with them, you can offer their services to those who might need help with your tools past onboarding.


You might use implementation partners if you want to offer consumers alternate methods to learn how to use your technology. Implementation partners have the bandwidth parent companies may not have when offering personalized solutions. In other words, a "do-it-for-me" approach is more feasible with partners.

For customers, implementation partners can be a cost-effective solution for selecting and understanding your services. If you charge an onboarding fee some can't afford, for instance, partners with lower overhead may offer lower prices. This way, you wouldn't miss out on a customer with a more restrictive budget and can be assured they're getting a proper onboarding experience.

Additionally, some partners can handle larger customers, and they can meet customer needs as your business scales. For instance, one ofHubSpot's agency partners,IMPACT, specializes in helping large teams acclimate to their software. They offer an interactive training program that's designed specifically for the business they're working with.

So, that's what implementation partners are — now let's talk about how to work with them.


The relationship your company has with implementation agencies should be mutually beneficial. The agency can look forward to more work and customers. Additionally, customers will have multiple onboarding options, some at lower costs, to your benefit. Let's talk about how to maximize your relationship with partners.


HubSpot has an implementation program calledSolutions Partners. Agencies proficient in HubSpot's offerings can apply to be a partner and have their website listed on the机构page. This page is where HubSpot customers go to locate outside help with implementation, social strategy, and more.

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在设计过程中牢记程序的目的。选择尊重这一目标的机构。此外,概述公司可以提供该机构的内容。bob全站app例如,HubSpot Partners可以享bob综合博彩下载受网站功能,评论空间以及公司的批准,作为入职的有价值来源。bob全站app

2. Identify co-marketing opportunities with prospects.


这是因为伴侣可以享受的机会bob综合博彩下载in awards for their work. Agencies can display awards, tiers, or badges on their websites as well as company-approved program designs.

考虑类似的合作营销的想法当你搜索and select partners. Communicate how all parties can benefit. For incentives, you can give awards based on success, offer quotes for webpages, and even launch a new onboarding process.

For example, if there's an agency in your network that's pioneered a revolutionary method in onboarding customers, debut a joint campaign to generate more leads and interest in the program.



You can also make it a requirement for agencies to have a certain level of success using your offerings. For instance, if you offer a CMS, you can set the expectation that agencies who have at least 500 customers can apply to help SMB customers.




For instance, at some companies, all agencies need is proof of previous success and experience with the software. From there, they can expect a short interview period.

An easy application process will also be able to scale as your business grows. A two-step application is easier to manage as your company acquires more leads and broader goals. In addition, agencies that are interested in partnering with your company might be more inclined to apply if the steps are simple.


机构should be well-versed in the productand能够提供解决方案。在这个领域中,解决方案通常有两种形式:结果驱动,以及技术驱动的。

In the results-driven category, implementation partners need to locate where customers are having problems with the software, then identify solutions. For instance, if a company can't figure out how to use workflows to organize leads, the agency should be able to identify that, then show customers a fix that maximizes their software.

Fixing that workflow should improve organization between members of the team and drive growth for the customer.

On the other hand, maybe a customer can't figure out how to download a necessary extension. Agencies should have the know-how to lead customers toward the answer.

If your company offers a certification, consider whether it’s intensive enough for an agency application point. And consider developing a new course that covers the extra material companies should know about in order to be a successful partner.

Alternatively, develop a test or video challenge agencies must complete. At HubSpot, partners specializing inSales Hubhave to upload a video that shows proof of a highly-technical, results-driven solution. Consider developing a case study agencies must complete to apply.

Make sure your method for partnerships accurately demonstrates the agencies' expertise with your product. For example, a five-question quiz might not be the best route, but an交互式测试有待改善。测试可以利用软件的每个区域,交互式元素将使代理商有机会将自己的问题置于您的问题上bob电竞官方下载。

Implementation partners are an amazing way to grow the network within your business. You can begin to foster an ecosystem of users with agencies that help onboard customers. Agencies should have the capabilities to adapt to the way your company sells and serves customers — kind of like the gift that keeps on giving.


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最初出版于2020年8月19日4:00:00 AM,更新于2020年8月19日

