
The imposter syndrome sets in and you’re not sure how to succeed in this role.

管理技能不是天生的,他们会随着时间的流逝而学习,因此从未完全完成工作。Succeeding as a manager是一种流畅的舞蹈,需要学习意愿。


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Types of Management Skills

There are three facets ofmanagement skills that every leader will need取得成功。

The first is interpersonal skills. How are you with people?


To be a great manager, you have to hone the skills to navigate conversations within – and outside of – your team. On a personal level, interpersonal skills will allow you to empathize, celebrate and motivate those around you.


As for the technical piece, think of this as the foundational piece. It includes software knowledge, the ability to operate certain machinery, expertise in equipment used at your company.

To be a great manager, you should aim to be strong in all three management areas. Start by ranking yourself in each area and identify which one(s) you should focus on improving.


Developing Management Skills


  • Training- 这是一旦知道要进行的工作,这是您应该做的第一件事。理想情况下,您的公司提供内部bob全站apptraining to help leaderslike you improve their skills. You can also seek out training programs online and reach out to your business network.
  • Mentorship– A mentor is a valuable asset to have when learning how to model new behaviors and skills. With a mentor by your side, you can discover new ways to do things, get feedback on your process, and brainstorm ideas.
  • 经验– Nothing beats experience. While getting training and a mentor is great, going through your own experiences is the best way to learn. While it isn’t always the easiest route, as you can hit roadblocks and make mistakes, you’ll likely face unique situations that will prepare you well for the future.

Top People Management Skills Every Leader Needs

As a people manager, you have to be multi-faceted – able to support your team, colleagues, and leaders all at once.

Here are the top skills you’ll need to succeed:

  • Communicator
  • 激励器
  • Able to take accountability
  • Business-minded and strategic
  • 问题解决者和决策者
  • 组织并愿意委派
  • Trustworthy and reliable

Your team will look to you for guidance and support, your peers will look to you for collaboration and your leaders will look to you for strategic thinking and an innovative spirit.


In an ideal world, you would use the same approach to manage your team. In reality, everyone operates differently and requires a different管理风格。

To know what works best for your team, you have to get to know them. You’ll find that each person varies in how they communicate, receive feedback, want recognition, address conflicts, and more.

So, how do you get to know them?

  • Have weekly 1-on-1s.
  • Conduct personality assessments and surveys.
  • 定期进行非工作活动,例如每周的水冷器或每月的游戏之夜。
  • 向他们询问自己,例如“接下来的6个月您的目标是什么?”,“您希望如何被认可?”。
  • Host team-building activities.


2. Be empathetic.

Now more than ever, employees want empathetic managers and leaders.

A2021 State of Workplace Empathy Study,由软件公司Businessolvb bob全站app1;b电竞官方下载er管理,显示,只有四分之一的员工相信其组织中的同情是“足够的”。

The same study revealed that while the majority of CEOs recognize the positive impact an empathetic culture has on business, 68% still fear they’ll be less respected if they show empathy.


However, one study suggests that couldn’t be further from the truth.

According to the2020 Empathy in the Workplace studyby the Center for Creative Leadership, leaders see managers who show more empathy to their direct reports as better performers than those who show less or little empathy.

How do you show empathy? Here are a few ways:

  • Get training on在工作场所培养心理安全
  • Practice active listening.
  • 走在单词和关注他们的含义或后面intent.
  • Validate your team’s feelings and concerns.
  • Offer resources.

3. Build trust.



The key thing to remember here is that trust is a two-way street. Employees must trust their managers to support and guide them. However, managers must also instill trust in their team.


Building trust takes time, but here are some tactics you can start using today:

  • Be transparentabout the reasons behind your decisions, address mistakes and setbacks, be clear about your goals and vision.
  • Follow-upon conversations you’ve had with your team. It will show that you listen and take action.
  • 让自己有空to your team, whether it’s by having an open-door policy, setting office hours, having regular 1-on-1s.

4. Uplift and celebrate your team.

When I spoke to 5 HubSpot managers ontheir management journey,他们分享了一种共同的信念:他们的角色的关键部分涉及替补座位,以使他们的团队能够进入聚光灯。

这可能需要马ny forms. One way to uplift your team is by identifying high-visibility opportunities. For instance, your direct report suggested using the audio and video content platformCastedfor an upcoming project.


Start by checking in with your team to understand their goals and from there, you can find opportunities that will help them meet their objectives.

Another way to uplift your team is by recognizing their performance.


Some employees may like public recognition while others prefer private, quieter celebrations. This goes back to knowing your team and understanding how they operate.


Time managementis a skill you should master, whether you’re a team lead or an individual contributor.

As a manager, it’s particularly important because you’re responsible for more than just your work. As such, you’ll need to organize your time in a way that factors in your tasks as well as time to support your team.

6. Cultivate self-awareness.

Do you know what your strengths and weaknesses are?

Some of us never think about them outside of job interviews, but it’s important to check in with yourself on a regular basis.


7. Lean on your peers and mentors

您已经尽了最大的努力,成为一名更好的经理。太好了 - 现在依靠周围的人。

Your peers can offer insight into their strategies and thought processes to help you on your own. A mentor will have a breadth of knowledge and experience that you can learn from to grow as a manager.

实际上,一个2019 CNBC/Survey Monkey survey发现当员工在拥有导师的情况下,员工比那些没有导师的工作更有可能满意。






