
There are lots of metrics you can track on a regular basis. You can check your visits, leads, and customers from all of your marketing activities. You can check how much revenue you are generating. You can look to see how your calls-to-action are performing. You can see if you're getting any inbound links to your site. And that's just the tip of the iceberg -- the to-do list can really go on and on.

即使您可以使用很多指标,但实际上您每天都不必看一下每个指标。实际上,您不必每周看一下其中的每一个。有些指标不需要这种关注水平 - 您只会浪费时间经常检查它们。

In this post, we'll help you figure out which metrics you should check on -- and how often you should check on them.




It is a good idea to check on this metric on a daily basis because if you have a dip one day, that could affect your performance for the month. Checking on this daily will help you more immediately fix whatever could be causing the decrease in visits so that the rest of your week or month is not affected.

Number of Leads


像访问一样,铅是另一个应每天检查的指标。如果您的领先目标必须达到as part of your agreement with the sales team,有一天的变化可能会影响您是否击中它们。每天的潜在客户报告还可以告诉您您的网站是否按预期工作。例如,如果您将主页上的链接从一个驱动器更改为登陆页面,将其更改为Facebook页面的链接,那么您可能会看到当天生成的潜在客户数量。每天检查该信息将有助于您立即解决问题,因此您的一个月的其余时间不会受到影响。

Leads and Visits Per Channel

In addition to knowing the overall visits and leads that are generated from your website, it is also important to know those metrics broken down by different marketing channels such as organic search, paid search, social media, email marketing, and more.

"Look at the number of leads that you are generating by channel every day to make sure you are on track to hit your goals at the end of the month," saysAmanda Sibley,HubSpot的广告系列经理。“如果您看到一个渠道的性能比预期的要好,那么您可能希望在该渠道中投入更多的时间和资源来达到目标​​。”bob体育苹果系统下载安装

Certain campaigns you run may take longer than a day to see results (we will go through that in the next section). However, you may be able to see immediate results based on each channel. This will help you figure out how your team should spend their time and resources. Should they focus on sending another email? Or should they focus their efforts on social media? Maybe they should just write more content to influence organic search.

Having this information on a daily basis will help you switch gears in the middle of the week versus waiting until the end of the month -- at that point, it may be too late.


Metrics to Check on Weekly


Some campaigns you run may require a bit more in-depth analysis than just checking on the number of visits and leads that have been generated. In those cases, you should avoid looking at them every day -- instead, look at the metrics weekly.

Let's say for example that you launched an ebook on Monday. That day you sent out an email promoting it to your target audience. You also sent out some tweets to help with the promotion. But you still have other promotional activities planned for the rest of the week. You have some blog posts ready to go, you have some external website writing about your ebook launch, and you have some paid ads going up. After one day you will not have the results that show whether or not the campaign was a success or not. You have to wait the full week until all of the promotional activities have taken place.

Based on what you find each week of your campaign's length, you should make adjustments to your campaign. At the end of the week, see how many leads have been generated from the campaign. See the conversion rate of the landing page. Check out how each of your marketing channels performed while promoting the offer. And repeat this every week of your campaign.


"If you're running a longer campaign where you have promotional activity going on over the course of a month or even a quarter, it's still important to look at your campaign metrics on a weekly basis. It can help you be agile and adjust your tactics based on the data," saysLaurie AquilanteHubSpot的企业营销经理。”考试ple, let's say you are running a month long campaign about an upcoming event. You might find that for this campaign, your social messages are actually driving more conversions than your paid ad spend and as a result, invest more in social channels."


Inbound Links

Creating content that builds up an audience and develops a brand for your company takes time. But once you start getting on a roll, you will notice that other people will start linking to your website, increasing the number of inbound links you get and also increasing your rank for certain keywords.

If you check your inbound links on a daily basis, you may become frustrated. The numbers aren't going to move too often. However, if you check them on a weekly basis, you will learn a couple of things. First, you will get an idea of how fast your inbound link number is growing. Depending on how much content you have, this number may increase at different rates. Second, you will learn more about the content that is more likely to get you inbound links. If you are focused on increasing the number of inbound links to your website, you will now have an idea about what content you should publish in the future that could earn valuable links.


Throughout your website, you should have calls-to-action driving your visitors to landing pages. You should have at least one on every single blog post you publish. You should have them sprinkled all over your website: on your homepage, pricing page, about us page, product pages, and pretty much any other place there's a conversion opportunity on your site.


“对于您的博客,请使用各种CTA的点击率作为决策工具。如果您发表的博客文章有多个相关的CTA,请使用CTA ClickThrough速率作为决定因素的决定因素。选择,”说Pamela Vaughan, Manager of Optimization and Growth at HubSpot. "The higher the CTR, the more likely it will be to convert visitors into leads."

Overall Blog Views

You may write one blog post a week. Or you might write five. No matter how many blog posts you write, you should still wait until the week is over to check your results.


博客posts gain traction over time. Checking on the number of posts that have been viewed on the same day they were published may not give you the results you are looking for. Your blog subscribers may not read them on the exact day they are published -- they could be waiting for their morning commute the next day. It also takes awhile for a post to take off either on search engines or on social media.

At the end of the week, you should assess the perform of your blog as a whole as well as individual blog posts. See what topics resonated with your audience. Dig into the posts that generated leads -- do they have certain topics or formats in common?

"Use data about which blog post topics and formats contribute most to traffic and lead generation to help you inform your editorial strategy," says Vaughan. "If you're ever behind on your blog traffic or leads goals, this information will allow you to make smart decisions about what editorial levers to pull to get back on track."



Search Engine Rank Based on a Campaign

您在搜索引擎中的排名可能不会在一夜之间显着增加。即使您写了最好博客文章基于the keyword that is the most important to you, it may still remain in the same position, or move a spot up. Ranking well in search engines takes time.

Let's say you ran a campaign to increase the ranking of one of your keywords. You wrote a lot of blog content and created an ebook for your campaign. When will you see a difference in your search engine rank?



The cost per lead is calculated by taking the amount of money spent on an advertising effort divided by the number of leads generated by that specific paid effort. The cost per lead is helpful to determine whether or not a certain paid effort was worth the money spent by the advertiser.

"Track your CPL monthly to make sure that you stay within a reasonable budget and are also using your money as efficiently as possible. This will have lasting effects on your bottom line," says Sibley.

At the end of each month, assess your paid campaigns. Are you generated enough leads on the different channels? Are the leads you are generating through paid high quality? Is there any way you can improve the paid ads to decrease the cost per lead?

Let your paid ads run their course throughout the month. That way you will have enough results to work with to make decisions that will impact your paid efforts going forward.


At the end of your month, look at the average clickthrough rate of your emails. Of the people who are opening your emails, are they actually engaging with them by clicking on the email's link or call-to-action? This one metric will give you a lot of insight into the performance of your emails and help you figure out what you should be replicating in future email marketing sends.

If you send one email and assess the clickthrough rate, it will give you some information but probably not enough to impact how you should run your email marketing program. However, if you assess all of your emails sent throughout the month, you will get a better idea of what is influencing the clickthrough rate. Are your emails a certain format? How are you engaging with your email recipients so they click on the different links? Having the data for the whole the month will help you gather this information.

"In addition to looking at the average open and clickthrough for all emails, look at which individual emails had the most (and least) success and see what you can learn from those," says Aquilante. "See if the emails with the most success had things in common like the sender name, images, tone, etc."



Throughout the month, your social media engagement will fluctuate. You will gain new followers. You will lose some of your followers. It's nothing to worry about every day during the month. Check on this data on a monthly basis just to make sure it is still in check. If you lose too many followers, you may want to focus on social media a bit more than you may have previously in your upcoming campaigns.


Metrics to Check on at the End of Your Sales Cycle

Lead to Customer Conversion Rate

The lead to customer conversion rate is the number of customers you've closed divided by the number of leads you've generated. This is a great metric to look at toward the end of your sales cycle to see how well your sales team has worked with the leads you have generated. This will give you a better idea of how many leads you are generating versus how many customers your sales team is closing.

"You exceeded your leads goal this month? Awesome. Now it's time to check if you exceeded your customer goal at a proportional rate. It's always important to look at both qualityquantity of your funnel. Often, marketers are delighted with an increase in leads, only to later find that these leads were disqualified in the sales process," saysAngela O'Dowd, HubSpot Partner Marketing Manager. "At the end of the day your goal is to help your sales team close more business, and a high quantity of low quality leads will only waste their time."


Revenue Generated by Marketing Activities


At the end of your sales cycle, look to see how your marketing efforts affected the bottom line. These metrics can help inform your marketing strategy for the upcoming sales cycle. If your email marketing efforts are not actually closing revenue for the business but your organic search efforts are, you may want to focus more on that area of marketing. This information can be extremely informative at the end of the sales cycle to understand where you should be investing you and your team's time and resources.

"Tying your marketing efforts back to revenue is extremely important for your company's growth," says克里斯汀·麦克劳克林(Christine McLaughlin), Field Marketing Manager at HubSpot. "Take the time to sit down with your sales team to discuss the revenue results of your campaigns and brainstorm on areas for improvement within marketing and sales. Added bonus: This increase visibility will bring you closer to your sales team and encourage feedback from both sides."


What metrics do you measure daily, weekly, monthly, or at the end of your sales cycle?


Originally published Feb 2, 2015 6:00:00 AM, updated February 01 2017

