
为什么?Maybe it's been a while since you've deviated from the things you're good at and know well. Or maybe you had to make a pretty significant monetary or time investment, and you're feeling the pressure. Perhaps you have all the drive in the world to learn ... but you're having trouble finding the right resources and references to learn from.

A lot of people learning inbound marketing for the first time run into concerns like these -- and we want to help them out. Whether you're totally new to inbound marketing or just want to sharpen your existing inbound chops, here are 10 totally free ways to teach yourself inbound marketing skills.

10 Free Ways to Teach Yourself Inbound



The problem? There are so many to awesome ones choose from. With only so much time in the day to devote to reading, you need to subscribe strategically.

我们建议检查一下Inbound50帮助您做出选择。此资源将为您提供遵循的优质博客清单。如果您已经知道您想订阅HubSpot的博客(谢谢!),you can click this link.


Reading about how to do inbound is a crucial part of learning inbound, but it's not the only thing you should do. You should also be on the lookout for examples of awesome (and not so awesome) inbound marketing. This'll give you real-world references for the theories and tips you're reading on inbound marketing blogs.

The best way to do that? Hand over your email address to other companies to see firsthand how they market to customers and prospects. Subscribe to their blog. Give over your email in exchange for an ebook. Click on the emails they send you so you keep getting more.

All the while, take note of what you like and what you don't like -- and save the most memorable examples to reference later. Having real, tangible examples of marketing will help you better apply inbound concepts in the future.

3)让你Inbound Certification.

李ke to have a little more direction when learning inbound?HubSpot's Inbound Certification可能是你的小巷。

Block off a few hours to take this 11-course series. You'll watch a series of videos about the whole methodology and at the end, take an exam. If you pass, you'll receive a badge and certificate you can add to your website, resume, LinkedIn profile, and Inbound.org profile. That way, current and future employers will know that you've got inbound skills down pat.

4)运行Marketing Grader报告您喜欢的网站 - 然后制定一个计划以提高其分数。

要窥视您最喜欢的公司进行营销的方式,run a Marketing Grader report在他们身上。该报告将看一个公司的bob全站apps website, social media accounts, blog, and mobile strategy, and it'll give 'em a grade along with recommendations on how to improve their score. Running this report will help you better dissect what the company is doing that is working ... and isn't working.


5) Replicate the work of people and companies you admire (for practice only).

My coworker Sapphire suggested thisin a post on learning design, but the tip can apply to inbound as a whole.

Once you have some examples of marketing from companies you admire, sit down and see if you can replicate their work. Can you design an email with a similar layout? Write a blog post on a similar topic? Create similar images and copy for Twitter?


Be super careful not to publish anything that's an exact copy of someone's work, though. You should be using other companies to guide your learning process, not rip off their marketing for your company's benefit.

6)让inbound.orgcritique your work.

Ever poked aroundinbound.org?这是一个很棒的入站营销人员社区,也是您可以找到许多有用的内容并与行业中其他人建立联系的地方。

One of the coolest features of the website is the ability to ask for feedback. Submit a link and an image of a piece of marketing you'd like critiqued (landing pages, emails, blog posts, social posts, and so on), and the community will give you tips on what you can improve. They can even mark up the image you submit to give you smaller, very specific points of feedback.We used this feature recently to get feedback on one of our landing pages,并得到了一些令人难以置信的有见地的指针。



If you prefer to have others actually walk you through new concepts, you could try taking a free online class. Some of our favorites include:

  • Codecademy:This site is great if you're looking to develop some coding or techincal skills.
  • 林达:Recently被LinkedIn收购,林达offers tons of free courses on design, web development, photography, business, etc.
  • Coursera:This platform will help you find Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) -- free online courses from top universities on tons of different topics.




There are tons of free templates you can find online -- and we've got a bunch you can check out, too.单击此处查看我们拥有的模板。

9) Bookmark glossaries and helpful resources.


One thing I especially love to bookmark are glossaries, like ourSmarketing术语表. There are so many terms you'll come across in marketing, so having easy-to-access definitions comes in handy more often than you'd think.

10) Read case studies.


Many case studies can be found on marketing agency or software websites. Even though they're ultimately supposed to help sell readers on the value of the company, they're often quite informative and helpful learning resources.

但是,如果您想要一些与某人卖的东西没有绑定的东西,我建议您检查一下CarketingingSherpa-- they've got some great free marketing case studies.

The moral of the story here? Learning inbound isn't necessarily quick, but there are tons of free, helpful resources out there that'll suit any learning style.


get certified in inbound marketing

Originally published Apr 15, 2015 6:00:00 AM, updated July 28 2017


Inbound Marketing Education