

Download Now: How to Run LinkedIn Ads

我们的世界充满了成百上千的items for anything your heart desires. With so many options, we become easily distracted, following the next shiny object to another site, another company, or another method of meeting our needs altogether.


You can put your business hat back on. Isn’t it frustrating when you see how many people visit your website and look at a product, and leave without ever making a purchase? You’ve managed to attract them to your business, but what good is paid advertising and a beautiful website if shoppers don’t convert to customers?

值得庆幸的是,营销人员为此提供了解决方案。叫做”retargeting" and you’re about to learn everything you need to know about LinkedIn Retargeting.

LinkedIn Retargeting







How to Retarget on LinkedIn


  1. Users see an ad in their LinkedIn feed.
  2. 用户点击广告。
  3. 他们被带到您的网站。
  4. They interact in some way, perhaps filling out a form in exchange for an offer.
  5. 用户成为系统中的领先地位。
  6. 他们的历史记录存储在cookie中,数据发送到LinkedIn。
  7. 重新定位广告已显示给用户。

And hopefully…

The user takes the steps to become a customer.

You might be wondering how the cookies know how to communicate with LinkedIn. This is done through a piece of code called an Insight Tag that gets installed on your website. The pixel is able to track conversions, website audiences, and website demographics for all your LinkedIn ad campaigns. It then passes this data from your website to LinkedIn, letting it know that you’ve got someone interested who needs to be reminded you exist.

LinkedIn Retargeting Cost

Any smart business person is going to wonder if Linkedin Retargeting ads provide a worthwhile ROI. Before you learn how to create these ads, you’ll be pleasantly surprised to know:

In their试验研究, Linkedin’s 2,000+ Matched Audiences campaigns reported an average of:

  • 增加30%与网点击率(CTR)ite Retargeting ads.
  • 网站重新定位广告的点击后每次转换成本(CPC)下降14%。
  • 通过接触靶向增加了CTR的37%。




Thankfully, you don’t have to be a tech genius to set up a LinkedIn Retargeting Ad. They’ve made it fairly user-friendly so as long as you have access to your website code, and basic knowledge of how to navigate inside it, this is doable. With good directions (they’re coming, don’t worry), you can be well on your way in a short period of time. If you have access to a website designer who will help you, that’s great too.

Let’s take a look at the overview first and then we’ll dive into specifics:

  • 创建一个LinkedIn广告帐户
  • Build LinkedIn Retargeting Audience
  • Use Matched Audiences in a LinkedIn Retargeting Campaign

How to Create a LinkedIn Advertising Account

如果您尚未使用LinkedIn广告系列经理,从这里开始and follow the prompts to set up your account.

How to create a LinkedIn ad account for retargeting



If you are new to Linkedin ads and would like some assistance creating and managing campaigns, consider using a program like滚动帮助。

假设您已经完成了所有这些,并且已经在运行LinkedIn广告,让我们看一下如何设置LinkedIn Pixel。




  1. 要找到您独特的JavaScript代码,请前往LinkedIn广告系列经理。
  2. 选中您业务帐户旁边的框,然后查看“广告系列”选项卡。
  3. From the Account Assets tab dropdown, click on Insight Tag.
  4. Select Install my Insight Tag.
  5. 选择我会自己安装标签。

Installing an insight tag for LinkedIn retargeting

  1. 复制所有标签代码。
  2. Choose I’m Done.
  3. 转到您的网站,并在全球页脚中的标签末尾粘贴洞察标签代码。


  1. 回到广告系列经理,寻找帐户资产下的洞察标签。正确安装标签后,它将从您的网站发送信号到LinkedIn。每当LinkedIn成员访问该页面时,域名都会出现在此处。
  2. 访问页面访问可能需要24小时才能进行验证,因此您可能需要返回以后检查连接。
  3. Check the Status column for all verified domains (they’ll show up as active/green).


LinkedIn Advertising Pixel for Google Chrome

The next step is necessary to ensure that this system works with any users on Google Chrome. They have more safeguards in place to prevent third-party cookies, so you’ll need to do an extra step to make this work.

  1. Make the SameSite attribute ‘None.’
  2. 将安全标签添加到您的cookie中。

如果您不确定如何使用Samesite属性,那么请吸引开发人员寻求帮助可能是一件好事。完成此步骤后,Google Chrome用户将加入聚会。

LinkedInRetargeting Options



  1. 如果您还没有那里,请登录您的LinkedIn广告系列经理,然后选择要使用的帐户。
  2. 在广告系列页面上,查找“帐户资产”选项卡,然后选择匹配的受众。
  3. Click on Create Audience on the right side of the Matched Audiences page.
  4. Select the audience type you’d like to build.
  5. 遵循页面的其余部分,然后选择创建以建立新的受众。

Keep in mind that it takes 48 hours to build an audience. You also need at least 300 members before you can send retargeting ads to those users. Different audience pages will look slightly different so we’ll review these next.




  1. 命名您的听众。您必须在广告系列稍后记住这个名字,因此请具体说明。
  2. Add key pages from your website under Match a URL that… You can add multiple links to one audience.
  3. 注意页面规则:
  • Equals – this is the exact URL you list and is great to use when you want to restrict subpages.
  • 首先 - 包含所有页面,从您输入的任何内容开始。
  • 包含 - 您将被要求输入单词或字符串。此选项将使以相关产品,服务产品或博客主题其URL字符串包含相同的关键字或短语。
  • 和/或:使用和重新定位用户都访问页面URL并访问包含您指定单词的另一个URL。使用或分组访问列出的任何页面的网址和重新定位人员。



  1. 命名观众。
  2. Choose viewing percentage (25%, 50%, 75%, or 97% of the video).
  3. 选择回溯期(过去30、60、90、180、365天)。
  4. Click the checkbox next to the video campaigns you want to include.
  5. Hit Create.


Lead Gen Form Audience Set Up


  1. 命名您的听众。
  2. 选择参与度。这可以是任何打开您的潜在客户表格(包括提交)的人,也可以是仅提交您的潜在客户表格的人。
  3. 您可以指定听众多久以前参与此形式的时间:在30天到整整一年之间。
  4. 选中您要重新定位的广告系列旁边的框。

为LinkedIn重新定位创建铅Gen Form受众



  1. 命名观众。
  2. 选择订婚类型。在公司的LinkedIn页面上的bob全站app互动包括页面视图或单击您的页面的CTA。
  3. 选择最近的观众参与。
  4. 单击创建。



Do you host events on LinkedIn? Retarget LinkedIn members who RSVP to your event (you can do this for past and upcoming event registration).

  1. 命名观众。
  2. Check the boxes next to Event names to include the events you want.
  3. 单击创建。

Create event audience for LinkedIn retargeting

How to Use Matched Audiences for LinkedIn Retargeting


  1. Create a Linkedin Campaign.
  2. 在竞选活动中使用匹配的受众。
  3. Scroll to Who is your target audience.
  4. 选择受众>重新定位。
  5. Select from one of the options of Matched Audiences.
  6. 在该类型下选择匹配的受众。
  7. 完成广告系列设置。
  8. Create your ads and launch the campaign.




  • 随着时间的流逝,完善您的广告内容。如果您发现某些内容不会引起观众的共鸣,请不要害怕刷新它,直到您弄清楚什么有效。图像和广告副本应反映您要吸引的重新定位受众。
  • 根据您的潜在客户所处的阶段创建多个广告格式。继续测试格式,并使用最能将其转移到目标的格式。
  • 变通。您将学习有效的方法,什么是无效的。当您发现某些东西没有创建所需的结果时,请更改它。


There’s no need to accept lost leads. When someone heads to your website, downloads content, or interacts with your brand in any way, it’s because they are interested in what you offer and how you can help them.

如果他们不立即转换,而不是将它们计算出来,而是将您的一些广告收入集中在重新吸引他们的注意力上,并将他们轻轻地引导回到您的公司以及您可以为他们做些什么。bob全站app您可以解决他们的问题 - 确保他们知道。



最初发布于12月10日,2021年12月7:00 am,2022年1月13日更新

