演讲的目的ed at persuading an audience to take a specific action can be the most difficult type to deliver, even if you’re not shy of public speaking.

Creating a presentation that effectively achieves your objective requires time, lots of practice, and most importantly, a focused message.

With the right approach, you can create a presentation that leaves a skeptical audience enthusiastic to get on board with your project.


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What is a persuasive presentation?

In its most basic form, a persuasive presentation features a speaker who tries to influence an audience to accept certain positions and engage in actions in support of them. A good persuasive presentation uses a mixture of facts, logic, and empathy to help an audience see an issue from a perspective they previously discounted or hadn’t considered.

How to Plan a Persuasive Presentation


1. Decide on a single ask.

The key to convincing your audience is to first identify thesingular您想提出的要点。良好的有说服力的演讲将重点放在在especific and easy-to-understand proposition. Even if that point is part of a broader initiative, it ideally needs to be presented as something your audience can say "yes" or "no" to easily.

A message that isn’t well-defined or which covers too much can cause the audience to lose interest or reject it outright. A more focused topic can also help your delivery sound more confident, which (for better or worse) is an important factor in convincing people.

2.专注于更少的(但更多相关的) facts.

Remember:are (in the vast majority of cases) not the target audience for your presentation. To make your presentation a success, you’ll need to know who your audience is so you can shape your message to resonate with them.

When crafting your messaging, put yourself in your audience's headspace and attempt to deeply understand their position, needs, and concerns. Focus on arguments and facts that speak specifically to your audience's unique position.

正如我们写的our postHow to Present a Compelling Argument When You're Not Naturally Persuasive, "just because a fact从技术上讲对您的主张的支持并不意味着它将影响您的听众。最好的证据不仅需要支持您的主张,还需要与您的听众建立联系。”

目标受众的疼痛点是什么,您可以用来在他们的需求和目标之间建立联系?专注于这些方面,并削减任何多余的信息。更少相关的facts are always more impactful than an abundance of unfocused pieces of evidence.

3. Build a narrative around your evidence.

如果你想说服别人的东西,它是not enough to win their brain -- you need their heart in it, too. Try to make an emotional connection with your audience throughout your presentation to better sell them on the facts you’re presenting. Your audience is human, after all, so some emotional tug will go a long way to shaking up how they view the issue you’re talking about. A little bit of emotion could be just what your audience needs to make your facts “click.”

将情感吸引力纳入您的演讲中的最简单方法是使用叙事元素。正如我们写的our guide to crafting pitch decks, "When our brains are given a story instead of a list of information, things change -- big time. Stories engage more parts of our brains, including our sensory cortex, which is responsible for processing visual, auditory, and tactile stimuli. If you want to keep people engaged during a presentation, tell them a story."


Practice makes perfect (it's a cliche because it's true, sorry!), and this is especially true for presentation delivery. Rehearse your presentation several times before you give it to your audience so you can develop a natural flow and move from each section without stopping.

Remember, you're not giving a speech here, so you don't want your delivery to come across like you're reading fully off of cue cards. Use tools like notes and cue cards as ways to keep you on track, not as scripts.

Finally, if you can, try to practice your presentation in front of another human. Getting a trusted co-worker to give you feedback in advance can help strengthen your delivery and identify areas you might need to change or bulk up.

5. Prepare for common objections.

The last thing you want to say when someone in your audience expresses a concern or an outright objection during your presentation's question section is “umm, let me get back to you on that.”

Carefully research the subject of your presentation to make the best case possible for it -- but also prepare in advance for common objections or questions you know your stakeholders are going to ask. The stronger your command of the facts -- and the more prepared you are to proactively address concerns -- the more convincing your presentation will be. When you appear confident fielding any rebuttals during a question and answer session after your presentation, it can go a long way towards making your case seem more convincing.



I. Introduction

Every persuasive presentation needs an introduction that gets the listener’s attention, identifies a problem, and relates it to them.

  • The Hook:就像一首醒目的歌曲一样,您的演示文稿需要一个很好的钩子来吸引听众。想想一个不寻常的事实,轶事或框架,可以吸引听众的注意。选择可以在问题上确立您的信誉的东西。
  • 领带:Tie your hook back to your audience to garner buy-in from your audience, as this issue impacts them personally.
  • The Thesis:在这里,您可以说明您试图说服观众并构成演讲的焦点的位置。

II. The Body

The body forms the bulk of your presentation and can be roughly divided into two parts. In the first half, you will build your case, and in the second you will address potential rebuttals.

  • 你r Case:This is where you will present supporting points for your argument and the evidence you’ve gathered through research. This will likely have several different subsections in which you present the relevant evidence for each supporting point.
  • Rebuttals:Consider potential rebuttals to your case and address them individually with supporting evidence for your counterarguments.
  • Benefits:概述采用您立场的受众的好处。使用平稳,对话过渡到达这些。
  • 缺点:Outline what drawbacks of the audience rejecting your position. Be sure to remain conversational and avoid alarmism.

III. Conclusion


  • Transition:Write a transition that emphasizes the key point you are trying to make.
  • Summary:Summarize your arguments, their benefits, and the key pieces of evidence supporting your position.
  • 领带:Tie back your summary to the actions of your audience and how their decisions will impact the subject of your presentation.
  • 最后一句话:Try to end on a last emotional thought that can inspire your audience to adopt your position and act in support of it.

IV. Citations

Include a section at the end of your presentation with citations for your sources. This will make independent fact-checking easier for your audience and will make your overall presentation more persuasive.

Persuasive Presentation Examples

Check out some of these examples of persuasive presentations to get inspiration for your own. Seeing how someone else made their presentation could help you create one that strikes home with your audience. While the structure of your presentation is entirely up to you, here are some outlines that are typically used for different subjects.

Introducing a Concept

One common type of persuasive presentation is one that introduces a new concept to an audience and tries to get them to accept it. This presentation introduces audience members to thedangers of secondhand smokeand encourages them to take steps to avoid it. Persuasive presentations can also be a good format to introduce marco issues, such as this presentation on thebenefits of renewable energy.


Want to change the personal habits of your audience? Check out this presentation on how to养成健康的饮食习惯. Or this presentation which encourages the audience toget more exercisein their daily lives.

Making a Commitment to an Action

Is your goal to get your audience to commit to a specific action? This presentation encouraging audience memes tobecome organ donorscould provide inspiration. Trying to make a big sale? Check out this presentation outline that can encourage someone tobuy a home.

Remember:你Can Do This



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Originally published Dec 29, 2020 7:00:00 AM, updated December 29 2020

