
So, how can you avoid such a sad fate for your emails? And, what can you do to increase email engagement and get those coveted clicks on your CTA buttons?


Click here to download our free ebook featuring 104 email marketing myths,  experiments, and inspiration.

10 Ways to Improve Email Engagement


您发送给客户的第一封电子邮件通常是欢迎电子邮件。这average open rate对于受欢迎的电子邮件来说,这是50%,这使其比常规新闻通讯更有效。bob官网官方网站

如果我们牢记76%of people expect a welcome email immediately after subscribing to your list, it's clear that this email is an important one, so be sure to make the most of it.







  • Curiosity
  • fomo(害怕错过)
  • Humor





这se examples from beauty marketplace, Cult Beauty, offer a preview of the brands and discounts it offers to encourage clicks:

Example of good preheader texts


4. Prioritize your CTAs.


实验everything from copy and design to placement and frequency to discover what kind of CTAs and buttons yield the best results with your particular target audience.

电子邮件营销软件的此消息,bob电竞官方下载Emma,keeps it short and sweet with a CTA that spurs the reader’s curiosity with the clever and straightforward copy "See how."

Email by Emma with a clear CTA

5. Write casual, fun copy.


Use active, positive language and keep sentences short and concise. And, if appropriate, use humor; people like to smile.

Thisemail copy from Uber具有创造力,品牌和重点:




By giving your transactional emails some extra love and attention, you will wow your customers in a way that many companies miss out on.


If you’re sending emails, you should be doing A/B testing. You can test every element of your emails, from subject lines and preview tests to copy, images, design, and CTAs.

这more you test, the better you will get to know your target audience. And the better you know your audience, the more you will be able to engage them with your emails.

8. Make sure your email is mobile responsive.

Most people open emails on their mobile device. This means that if your emails aren’t mobile responsive, a large portion of them will be going to waste.

Always make sure that your design has as good or better UX on mobile as on desktop.


顾客get frustrated with brands that fail to create personalized experiences. This is why tailoring your email marketing to the recipient is crucial.

没有个性化风险的电子邮件弊大于利。在一项营销研究中,82%的营销专家witnessed a substantial increase in opening rates when they leveraged the power of personalization.


Eventbritesends these personalized emails with reports on how successful is users' events have been during the past year. This type of personalized content can also be a great way to encourage social sharing and engagement within a team, multiplying the effect of your emails.



To send segmented emails that are more likely to convert, firstintegrate your email and marketing software with your CRM和其他客户数据来源。

This gives you a 360-degree view of your contacts everywhere, including your email marketing platform. It's then easier than ever to send highly personalized emails based on your contacts' groups, memberships, and other properties.

Better Data Means Better Email Engagement

Email communication is one of the most effective ways that you can reach out to customers and prospects. But keeping your emailing lists up-to-date and personalizing your content can be challenging.

That’s where integration steps in:在您的应用程序堆栈中同步联系数据库,因此您始终使用完全丰富,最新和相关数据。

和你的CRM和电子邮件工具同步, you can automatically send recent subscribers and leads to your email tool. You can also sync extra data for better segmentation of your marketing and nurturing campaigns — plus easily personalized outreach in every email.


104 email marketing myths, experiments, and inspiration

Free Download 104 Email Myths

最初发布于2021年10月22日1:02:19 PM,更新于2021年10月22日


Email Marketing