Peter Drucker once described customers as the "most important stakeholders." While this may be true, your customers are dependent on one thing.

No, it’s not your product (though that’s definitely important). It’s actually your employees. Without your employees, products won’t get made, customers won’t learn about those products, and there will be no one there to sell or deliver those products, or provide customer service to them after they’ve purchased.

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While your customers may be your most important stakeholders, in a business or organization, your employees are your biggest asset. Their performance, mindset, attitude, and loyalty can make or break your company's performance and determine whether or not you will have any customers to sell to.


What is performance management?

绩效管理是一个过程,允许马nagers to assess their employees’ work and support of business objectives. The goal of performance management is to track and improve the skills employees need to perform their necessary job duties.

Elements of performance management include giving performance appraisals, utilizingkey performance indicators(KPIs) and management dashboards, peer review, 360-degree feedback (multiple individuals from managers to subordinates assist), and the use of employee management software.


Performance management is not only important to the organization, it’s essential for the individual as many growth opportunities including bonuses, promotions, and ultimately dismissals, are tied to this process.




This works well when your employees work (and achieve) as part of a team and measuring individual results is difficult to do. In this approach, you evaluate your employees based on their behaviors and effort. Feedback looks like identifying current behaviors, communicating desired future behaviors, and providing training or coaching to bridge the gap between where they are and where you would like them to be.

Results-oriented Approach

当性能指标易于量化时,例如满足销售配额,可计费时间或达到某些呼叫统计数据时,这种方法是理想的选择。在这种方法中,您专注于质量andquantity of the end result.

Performance Management Process

A performance management plan consists of a five-step process. Let's take a closer look at the five steps.



While employees’ goals and responsibilities are outlined in the job description when they come on board, it’s essential to review this information with them regularly. Clearly set and communicated goals will help your employees understand what is expected of them and when they are falling behind.

2. Monitor

管理应该监视员工的performance continuously. If you only check in once or twice a year, a slight veer off the prescribed path could have lasting impacts on one’s performance. That’s why staying in constant communication with your employees, and keeping an open environment for feedback is essential all year long.



4. Rate


5. Reward


This can be in the form of bonuses, thank you cards with token gifts, public recognition, or through an employee rewards program. It not only inspires the employee who is being recognized but motivates others who may need an extra incentive.


You’re never "done" with performance management and this should be conveyed to your employees when they join the company, and then communicated to them throughout their employment. Without open communication throughout the process, employees may become complacent in their lackluster job performance or disengaged.

Performance Management Best Practices


  1. 定期重新评估目标。如果Covid-19的大流行对我们有所教会,那就是社会转变可以要求采用新的业务方法。目标可能需要改变并坚持新世界的旧决策,可能会导致您受到惩罚(并失去)好员工。
  2. 采用明智的目标。为了实现,必须明确定义和传达目标,并具有特定的,可衡量的,可操作的,相关的和时间结合的。当员工正确制作目标时,他们将更有可能实现目标。
  3. 利用目标和关键结果方法。OKR方法论can help your team set, communicate, and track organizational goals. This will foster accountability among your employees.
  4. Have performance conversations throughout the year.绩效管理对话不应向员工或经理透露任何令人惊讶的信息。理想情况下,经理们正在与团队成员进行全年有关绩效的公开对话,并且绩效评估应作为签到记录性能的签到时间段。当您定期与每个员工进行沟通时,他们会学会期望建设性的反馈,并期待这些相遇。
  5. Standardize and automate your process.所有员工都应遵循相同的绩效管理流程,并遵守平均水平。除了使过程公平外,还有一个转折点,当您在整个连续周期中可能有太多员工无法管理,并且拥有设定的流程和自动化软件解决方案来管理绩效评估可能是有用的资产。bob电竞官方下载

While creating a performance management plan in your organization will take some time and effort, it’s a necessary process for a thriving organization. Knowing which employees are excelling in their roles and reaching (or exceeding) goals, which employees need more support is priceless information.

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最初发布于2022年1月20日7:00:00 AM,更新于2022年1月20日

