Marketing-Trivia-Image---1School is back in session. Whether you miss the days of fresh notebooks and new outfits or are thrilled to have the academic chapter of your life long gone ... there's always room for a little learninganda little fun. In that spirit, I bring you a new game to get you excited to learn about marketing. Introducing ...Marketing Trivia!

Marketing Trivia is aJeopardy-style game made in PowerPoint for you to play with your marketing team. Bring it to your next team meeting or host a party with your peers to freshen up your marketing knowledge. It's always good to encourage some healthy competition! ;)

Ready for some fun, marketers?!Download the game by clicking here, then read below to get a quick rundown of how the rules work.


Part 1: How to Play the Game

1) Pick Teams:Ideally you want no more than three teams playing at a time. A team can consist of one to four players.

2) Pick a Host:While we sincerely wish we could hire Alex Trebek for you, you'll need to pick a host to lead the game. If you're playing at a marketing team meeting, have a director or manager host to test the team's marketing knowledge!

3) Keep Track of the Score:While we'll provide a basic score card with the game, make sure everyone understands the point system. If you are the member of the team who is answering questions that round and you raise your hand first, you get to answer a question of your choice. The categories each have five questions. The easiest question is valued at $100, and the hardest question is valued at $500.

If you get the question right, your team receives the dollar value on the question as points. If you get the question wrong, the entire group moves on to another question -- other teams cannot answer the question if you guess wrong. After the answer is shown, the next team gets to select a question. The team with the highest dollar value at the end of the game wins!

It's as easy as that! Now let's review how to actually navigate the game.

Part 2: How to Use the Board

1) Download the Game:You'll need toclick here to get the actual game. Don't worry, it's built using PowerPoint (say, what?!) so it's super easy to grab and use on any desktop device.

For those of you who prefer audioandvisual instructions, check out the video below. It's only a minute and a half, so watch, learn, and then play! If not, feel free to keep reading -- we'll explain the steps in writing below the video.

2) Begin Slide Show:Just as you would begin a normal presentation, start your Slide Show in PowerPoint by going to the top navigation, clicking 'Slide Show,' then 'Play from Start.'


3) Open Board and Categories:Once you are in Slide Show mode, click twice to display the board. You'll now see aJeopardy-style layout of questions. Then, unveil the five main categories of the game -- General Marketing, Attract, Convert, Close, Delight, and Inbound Sales -- by clicking five times.


4) Play a Point Value:点击一个final time to have all the point values highlighted in yellow -- this means you're ready to play! Have a player on one team announce the category and point value they'd like to tackle first. If they said 'General Marketing for $100,' go to the General Marketing category and click on $100.

Once you click $100, the PowerPoint will automatically take you to that question. Give the team 60 seconds to deliberate and come back with an answer. After the team provides an answer, you'll need to click into the presentation once to reveal the answer. The answer will appear in bold.

Now, this is the most critical part of the PowerPoint. After revealing the question, in order for the PowerPoint to work properly, you'll need to click the yellow 'BACK' button on the bottom right corner of the answer slide. Once you do, you'll be brought back to your original board -- with the question you just answered missing from it. You can now continue playing until all the cards are gone! However, if you don't click 'BACK' ... you'll have to start all over again. :(


5) Share Your Winning Team on Social Media:We're so excited to share this game with you that we want to hear how your game went! After you're done playing, tweet at us using the hashtag#MktgTrivia. Send us pictures of your winning team or even snap a Vine of their victory dance. We'll be featuring a handful of winners on the HubSpotTwitterandFacebookaccounts ... this is your chance for Marketing Trivia fame! :)

So go on --download Marketing Trivia and get playing.Good luck!

download the marketing trivia game

Originally published Sep 3, 2013 8:00:00 AM, updated June 10 2021


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